Predictions.. 2012 election Cycle

When Romney beats Obama there are going to be riots.

Cities burning.

There is going to be violence before then.

Especially if it becomes obvious that Obama won't win.
And to further stir the brew? Will the O refuse to leave office if he is defeated while claiming the country is in crisis?

No, don't think so.

The left tried to claim Bush would do that exact same thing. Didn't happen and won't happen this time around either.

Yeah, I actually think the left is doing a good job of making the right look wacky, extreme, obstructionist and all about defeating Obama at the cost of the economy.

The Right is doing that to themselves. Which is why I predict an Obama win. You guys like to cry about Obama, but when you look at his record and compare it to the "ideas" coming from the GOP, Obama seems like the safer bet.

Of course his ideas seem safer. They involve letting the government do everything and no one taking personal responsibility. The conservatives in the GOP support liberty. And Liberty requires personal responsibility. Something that scares people living in bondage.
There is going to be violence before then.

Especially if it becomes obvious that Obama won't win.
And to further stir the brew? Will the O refuse to leave office if he is defeated while claiming the country is in crisis?

No, don't think so.

The left tried to claim Bush would do that exact same thing. Didn't happen and won't happen this time around either.

Well? We've had a few on the left saying that elections should be suspended...Obama is the type not to openly agree...but was raised in the same thought processes say like the Governor of North Carolina?:eusa_whistle:
And to further stir the brew? Will the O refuse to leave office if he is defeated while claiming the country is in crisis?

No, don't think so.

The left tried to claim Bush would do that exact same thing. Didn't happen and won't happen this time around either.

Well? We've had a few on the left saying that elections should be suspended...Obama is the type not to openly agree...but was raised in the same thought processes say like the Governor of North Carolina?:eusa_whistle:

Hehe, yeah, you have a point there, but I don't think the left is strong enough to pull that off...yet. We're a few Presidential elections away from that in my estimation and quite frankly, I wouldn't put the effort behind either party when we get there.

Yeah, I actually think the left is doing a good job of making the right look wacky, extreme, obstructionist and all about defeating Obama at the cost of the economy.

The Right is doing that to themselves. Which is why I predict an Obama win. You guys like to cry about Obama, but when you look at his record and compare it to the "ideas" coming from the GOP, Obama seems like the safer bet.

Of course his ideas seem safer. They involve letting the government do everything and no one taking personal responsibility. The conservatives in the GOP support liberty. And Liberty requires personal responsibility. Something that scares people living in bondage.

You're funny.

By safer, I meant Obama's ideas won't destroy the economy or get us into another 8 year war.
Yeah, I actually think the left is doing a good job of making the right look wacky, extreme, obstructionist and all about defeating Obama at the cost of the economy.

So at this point I'm not comfortable making serious predictions about whether the Capitol will become more red or more blue.

The Left would not be able to do that, however, if the mainstream media was not mostly in bed with the Left.

Sometimes I think our focus is on the wrong place. We ought to be rioting in front of major newspapers and television networks and demanding they report the news again instead of serving as useful idiots for the left. "Rioting" is an arbitrary term here of course. I would settle for nationwide boycotts of all major networks and newspapers found guilty of blatant intentional bias toward any party in their straight news reporting.

Of course they would have to send most of the reporters and editors back to school to learn how to write a straight news story that just gives the facts, all the facts, and nothing but the facts. We don't see much of that in the media anymore.
Yeah, I actually think the left is doing a good job of making the right look wacky, extreme, obstructionist and all about defeating Obama at the cost of the economy.

The Right is doing that to themselves. Which is why I predict an Obama win. You guys like to cry about Obama, but when you look at his record and compare it to the "ideas" coming from the GOP, Obama seems like the safer bet.

9.1% unemployment means buh-bye Obama.
Predictions.. 2012 election Cycle [/B

We elect an altruistic apolitical candidate who actually gives a shit about more than his/her political fortunes.

Oops....let me put that pipe down. We elect more of the same ole' bought and paid for puppets.
The Right is doing that to themselves. Which is why I predict an Obama win. You guys like to cry about Obama, but when you look at his record and compare it to the "ideas" coming from the GOP, Obama seems like the safer bet.

Of course his ideas seem safer. They involve letting the government do everything and no one taking personal responsibility. The conservatives in the GOP support liberty. And Liberty requires personal responsibility. Something that scares people living in bondage.

You're funny.

By safer, I meant Obama's ideas won't destroy the economy or get us into another 8 year war.

Can he be any worse for the economy than he already has? I'm thinking that there is that possibility as unbelievable as that seems.

After this last Republican fiasco that was supposed to pass as a debate here in Vegas, IF the election was held next tuesday, Obie would win in a photo-finish by a nose against whomever, especially since Ghadafi is in the cooler and seniors got a 3.7 per cent increase in their social security starting in January.
But the election is not next tuesday.
Yeah. It is me. You have nutjobs predicting violence before and after the election. They don't know who, where or why....but they just KNOW that there will be violence.

I suggest some time off for these people.
Yeah. It is me. You have nutjobs predicting violence before and after the election. They don't know who, where or why....but they just KNOW that there will be violence.

I suggest some time off for these people.

Soo... you must be willing to bet on your predicted view, right....:eusa_whistle:
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A 3.7 increase for SS recipients starting in an election year could end up being a masterstroke for Obie. He knows where the bulk of votes are, especially if older independents are on the fence concerning any of the Republican nominees. The black vote is already in the bag, and I'm waiting to see what he comes up with to keep the majority of Hispanics in the corral.
He may very well end up being the 1st incumbent Prez re-elected with an unemployment rate higher then 7.6 per cent. Cause we all know the unemployment rate isn't coming down significantly anytime soon.
I bet....but not on shit that happens more than a few days from now. I like to bet avatars of choice.

This thread could be a reasonable discussion about national electoral politics....but with the input of a few turned into a bunch of frightened weirdos discussing whether or not President Obama will refuse to leave the WH if he loses....and whether or not the blacks will riot in the streets.

You started the fucking about gaining a little control of it.
I bet....but not on shit that happens more than a few days from now. I like to bet avatars of choice.

This thread could be a reasonable discussion about national electoral politics....but with the input of a few turned into a bunch of frightened weirdos discussing whether or not President Obama will refuse to leave the WH if he loses....and whether or not the blacks will riot in the streets.

You started the fucking about gaining a little control of it.

Well, maybe if you amazed us with your brilliance..:eusa_shhh:

Herding cats... never works out...:lol:
I'm not brilliant. never claimed to be. I'm just a sane voice with little patience for dummies. Especially the kind whose feelings get hurt easily.

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