President Biden talks down to Putin

Oh, so he's supposed to speak nice and soft to him like this palooka did, right?

He is supposed to engage in talks.
Not lecture from a bully pulpit, especially after conceding Afghanistan to the very people we were trying to remove for twenty years.
Fact is, the war will only stop with a negotiated settlement, not by making empty demands.
He is supposed to engage in talks.
Not lecture from a bully pulpit, especially after conceding Afghanistan to the very people we were trying to remove for twenty years.
Fact is, the war will only stop with a negotiated settlement, not by making empty demands.
Basically, do the opposite of what old senile Reagan did, right?

A world leader, respected and revered by the maga crowd, is insulted and threatened by our President! Doesn't Biden realize that when he insults Trump's buddy, he insults Trump? Putin has nukes, and it is his right to use them if he desires. Just ask Trump!

You can bet that if the Reubtards capture the House and the Senate, they will impeach President Biden over this egregious treatment of, not only a respected world leader, but also Trump's buddy. Bigly!!!
So the headline is what Biden did and you have to trumpify it.

God damn you people are pathetic
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Let’s say I haven’t. Can you tell me how it benefited China?

The CHIPS act limits US innovation. The Hill has a good article on how the CHIPS act handcuffs the USA's ability to innovate.

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