PREGNANT Candace Owens DESTROYS Woke Non-Binary College Students

Candace has a resume' better than most college grads. She made her way into the business world and kicked ass.

What's even better, is that her opinions are right more than the Leftist programmed college kids. I'd like to see her and that XM gal on FNC more often. You just know that the MSM clowns on CNN and MSDNC wouldn't have her on any panels, she'd kick their asses.

Id marry her
Same with soft ass whites on the Right who don't like hearing that their heroes were actually tyrants.
Founding Father or traitor is solely determined by who wins the battle. IOW, should the US actually recover and be great again, MAGA will be seen as a triumphant movement that overcame great obstacles to succeed.

Either way, it's irrelevant. College students should be challenged, not coddled, and made to attend lectures by proponents from all sides of an argument. Keeping conservative voices off campus because the poor dears might get upset is a non-starter.
Founding Father or traitor is solely determined by who wins the battle. IOW, should the US actually recover and be great again, MAGA will be seen as a triumphant movement that overcame great obstacles to succeed.
I didn't say traitor you illiterate Simp, I said tyrant. It's simply an objective fact that they were tyrants.
Either way, it's irrelevant. College students should be challenged, not coddled, and made to attend lectures by proponents from all sides of an argument. Keeping conservative voices off campus because the poor dears might get upset is a non-starter.
Everyone should be challenged. It's only Republicans who are impressed when their heroes beat up on kids.
I didn't say traitor you illiterate Simp, I said tyrant. It's simply an objective fact that they were tyrants.
Then so is every leader in the top positions. Given your standard, can you name a world leader in the top position who is NOT a "tyrant"?
Everyone should be challenged. It's only Republicans who are impressed when their heroes beat up on kids.
I will remind you that those "kids" are old enough to defend your country with big, black, scary looking firearms that shoot actual bullets. You know, the things that most liberals are scared to death of. They are also old enough to vote in state and federal elections. You know, that thing that most liberals are scared to death people will do on their own, based on their own thoughts. They are also old enough to marry and produce offspring. You know what, let's be accurate and call them adults. And as adults, they need to be challenged by real life, not coddled in their little echo chamber bubbles where no opposing thoughts are allowed.
Then so is every leader in the top positions. Given your standard, can you name a world leader in the top position who is NOT a "tyrant"?
What made the Founders tyrants is that they were slavers you moron. Slavers are tyrants by definition. Are all world leaders slavers?
I will remind you that those "kids" are old enough to defend your country with big, black, scary looking firearms that shoot actual bullets. You know, the things that most liberals are scared to death of.
I'm a gun owner. My brother's and I were making bullets on my uncle's bullet press from when we were in middle school. Not all liberals are scared of guns.
They are also old enough to vote in state and federal elections. You know, that thing that most liberals are scared to death people will do on their own, based on their own thoughts.
Everyone votes on their own based on their own thoughts. You're just afraid to acknowledge that since the popular vote since 2004 clearly indicates most Americans vote against Republicans.
They are also old enough to marry and produce offspring. You know what, let's be accurate and call them adults. And as adults, they need to be challenged by real life, not coddled in their little echo chamber bubbles where no opposing thoughts are allowed.
Adult is a legal concept not a sign of emotional or mental maturity which biologically people don't even reach until their mid 20s. And I'm not suggesting that college students be coddled I just don't find adult conservatives beating up on them to be all that impressive.
What made the Founders tyrants is that they were slavers you moron. Slavers are tyrants by definition. Are all world leaders slavers?
That makes most every tribal leader in Africa a tyrant as well.
I'm a gun owner. My brother's and I were making bullets on my uncle's bullet press from when we were in middle school. Not all liberals are scared of guns.
But a lot of them are terrified of guns and want age limits for purchasing them, for example. In many cases, those age limits are higher than the ages of the adults we train to use automatic weapons.
Everyone votes on their own based on their own thoughts. You're just afraid to acknowledge that since the popular vote since 2004 clearly indicates most Americans vote against Republicans.
Then why are democrats so abjectly terrified that people will vote for TRUMP!? You know they are by their panicked efforts trying to keep him off ballots in various states. Obviously, they don't want people to even have the choice of voting for him, BECAUSE THEY FEAR HE WILL GET VOTES. If they didn't, they wouldn't care if he was on the ballot or not. Democrats don't trust people to vote the "right" way, so they try to make the decisions for them.
Adult is a legal concept not a sign of emotional or mental maturity which biologically people don't even reach until their mid 20s. And I'm not suggesting that college students be coddled I just don't find adult conservatives beating up on them to be all that impressive.
Okay, then they should not be trusted to vote until they are in their mid-twenties. If they cannot handle opposing viewpoints, they should not be allowed to vote because Taylor Swift told them to. They also should not serve in the Armed Forces, drink alcohol or get married. They should not be allowed to sign contracts or any of the other things we require people to be adults in order to do.
Id [sic] marry her

I suppose under different circumstances, I might regard her as wife material. But I'm married already, and have been for almost as long as she's been alive. I'm easily old enough to be her father, and by a bit of a stretch, old enough to be her grandfather.
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What exactly was the reason she was at that college gathering? To explain/debate her point of view to the students or just to score points with her usual conservative base?

How does putting down these kids help move forward the conversation?
Being educated doesn't require a conversation. And public humiliation is often the best remedy for sheer stupidity.
What exactly was the reason she was at that college gathering? To explain/debate her point of view to the students or just to score points with her usual conservative base?

How does putting down these kids help move forward the conversation?

Someone has to tell them their cosplay doesn't make them special, or a protected class, or what they are pretending to be in reality.

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