

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
If Obama loses in November the left will have a melt down and there will be Country wide riots in the cities.
If Obama loses in November the left will have a melt down and there will be Country wide riots in the cities.

I doubt it.

then again, right now it doesn't really look likely that Obama will lose.

Soo you don't believe the Democrats will come to their senses?

I was hoping the Republicans would..and stop their war on gays, blacks, hispanics, women, atheists, asians, muslims, and just about everyone else in the country not white and evangelican.
Hey..maybe you can get hold of Rove and tell him what you think. There are probably a few million dummies out there who you could scare with that idea. No GOP.
If Obama loses in November the left will have a melt down and there will be Country wide riots in the cities.

Not that I think Obama is in any real danger of losing, given his opponent is a human gaffe machine that no one really likes.

But if no one rioted when Bush won in 2000, no one is going to riot now.

The real problem Republicans have is that Demographics are not their friend. Their base is shrinking, the Democrats are growing.
If Obama loses in November the left will have a melt down and there will be Country wide riots in the cities.

You promise?

I hate humans, especially the worthless and thieving kind, thus two things make my day: 1) voluntary targets, and 2) adequate justification.

Hell yeah, bring it on you immature whinny crybaby entitlement suckling commie libtard bitches out there that think the world owes you a blow job and more, those of you that would want to enslave me and others with your infantile blood sucking nanny state robbing hoodlum extortion demands. Make one hostile move in my direction and your corpse(s) will be turned into dog food and fuel. Time to cull the human gene pool!
I doubt it.

then again, right now it doesn't really look likely that Obama will lose.

Soo you don't believe the Democrats will come to their senses?

I was hoping the Republicans would..and stop their war on gays, blacks, hispanics, women, atheists, asians, muslims, and just about everyone else in the country not white and evangelican.

Yup.. nothing like a little race card/baiting to keep a thread interesting...:clap2:
If Obama loses in November the left will have a melt down and there will be Country wide riots in the cities.

You promise?

I hate humans, especially the worthless and thieving kind, thus two things make my day: 1) voluntary targets, and 2) adequate justification.

Hell yeah, bring it on you immature whinny crybaby entitlement suckling commie libtard bitches out there that think the world owes you a blow job and more, those of you that would want to enslave me and others with your infantile blood sucking nanny state robbing hoodlum extortion demands. Make one hostile move in my direction and your corpse(s) will be turned into dog food and fuel. Time to cull the human gene pool!

Seek Professional Help. Seriously.
If Obama loses in November the left will have a melt down and there will be Country wide riots in the cities.

You promise?

I hate humans, especially the worthless and thieving kind, thus two things make my day: 1) voluntary targets, and 2) adequate justification.

Hell yeah, bring it on you immature whinny crybaby entitlement suckling commie libtard bitches out there that think the world owes you a blow job and more, those of you that would want to enslave me and others with your infantile blood sucking nanny state robbing hoodlum extortion demands. Make one hostile move in my direction and your corpse(s) will be turned into dog food and fuel. Time to cull the human gene pool!

Seek Professional Help. Seriously.

Hum, some professional help laying out some landmines would be appreciated, but not necessary.
Seriously, dude, you have problems... I mean, I can't think of a therapist I dislike enough to wish you upon, but you need help.

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