Preet Bharara To Rosenstein On Special Prosecutor: Do The Right Thing


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
“There is no other way.”

Fired U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has issued an impassioned plea to his former colleague Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to do the right thing, stand up to Donald Trump and demand a special prosecutor in the Russian investigation.

In the wake of Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey last week, Bharara argued in an opinion piece in The Washington Post Sunday that the only “common-sense” solution is the appointment of an “independent and uncompromised special counsel to oversee the Russia investigation.”

“Given the manner of Comey’s firing and the pretextual reasons proffered for it, there is no other way,” he added.

More: Preet Bharara To Rosenstein On Special Prosecutor: Do The Right Thing

I agree! Justice must be served.
Preet Bhahaha... if it were an "impassioned ple to his former colleague, he would have made it privately. No, this was public bitterness and a desire to get back in the limelight. Of course, the (((Washington Post))) will print anything as long as it attacks Donald Trump. Who gives a shit about either of them. Maybe I'm wrong, but does anyone recall the Washington Post standing up for the right thing and demanding a special prosecutor to investigate the play-for-pay scandals of the Clinton Foundation? Me neither. Or Hillary's emails? Me neither. And in those cases, there is added legitimacy because there are actual crimes to investigate.

Lakhota demands justice? Haha. He hates Trump. He doesn't give a shit about justice. Phony.
Preet Bhahaha... if it were an "impassioned ple to his former colleague, he would have made it privately. No, this was public bitterness and a desire to get back in the limelight. Of course, the (((Washington Post))) will print anything as long as it attacks Donald Trump. Who gives a shit about either of them. Maybe I'm wrong, but does anyone recall the Washington Post standing up for the right thing and demanding a special prosecutor to investigate the play-for-pay scandals of the Clinton Foundation? Me neither. Or Hillary's emails? Me neither. And in those cases, there is added legitimacy because there are actual crimes to investigate.

Lakhota demands justice? Haha. He hates Trump. He doesn't give a shit about justice. Phony.
You said: (((Washington Post))) Isn't that what fascists do to imply ((( _))) is Jewish?
“There is no other way.”

Fired U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has issued an impassioned plea to his former colleague Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to do the right thing, stand up to Donald Trump and demand a special prosecutor in the Russian investigation.

In the wake of Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey last week, Bharara argued in an opinion piece in The Washington Post Sunday that the only “common-sense” solution is the appointment of an “independent and uncompromised special counsel to oversee the Russia investigation.”

“Given the manner of Comey’s firing and the pretextual reasons proffered for it, there is no other way,” he added.

More: Preet Bharara To Rosenstein On Special Prosecutor: Do The Right Thing

I agree! Justice must be served.

The far left does not want justice, if they did they would not have voted for Hilary at all and insist she go to jail!
Thankfully, you retarded NaziCons will soon be beaten back into obscurity. You're too fucking dumb and corrupt to run the country. Trump is proving that fact. Apparently that old adage that "an idiot is a genius to another idiot" is true.
Preet Bhahaha... if it were an "impassioned ple to his former colleague, he would have made it privately. No, this was public bitterness and a desire to get back in the limelight. Of course, the (((Washington Post))) will print anything as long as it attacks Donald Trump. Who gives a shit about either of them. Maybe I'm wrong, but does anyone recall the Washington Post standing up for the right thing and demanding a special prosecutor to investigate the play-for-pay scandals of the Clinton Foundation? Me neither. Or Hillary's emails? Me neither. And in those cases, there is added legitimacy because there are actual crimes to investigate.

Lakhota demands justice? Haha. He hates Trump. He doesn't give a shit about justice. Phony.
Don't forget, the WP also helped sell the Iraq war back in 2003.
The far left does not want justice, if they did they would not have voted for Hilary at all and insist she go to jail!
You wouldn't know justice if you took it rectally.

Justice is Trump getting impeached.
Preet Bhahaha... if it were an "impassioned ple to his former colleague, he would have made it privately. No, this was public bitterness and a desire to get back in the limelight. Of course, the (((Washington Post))) will print anything as long as it attacks Donald Trump. Who gives a shit about either of them. Maybe I'm wrong, but does anyone recall the Washington Post standing up for the right thing and demanding a special prosecutor to investigate the play-for-pay scandals of the Clinton Foundation? Me neither. Or Hillary's emails? Me neither. And in those cases, there is added legitimacy because there are actual crimes to investigate.

Lakhota demands justice? Haha. He hates Trump. He doesn't give a shit about justice. Phony.

Yup and apparently Shittigbull has forgotten that a POTUS has the right to hire and fire whomever he wants. Every other POTUS has done the same.

You can't cure biased and stupid.
Preet Bhahaha... if it were an "impassioned ple to his former colleague, he would have made it privately. No, this was public bitterness and a desire to get back in the limelight. Of course, the (((Washington Post))) will print anything as long as it attacks Donald Trump. Who gives a shit about either of them. Maybe I'm wrong, but does anyone recall the Washington Post standing up for the right thing and demanding a special prosecutor to investigate the play-for-pay scandals of the Clinton Foundation? Me neither. Or Hillary's emails? Me neither. And in those cases, there is added legitimacy because there are actual crimes to investigate.

Lakhota demands justice? Haha. He hates Trump. He doesn't give a shit about justice. Phony.
You said: (((Washington Post))) Isn't that what fascists do to imply ((( _))) is Jewish?
Once again, a left wing liar who had no problem with CNN giving the debate questions to Hillary before the debate wants a Special Prosecutor to find Old Time Miner 49er.

Why do we need one?

The Miner is right there...

The Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress and declared there was NEVER any evidence of a crime or of collusion between Russia and Trump

The FBI has declared 3 times now there is no evidence of collusion

Obama's Ex-Director of the National Intelligence Agency testified under oath that there is no evidence to support the Democrat claims of collusion

The head of the House Intel Agency AND D-Feinstein have publicly declared there is ZERO evidence to support the accusations of collusion.

Special Prosecutor for WHAT?

If we are talking appointing a Special Prosecutor to re-investigate the crimes Ex-FBI Director Comey testified Hillary committed yet were politically protected from indictment then I am in total agreement.

If we are talking a Special Prosecutor to investigate the crimes of Felony Espionage both NSA & FBI Directors testified the Obama administration / Obama loyalists in the Intel Agencies perpetrated, then I am, again, all for appointing one.

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