Prepare to be a martyr. The tribulations are here

No one knows when the end is coming except the Father. We do know that we must be ready to stand before Christ. Therefore, we must always be ready for the end.
The end of what? Time? The age of darkness? The end of bullshitting in the name of the Lord?

Isn't that a good thing?

If you are good, shouldn't you be holding your head high knowing that Jesus is coming and your vindiation is near?

Whats with all the fear and hysteria that many believers demonstrate about 'the end"?
Revelation is about the first century until the return of Christ when he straightens everything out.

If you don't believe me, read it all the way until the end.

I have read it. It was the end of temple Judaism.. not the end of the world.
I have read it. It was the end of temple Judaism.. not the end of the world.

If that was true, then what is revelation 19 about if not the arrival, the parousia?

So when did this happen if everything described in revelation already happened in the 1st century.

Put away your cliff notes and try to think for yourself.

You can do it!

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