Prediction of global temperature for 2017-2024

The sea wall around one of Donald Trump's golf courses to protect the Golf Course for Trump against AGW Sea Rises is the ONLY FUCKING WALL VON HAIRFUCK IS GONNA Actually BUILD
The sea wall around one of Donald Trump's golf courses to protect the Golf Course for Trump against AGW Sea Rises is the ONLY FUCKING WALL VON HAIRFUCK IS GONNA Actually BUILD
It's a great strategy to get a wall built.
The sea wall around one of Donald Trump's golf courses to protect the Golf Course for Trump against AGW Sea Rises is the ONLY FUCKING WALL VON HAIRFUCK IS GONNA Actually BUILD
It's a great strategy to get a wall built.
who is he lying to them or us ...:2up:
he's conducting business as you stated in your very first post. It's what and who he is. They won't allow the wall. So he's going after it this way. Seems reasonable to me. Why would he care if what he wants is the wall?
the course is in Ireland. So why does he care about Florida?
The sea wall around one of Donald Trump's golf courses to protect the Golf Course for Trump against AGW Sea Rises is the ONLY FUCKING WALL VON HAIRFUCK IS GONNA Actually BUILD
It's a great strategy to get a wall built.
who is he lying to them or us ...:2up:
he's conducting business as you stated in your very first post. It's what and who he is. They won't allow the wall. So he's going after it this way. Seems reasonable to me. Why would he care if what he wants is the wall?
so he is lying to us ...LOL
but the wall he wants is in Ireland.[/QUOTE]
Waters are rising there also..its AGW ...
Waters are rising there also..its AGW ...[/QUOTE]
well since the water isn't rising anywhere, one knows it is his way of getting a wall built where one isn't allowed. Still don't understand why Florida has anything to do with Ireland, but it's you so i get it.
well since the water isn't rising anywhere, one knows it is his way of getting a wall built where one isn't allowed. Still don't understand why Florida has anything to do with Ireland, but it's you so i get it.
go to a world map
locate Florida
locate Ireland
notice the Atlantic Ocean
notice it touches on both Ireland and Florida
Ireland and Florida to be affected by AGW
Trump recognizes that AGW is real
any questions ?
The expression of SB's law as a subtraction is just a computational convenience when the object temperature and background temperature are known. It means nothing else. you have any idea how stupid you sound...computational convenience....we are talking about a physical law two way energy transfer has ever b been observed

When both temperatures are equal you are interpreting that form to mean there is no radiation between the two objects, and that is just ludicrous. They both radiate equally toward each other at the same temperature according to the SB equation.

Set T1 and T2 to the same number...what does that make P in an equation describing a one way energy flow? I am sure that SB were bright enough to have formulated an equation describing a two way net energy flow had that been what they intended...alas, that isn't what they left us. The SB law isn't about net energy is a fabrication by those who need magical two way energy flow to support their magical greenhouse hypothesis.
The underlying mechanism of the forces in nature are all in the equations and interpretations of curved space and Feynman diagrams. That is all that physics ever was and will be. If you want anything more you will have to ask your God.

Sorry...but they aren't...I am sure that you believe they are.....but that is just you fooling yourself.

Underlying mechanism of EM theory are understood. It is obvious that your inability to accept that comes from your anti-science stance. It is rather hypocritical for you, who is anti-science and spreads your own breed of gut-feeling stories about thermodynamics, to talk about what scientists don't understand. The equations are all that is needed. Nothing more will help in understanding how to apply them.

No they aren' evidenced by the wave/particle duality explanation for think light actually is both particle and wave? Are you that naive? The fact that you believe that we understand the underlying mechanisms that drive the universe shows very well how much you don't know.
well since the water isn't rising anywhere, one knows it is his way of getting a wall built where one isn't allowed. Still don't understand why Florida has anything to do with Ireland, but it's you so i get it.
go to a world map
locate Florida
locate Ireland
notice the Atlantic Ocean
notice it touches on both Ireland and Florida
Ireland and Florida to be affected by AGW
Trump recognizes that AGW is real
any questions ?
no Trump recognizes he will lose coastline and he wants a wall. That's it. Ireland doesn't allow walls on the ocean. his intent is quite clear use AGW to get a wall. It's what I already said.
Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course
Source: Politico

The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.

By Ben Schreckinger

05/23/16 05:35 AM EDT


A permit application for a sea wall around one of Donald Trump's golf courses explicitly names global warming as a reason to build the wall. | AP Photo

Donald Trump says he is “not a big believer in global warming.” He has called it “a total hoax,” “bullshit” and “pseudoscience.”

But he is also trying to build a sea wall designed to protect one of his golf courses from “global warming and its effects.”

The New York billionaire is applying for permission to erect a coastal protection works to prevent erosion at his seaside golf resort, Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland, in County Clare.

A permit application for the wall, filed by Trump International Golf Links Ireland and reviewed by POLITICO, explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure.

The zoning application raises further questions about how the billionaire developer would confront a risk he has publicly minimized but that has been identified as a defining challenge of this era by world leaders, global industry and the American military. His public disavowal of climate science at the same time he moves to secure his own holdings against the effects of climate change also illustrates the conflict between his political rhetoric and the realities of running a business with seaside assets in the 21st century...........................

Read more: Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course

Read more: Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course

Paying for it himself, not whining for the government to pay for it.

Works for me.
The expression of SB's law as a subtraction is just a computational convenience when the object temperature and background temperature are known. It means nothing else. you have any idea how stupid you sound...computational convenience....we are talking about a physical law two way energy transfer has ever b been observed

When both temperatures are equal you are interpreting that form to mean there is no radiation between the two objects, and that is just ludicrous. They both radiate equally toward each other at the same temperature according to the SB equation.

Set T1 and T2 to the same number...what does that make P in an equation describing a one way energy flow? I am sure that SB were bright enough to have formulated an equation describing a two way net energy flow had that been what they intended...alas, that isn't what they left us. The SB law isn't about net energy is a fabrication by those who need magical two way energy flow to support their magical greenhouse hypothesis. two way energy transfer has ever b been observed

no Trump recognizes he will lose coastline and he wants a wall. That's it. Ireland doesn't allow walls on the ocean. his intent is quite clear use AGW to get a wall. It's what I already said.
so you are saying he is lying to them not to us ? so you agree Trump is a liar...thanks

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