Prepare for the next crash: Trump, Goldman Sachs, and the SEC

The "experts" have been predicting a "crash" since mid February of last year. The S&P is up over 29% since then.

The "experts" don't know shit, and partisans know even less.

Large increases in the stock market based on built in promises are even more cause for concern.
Mac is a regressive far right pretending to be a middle roader. Simple liar, is he.

Yes, his evidence against a crash is indeed evidence for, because of the incredible over valuation. One the stocks deflate, the easy money will run elsewhere searching for easy profit. Remember that? It could be oil, or even housing again.

So look for the fools in and near your circles, and be prepared to back on their assets for pennies on the dollar.

We are looking at several small condo buildings in centre city SLC that are very over extended on their credit with limited cash flow. Sweet. Two of the HOAs and eleven of the units will be picked off without any problem.
Jake, since you once again jumped in with insults - I realize it's how you folks are - I'll once again invite you to compare our positions on a wide range of issues. Then we'll see for sure who is what.

Then either they are not as "seasoned" as they claim or they are doing so for profit such as selling the market short.

When you have hundreds of thousands of dollars or even more invested it's unnerving when a correction takes place, seasoned or not. Most certainly when it's an unexpected correction

When one worries about it, then yes, I can see how one can do so. I've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in divorce. My wife lost everything in a house fire; irreplaceable pictures, mementos, etc. Who do you think lost more between the two of us?

Greed, want, desire. Those all stem from a desire for material things. Sure, I want to retire "comfortably" and am on track to do so, but I also have a Plan B and C in case things don't pan out as planned. As "the Serenity Prayer" teaches, I'm not going to worry about things I cannot change. I hope for the best and plan for the worst, but I'm not panicking every time the market has a hiccup.

The bottom line here is that the vast majority of American wealth was betting on the future of our nation and not betting against it.
Sensible regulations is not a bet against the future. It is a help for the future. And, yes, sensible planning with several plans is very smart. Cancer striking a family impedes the future if not hedged against in the planning.

The right wings of the GOP caused the 1929 Depression and the 2008-2009 Great Recession with compliant presidents signing bad legislation.

Sounds awful!! Can you give any specific examples of this "bad legislation" that caused the crashes?
Sure, but I learned along time ago with you, that you will just lie, so , no, not "just once more" for the likes of your kind. :lol:

Your lack of specifics really helps your "argument".
The "experts" have been predicting a "crash" since mid February of last year. The S&P is up over 29% since then.

The "experts" don't know shit, and partisans know even less.

Large increases in the stock market based on built in promises are even more cause for concern.
Well, the market runs largely on sentiment, and the sentiment has been positive.

The market is a little frothy right now on a P/E basis, but if earnings catch up, the mid term looks good.

We'll find out soon enough.
You sound sane this afternoon. Good. Pay attention.
The "experts" have been predicting a "crash" since mid February of last year. The S&P is up over 29% since then.

The "experts" don't know shit, and partisans know even less.

Large increases in the stock market based on built in promises are even more cause for concern.
Well, the market runs largely on sentiment, and the sentiment has been positive.

The market is a little frothy right now on a P/E basis, but if earnings catch up, the mid term looks good.

We'll find out soon enough.
You sound sane this afternoon. Good. Pay attention.
Ready, Jake?
We have done that already, you were incredibly uneducated, even ignorant, and by the time it was over, you were crying, so, no, you don't get "just once more." And least your not pretending that you are not a righty regressive. It's good to admit what you are.

The OP is correct. Trump wants to put the sachs goldman fox guarding the SEC chicken coop.
We have done that already, you were incredibly uneducated, even ignorant, and by the time it was over, you were crying, so, no, you don't get "just once more." And least your not pretending that you are not a righty regressive. It's good to admit what you are.

The OP is correct. Trump wants to put the sachs goldman fox guarding the SEC chicken coop.
Actually, the one time I tried to get you to back up your words, you gleefully avoided answering questions until a fellow lefty came in and rescued you. You then gleefully hid behind that person.

Come on, Jake. Since you think I'm a "regressive righty", you should want to clean my clock in front of everyone.

Be a man, for a change, and back up your words, Jake.

Now you regressive you are lying. You got cleaned up and thrown out with the trash. So, no, you don't get "just once more." Unless I say so, and the answer right now is "no."

The SM is overvalued. As Joe Kennedy and others did in the summer of 1929, the time has come to clear out your portfolio and await the Fall of the Fools.
Now you regressive you are lying. You got cleaned up and thrown out with the trash. So, no, you don't get "just once more." Unless I say so, and the answer right now is "no."

The SM is overvalued. As Joe Kennedy and others did in the summer of 1929, the time has come to clear out your portfolio and await the Fall of the Fools.
You don't even have the balls to quote me. But I know you enough to check anyway.

Come on, Jake. Since you think I'm a "regressive righty", you should want to clean my clock in front of everyone.

