President Assad receives letter from Pope Francis

1) the Pope must not like
Cardinal Mario Zenari to send him into the pits of hell, the most dangerous place on earth has to be wherever Assad is hanging his hat.
Cardinal Mario Zenari is the permanent Vatican’s Ambassador to Syria and proud about this. Syria is a religion respecting country.

2) you mean to tell me that cross doesn't have a secret compartment with toxic dust powder hidden inside to take out Assad?
Only in your sick brain.

3)the letter said: "thanks for doing what would have taken us decades to do ourselves and for sending us your desperate children. I assure you they have good hands, I mean, are in good hands."
No, it doesn´t.

You just admitted the church supports evil dictators who sponser terrorism and supress revolters against such regimes=like always, does Rome squashing ancient revolts against it's tyrany ring a bell?
President Assad is the legitimate President and fights western backed Islamist terrorism. The Pope likes that. Got the point?

So the Pope is stashing Assad's chemical weapons is that what you are eluding to?
Assad is a sponser of Terrorism and wars through proxy, including acts against the
U.S. , which would be considered acts of war in a normal world not hiding from reality, nor to scared to call it what it is.
The EU had to send Nato forces few years back to keep peace and Syria from Rocketing Israel, so you are saying the Pope & the church is anti The Holy Land, the Holy chosen ones, the Bible, and thus their own idol?
Good j0b exposing the church with this thread by the way.
Keep your lies for yourself.
The Pope is interested in the fate of Syria. Look, Christians, on whose side he is!


"DAMASCUS, (ST)- President Bashar Al-Assad on Monday received a letter from Pope Francis of Vatican conveyed to him by the Papal Ambassador in Damascus Cardinal Mario Zenari.

In his letter the Pope expressed his deep sympathy with the Syrian people under the critical circumstances Syria is experiencing, stressing the Vatican’s condemnation of all forms of terrorism and extremism.

He urged unifying the efforts of all countries to put an end to war in Syria and to restore the hoped-for peace to the country as to stay an example of coexistence among different religions and cultures.

President Al-Assad reiterated that Syria, as a state and people, is determined to restore security and stability nationwide and it is pressing ahead with achieving reconciliation that forms the best way to achieve this hoped-for goal.

President Al-Assad congratulated Ambassador Zenari on being elevated to the rank of Cardinal, pointing out that staying as an Ambassador for the Vatican to Syria after getting this high rank is a unique development and it represents an unprecedented political, historical and humanitarian step that affirms the Pope’s great interest in Syria and the Syrian people.

On his part, Zenari expressed his happiness for staying the Vatican’s Ambassador to Syria after getting the Cardinal rank, affirming that Syria, the cradle of civilizations and heavenly religions, is an important country with key regional role and it will surpass the crisis and emerge better than before."

This particular pope is a piece of shit and nothing more than a political plant placed to do the bidding of the NWO crowd.

You probably have said that of all Popes.

Why would you come to that conclusion?
While I'm not Catholic I've always had respect for the Pope in the past. This guy is a joke and has no business being the leader of the Catholic Church.

Most Catholics think this is the best Pope, and I'm one of them.
You don't believe in God. You are not a member of the Catholic faith, lol. You belong to a social club.


2123 "Many . . . of our contemporaries either do not at all perceive, or explicitly reject, this intimate and vital bond of man to God. Atheism must therefore be regarded as one of the most serious problems of our time."58

2124 The name "atheism" covers many very different phenomena. One common form is the practical materialism which restricts its needs and aspirations to space and time. Atheistic humanism falsely considers man to be "an end to himself, and the sole maker, with supreme control, of his own history."59 Another form of contemporary atheism looks for the liberation of man through economic and social liberation. "It holds that religion, of its very nature, thwarts such emancipation by raising man's hopes in a future life, thus both deceiving him and discouraging him from working for a better form of life on earth."60

