Prepare to sue the Government.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
If you receive Social Security prepare to sue the Government if they refuse to pay. There is a specific tax designed to pay for this system and the Federal Government has no authority to divert funds each month from said taxes until all entitlements are paid. Obama has threatened to cut payments.

If you are receiving Veteran payments either from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Retirement benefits and the Government does not pay you also can sue under the 14th Amendment. That Amendment makes it clear the Government may not default on payments to veterans.
It's a scare tactic that Dem's have always done. Pretty much everybody knows it for what it really is.
That why he only said it once and has not said it again. Nobody was fooled by it.
Obama got egg on his face for it.
I think the median SS check is about $1,117.

That would buy what? About 5 hours of legal time if you hired a cheap lawyer?
If you receive Social Security prepare to sue the Government if they refuse to pay. There is a specific tax designed to pay for this system and the Federal Government has no authority to divert funds each month from said taxes until all entitlements are paid. Obama has threatened to cut payments.

If you are receiving Veteran payments either from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Retirement benefits and the Government does not pay you also can sue under the 14th Amendment. That Amendment makes it clear the Government may not default on payments to veterans.

So a lawyer gets a cut of this transaction.

What do you think...20-30%?
If you receive Social Security prepare to sue the Government if they refuse to pay. There is a specific tax designed to pay for this system and the Federal Government has no authority to divert funds each month from said taxes until all entitlements are paid. Obama has threatened to cut payments.

If you are receiving Veteran payments either from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Retirement benefits and the Government does not pay you also can sue under the 14th Amendment. That Amendment makes it clear the Government may not default on payments to veterans.

You cannot 'sue' the government, per se. Soverign Immunity was first recognized by U.S. courts in the case of The Schooner Exchange v. M'Faddon in the early 19th C.
If you receive Social Security prepare to sue the Government if they refuse to pay. There is a specific tax designed to pay for this system and the Federal Government has no authority to divert funds each month from said taxes until all entitlements are paid. Obama has threatened to cut payments.

If you are receiving Veteran payments either from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Retirement benefits and the Government does not pay you also can sue under the 14th Amendment. That Amendment makes it clear the Government may not default on payments to veterans.

So a lawyer gets a cut of this transaction.

What do you think...20-30%?

20 or 30 percent, lol, if and only if the lawyer wrote one and only one letter.
If you receive Social Security prepare to sue the Government if they refuse to pay. There is a specific tax designed to pay for this system and the Federal Government has no authority to divert funds each month from said taxes until all entitlements are paid. Obama has threatened to cut payments.

If you are receiving Veteran payments either from the Department of Veterans Affairs or Retirement benefits and the Government does not pay you also can sue under the 14th Amendment. That Amendment makes it clear the Government may not default on payments to veterans.

You cannot 'sue' the government, per se. Soverign Immunity was first recognized by U.S. courts in the case of The Schooner Exchange v. M'Faddon in the early 19th C.

That sovereign imunnity only applies in situations in which the government or government employees are acting according to their duties of office as prescribed. However in cases of malfeasance when the government or any of its employees act in a manner that is inconsistent with their said duties as prescribed or knowlingly acts in a manner that will bring harm to a person or result in damages, then they have waived their right to sovereign immunity.

The Federal Torts Claims Act, which waives the immunity if a tortious act of a federal employee causes damage, as well as the Tucker Act, which waives the immunity over claims arising out of contracts to which the federal government is a party, have both been upheld in Federal District Courts as well as the USSC.

In fact the Tucker Act specifically lists debts incurred as a waiver of immunity as well as tax returns that are owed but not paid. Any Tucker Act suit cases are heard by the United States Court of Federal Claims'. Social Security recepients could also bring a class action under a violation of the "equal protection clause" of the 14th amendment and sovereign immunity would have to be waived.
Since most SS funds are now in the form of T Bills, were there a default, then it is logical that SS would be on the table with everyone else that owns T Bills.

So, in the case of a default, do we fail to pay foriegn governments that can sell our bonds at less than face value, and effectively destroy our economy, or do we fail to pay a bunch of old farts here in this nation. Since we already have one party determined to destroy SS in any case, not much of a choice as to what would happen.
How about we stop the Senate pay and why we are at it the Presidents pay

My thoughts exactly. We are their bosses and they have proven time and time again that they are incapable of doing the duties prescribed to them so why should they receive pay when they do not do their jobs.

It is no different than an employee in a private sector job, if a person doesn't do as they are supposed to do, they get fired. I say that the same thing should occur for congress. During the "debt crisis" debate, congress suggested shutting down various federal agencies in order to save money but they never once suggested forfieting their pay or benefits. They want to go to D.C. and do as they please, and in not doing their job, create havoc for the nation then get rewarded for their "work".

Madison said that all elected officials shall serve during times of leisure and relaxation, and in fact congress did not ever receive compensation for their services until 1855. When we started paying our representatives is when we lost any sense of true representation.

Madison, as well as Hamilton, also stated in the Federalist Papers that those in office shall serve only during times of good behaviour. According to this statement, most of our representatives would be up for impeachment since they are incapable of following the laws that they institute for the citizenry to obey.

This is why we must return to the principles of our constitution, failure to follow the constitution can only result in the destruction of our nation. The constitution is the law that the government must obey.
It was a scare tactic and never would have happened but MANY people were fooled and believed just that. Idiotic scare tactics….

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