Be a man, for a change, and back up your words, Jake.
Now you regressive you are lying. You got cleaned up and thrown out with the trash. So, no, you don't get "just once more." Unless I say so, and the answer right now is "no."

The SM is overvalued. As Joe Kennedy and others did in the summer of 1929, the time has come to clear out your portfolio and await the Fall of the Fools.
You don't even have the balls to quote me. But I know you enough to check anyway.

Come on, Jake. Since you think I'm a "regressive righty", you should want to clean my clock in front of everyone.

Be a man, for a change, and back up your words, Jake.
You are witlessly trolling now, regressive. Are you going to admit you believe putting a S G official in charge of the SEC is a wise move
So Trump sucks Goldman Sachs dick but Clinton who made 675,000 dollars off of a few speeches doesn't ? Not to mention her and her husbands ties to other Wall Street interest. I smell a whole lot of hypocrisy coming off of this post.

By the way an opinion piece from Rolling Stone doesn't go a long way toward making your case.
Well, the market runs largely on sentiment, and the sentiment has been positive.

The stock market is largely run on analysis and speculation, or at least it used to be. Anytime a bull market is propelled by sentiment or vague promises, it is cause for concern.

At least some disciplined investors are finally recognizing the potential for some bubbles to implode.
So Trump sucks Goldman Sachs dick but Clinton who made 675,000 dollars off of a few speeches doesn't ? Not to mention her and her husbands ties to other Wall Street interest. I smell a whole lot of hypocrisy coming off of this post.

By the way an opinion piece from Rolling Stone doesn't go a long way toward making your case.
Interestingly, GS is known in the industry as a Democrat shop.

Blankfein himself is a Democrat, like Jaime Dimon at JPM.
Well, the market runs largely on sentiment, and the sentiment has been positive.

The stock market is largely run on analysis and speculation, or at least it used to be. Anytime a bull market is propelled by sentiment or vague promises, it is cause for concern.

At least some disciplined investors are finally recognizing the potential for some bubbles to implode.
Smart investors know to invest for the long term and not lose sleep over cycles.
Will you be screaming "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!!" at the next market correction?

In all fairness seasoned veteran investors scream that...I've seen it
Then either they are not as "seasoned" as they claim or they are doing so for profit such as selling the market short.

When you have hundreds of thousands of dollars or even more invested it's unnerving when a correction takes place, seasoned or not. Most certainly when it's an unexpected correction

When one worries about it, then yes, I can see how one can do so. I've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in divorce. My wife lost everything in a house fire; irreplaceable pictures, mementos, etc. Who do you think lost more between the two of us?

Greed, want, desire. Those all stem from a desire for material things. Sure, I want to retire "comfortably" and am on track to do so, but I also have a Plan B and C in case things don't pan out as planned. As "the Serenity Prayer" teaches, I'm not going to worry about things I cannot change. I hope for the best and plan for the worst, but I'm not panicking every time the market has a hiccup.

The bottom line here is that the vast majority of American wealth was betting on the future of our nation and not betting against it.

A few years back there was a correction in the markets, supposedly triggered by a clerk entering a trade wrong (which I never bought into because the system has safeguards to prevent that from happening) in a matter of less than half an hour the market dropped by nearly 1,000 points and trading was halted until they could determine what happened. Investors were losing hundreds of thousands of dollars and even millions by the minute....that is unnerving. There is nothing you can do as your investment vanishes, one moment everything is fine....the next you're in a free fall
If you can't do anything about it, why are you fretting over it? Why not do something within your power such as investing in real estate instead of the stock market? Setting aside money to buy guns, ammo, toilet paper and canned goods? Going back to school to learn "essential" skills? While be a great shot and winning the flag at paintball games are good skills, a more essential skill is being an EMT or a nurse. In the event of the "Zombie Apocalypse", cannon fodder will be sent out foraging for supplies, but the medical experts will be held in camp and protected. Think about it. :)

Back to my initial response to the OP: it's people who fret about losing their fortunes who also have the most influence on TPTB. They're the "donors" to political campaigns. Have faith that greed will keep our economy solvent. ;)
So Trump sucks Goldman Sachs dick but Clinton who made 675,000 dollars off of a few speeches doesn't ? Not to mention her and her husbands ties to other Wall Street interest. I smell a whole lot of hypocrisy coming off of this post.

By the way an opinion piece from Rolling Stone doesn't go a long way toward making your case.
Interestingly, GS is known in the industry as a Democrat shop.

Blankfein himself is a Democrat, like Jaime Dimon at JPM.
Agreed, which as TK1965 mentioned, explains why they were so anxious to give Hillary her "speaking fees".
...The OP is correct. Trump wants to put the sachs goldman fox guarding the SEC chicken coop.
Translation: Trump wants to put Hillary's people back in charge. Runnnnn!!!!

LOL. Again, I have faith those with the most to lose will be those who prevent permanent harm from befalling our national economy.

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