2125 Since it rejects or denies the existence of God, atheism is a sin against the virtue of religion.61 The imputability of this offense can be significantly diminished in virtue of the intentions and the circumstances. "Believers can have more than a little to do with the rise of atheism. To the extent that they are careless about their instruction in the faith, or present its teaching falsely, or even fail in their religious, moral, or social life, they must be said to conceal rather than to reveal the true nature of God and of religion."62

2126 Atheism is often based on a false conception of human autonomy, exaggerated to the point of refusing any dependence on God.63 Yet, "to acknowledge God is in no way to oppose the dignity of man, since such dignity is grounded and brought to perfection in God. . . . "64 "For the Church knows full well that her message is in harmony with the most secret desires of the human heart."65
What is happening today in Syria has everything to do with a natural gas pipeline to Europe and nothing at all to do with anything that you have been told.
I believe in the Christian philosophy , better than the Christian religion.
I believe in the Christian philosophy , better than the Christian religion.
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
The Pope is interested in the fate of Syria. Look, Christians, on whose side he is!


"DAMASCUS, (ST)- President Bashar Al-Assad on Monday received a letter from Pope Francis of Vatican conveyed to him by the Papal Ambassador in Damascus Cardinal Mario Zenari.

In his letter the Pope expressed his deep sympathy with the Syrian people under the critical circumstances Syria is experiencing, stressing the Vatican’s condemnation of all forms of terrorism and extremism.

He urged unifying the efforts of all countries to put an end to war in Syria and to restore the hoped-for peace to the country as to stay an example of coexistence among different religions and cultures.

President Al-Assad reiterated that Syria, as a state and people, is determined to restore security and stability nationwide and it is pressing ahead with achieving reconciliation that forms the best way to achieve this hoped-for goal.

President Al-Assad congratulated Ambassador Zenari on being elevated to the rank of Cardinal, pointing out that staying as an Ambassador for the Vatican to Syria after getting this high rank is a unique development and it represents an unprecedented political, historical and humanitarian step that affirms the Pope’s great interest in Syria and the Syrian people.

On his part, Zenari expressed his happiness for staying the Vatican’s Ambassador to Syria after getting the Cardinal rank, affirming that Syria, the cradle of civilizations and heavenly religions, is an important country with key regional role and it will surpass the crisis and emerge better than before."

This particular pope is a piece of shit and nothing more than a political plant placed to do the bidding of the NWO crowd.

You probably have said that of all Popes.

Why would you come to that conclusion?
While I'm not Catholic I've always had respect for the Pope in the past. This guy is a joke and has no business being the leader of the Catholic Church.

Most Catholics think this is the best Pope, and I'm one of them.

A large segment of Catholics dont like him.

Some American Catholics really don’t like Pope Francis. Here’s why.

Is the Vatican Out of Touch With Catholics? In the U.S., Yes. But Not Worldwide.

Pope Francis is now effectively at war with the Vatican. If he wins, the Catholic Church could fall apart | Coffee House

How sad, when people look to a church and the Pope to dictate how they should live their life's, and then try to push their views on everyone else. I feel bad for the people who do not know right from wrong. Why make sinners out of those who already are sinners, if you miss church you need to go to confession. Do you know how many people go to confession, not many, and do yo know how many receive communion, most everyone.
I believe in the Christian philosophy , better than the Christian religion.
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.
I believe in the Christian philosophy , better than the Christian religion.
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.

If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
Last edited:
I believe in the Christian philosophy , better than the Christian religion.
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.
But we noticed that you didn't dispute what I said. Good for you again. :clap2:
I believe in the Christian philosophy , better than the Christian religion.
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.

If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.
I believe in the Christian philosophy , better than the Christian religion.
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.

If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.
I like that Jesus died for our sins so now we can sin all we want. That was nice of him to pay that bill for us with his dad.
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.

If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.
I like that Jesus died for our sins so now we can sin all we want. That was nice of him to pay that bill for us with his dad.

Protestant belief, not RC which I might add is why most Protestants freely sin.
Last edited:
I believe in the Christian philosophy , better than the Christian religion.
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.

If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.

