Prepare for the next crash: Trump, Goldman Sachs, and the SEC

Smart investors know to invest for the long term and not lose sleep over cycles.

Disciplined investors understand that a bull market fueled by verifiable economic trends is a lot more stable than a bull market fueled by promises and feelings.

IE, the distinction between a cycle and a bubble.
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...The OP is correct. Trump wants to put the sachs goldman fox guarding the SEC chicken coop.
Translation: Trump wants to put Hillary's people back in charge. Runnnnn!!!!

LOL. Again, I have faith those with the most to lose will be those who prevent permanent harm from befalling our national economy.
You don't have a clue, then, and I will leave it at that.
Smart investors know to invest for the long term and not lose sleep over cycles.

Disciplined investors understand that a bull market fueled by verifiable economic trends, is a lot more stable than a bull market fueled by promises and feelings.

IE, the distinction between a cycle and a bubble.
Agreed, but that distinction is what separates the smart from the stupid. In short, application of the old proverb "a fool and his money are soon parted".

People who believe in qet rich quick schemes are idiots. It doesn't matter if they are spending grocery money on lottery tickets or "sure thing" stocks promised to grow by 1000% in a year. Smart people know money is earned either by hard work and/or by legally (or illegally) taking it from others.

A few cops I've known agreed that most criminals are stupid. Going to prison for robbing a liquor store of $300 is idiotic. "The smart criminals", I'm told, "wear 3-piece suits and work on Wall Street (or K Street)".
...The OP is correct. Trump wants to put the sachs goldman fox guarding the SEC chicken coop.
Translation: Trump wants to put Hillary's people back in charge. Runnnnn!!!!

LOL. Again, I have faith those with the most to lose will be those who prevent permanent harm from befalling our national economy.
You don't have a clue, then, and I will leave it at that.
Disagreed, but we'll know in less than four years, won't we? I'm content to wait. Are you?
Smart investors know to invest for the long term and not lose sleep over cycles.
Disciplined investors understand that a bull market fueled by verifiable economic trends is a lot more stable than a bull market fueled by promises and feelings. IE, the distinction between a cycle and a bubble.
If you're in it for the long run, it doesn't matter.
If you're in it for the long run, it doesn't matter.

Not always true. Of course it is ill advised to be flimsy with your investments, but there is no guarantee that you will make money if you wait it out. For high profile investors, even a profitable investment can still cost money by tying up capital that could be used more productively elsewhere.
If you're in it for the long run, it doesn't matter.

Not always true. Of course it is ill advised to be flimsy with your investments, but there is no guarantee that you will make money if you wait it out. For high profile investors, even a profitable investment can still cost money by tying up capital that could be used more productively elsewhere.
Yes, "opportunity costs" are always a risk for active, high-end investors.

For the vast majority, though, a smart & simple portfolio, regular contributions and patience work out well, while trying to time the market is a bad, bad idea. And the people running around predicting doom & gloom are best left ignored.

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