Jesus the Christ, you talk like that is his name, are you aware that Barabbas was also named Jesus? In the OT King Cyrus is an anointed one of God. I gave you a link, did you read it.
This particular pope is a piece of shit and nothing more than a political plant placed to do the bidding of the NWO crowd.

You probably have said that of all Popes.

Why would you come to that conclusion?
While I'm not Catholic I've always had respect for the Pope in the past. This guy is a joke and has no business being the leader of the Catholic Church.

Most Catholics think this is the best Pope, and I'm one of them.

A large segment of Catholics dont like him.

Some American Catholics really don’t like Pope Francis. Here’s why.

Is the Vatican Out of Touch With Catholics? In the U.S., Yes. But Not Worldwide.

Pope Francis is now effectively at war with the Vatican. If he wins, the Catholic Church could fall apart | Coffee House

How sad, when people look to a church and the Pope to dictate how they should live their life's, and then try to push their views on everyone else. I feel bad for the people who do not know right from wrong. Why make sinners out of those who already are sinners, if you miss church you need to go to confession. Do you know how many people go to confession, not many, and do yo know how many receive communion, most everyone.

It appears the new pope could use a little help with whats right and wrong.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.

If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.
I like that Jesus died for our sins so now we can sin all we want. That was nice of him to pay that bill for us with his dad.

Protestant belief, not RC which I might add is why most Protestants freely sin.
Clearly you are ignorant of what the CCC states on this subject. I bet you think you are eating a wafer during communion, right?
There is no such thing as good coming from a lie. You coopt religion as a political platform for political purposes. You are the worst kind of a liar.
Christian philosophy is a lie? Wow! Good for you!
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.

If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.

Jesus the Christ, you talk like that is his name, are you aware that Barabbas was also named Jesus? In the OT King Cyrus is an anointed one of God. I gave you a link, did you read it.
You are just proving my point further.
I think the fact that she just thanked you is all the proof I needed.

If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.
I like that Jesus died for our sins so now we can sin all we want. That was nice of him to pay that bill for us with his dad.

Protestant belief, not RC which I might add is why most Protestants freely sin.
Clearly you are ignorant of what the CCC states on this subject. I bet you think you are eating a wafer during communion, right?

Transubstantiation is not true, those hosts that turned red were due to a bacterium. I was brought up with the Baltimore Catechism and I have also read the new one, much longer I might add. Did you see the part where it says God became man so that man might become Gods, what do you think that means.
If you do not believe in Christian philosophy you really can't call yourself a Christian can you?
Christian philosophy - Wikipedia

Being a fundamentalist is not being a Christian.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.
I like that Jesus died for our sins so now we can sin all we want. That was nice of him to pay that bill for us with his dad.

Protestant belief, not RC which I might add is why most Protestants freely sin.
Clearly you are ignorant of what the CCC states on this subject. I bet you think you are eating a wafer during communion, right?

Transubstantiation is not true, those hosts that turned red were due to a bacterium. I was brought up with the Baltimore Catechism and I have also read the new one, much longer I might add. Did you see the part where it says God became man so that man might become Gods, what do you think that means.
You are further proving my point. You are not a member of the Catholic faith. You are a member of a Catholic social club and your only reason for belonging is political motivation. You are the worst kind of deceiver.
lol, you just thanked him for calling your Christian philosophy a lie. But to answer your question, being a Christian is all about believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior which you don't.
I like that Jesus died for our sins so now we can sin all we want. That was nice of him to pay that bill for us with his dad.

Protestant belief, not RC which I might add is why most Protestants freely sin.
Clearly you are ignorant of what the CCC states on this subject. I bet you think you are eating a wafer during communion, right?

Transubstantiation is not true, those hosts that turned red were due to a bacterium. I was brought up with the Baltimore Catechism and I have also read the new one, much longer I might add. Did you see the part where it says God became man so that man might become Gods, what do you think that means.
You are further proving my point. You are not a member of the Catholic faith. You are a member of a Catholic social club and your only reason for belonging is political motivation. You are the worst kind of deceiver.

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81

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