President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

Pretty sure he said “constipation“.
I’m pretty sure a lot of conservatives are constipated this morning.
We’ve been told that Biden can’t get out of bed for the last 6 months. Looks like he got out, walked out, and gave a well received speech during a pressure situation.

What else you got?
Here's the thing. And it was very predictable going into this thing.

What we have, and what we have had for some time, are the people who are actually running things from behind the curtain backlashing because they know that Americans are onto what is going on.

They're just retaliating now, except through Tater and a teleprompter. He's just the ''face'' for them.

This was a swamplash at the American people. Nothing more. Nothing less. And that was all that it was ever going to be, predictably.

Tater's just the puppet with their hands shoved up his rear end, going through their motions. It's all he's ever been. Come on. Pft. They didn't shuffle him away and rehearse this swamplash for four days for nothing. The people who are really running things want vindication. But they'll never come out from behind the curtain themselves. Not ever. Huh uh.

At the end of the day, it was just another example of swamp monsters doing what swamp monsters do. They agitate. They antagonize. They provoke. That's what their war on us is all about. And this is their next forever war, folks. If you let it be anyway...
you sound frustrated.

Begin by acknowledging that people are laboring under cost of living expenses. Stop pushing "Good Economy" in their faces hoping that they will suddenly become economically literate enough to understand things like core inflation or corporate price gouging....because they don't and they won't.
None of those are actions.

But, if it makes yku feel better about him:

He spent a lot of time on proposals to reduce the cost of living. It was one of the main thrusts of his speech.

Too bad he will NEVER get the cult onboard.
I’m pretty sure a lot of conservatives are constipated this morning.
We’ve been told that Biden can’t get out of bed for the last 6 months. Looks like he got out, walked out, and gave a well received speech during a pressure situation.

What else you got?
H HA> "well received" ? Problem was: basket case delivered. :rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes::cuckoo:
That was awesome, wasn’t it?

He spoke so well, so quickly, so intelligently, and transitioned so effectively that the Republican members, decorated like NASCAR cars with stupid, pandering buttons and hats, looked like, well… idiots.

They could not get a word in. They could not get a jeer in. They could not get a made-for-TikTok protest in.

Republicans were on their heels the entire evening. And they probably knew it from the outset.

They tried to whine about immigration and he destroyed them.

This was not the Biden that Fox News had told them to expect.

This was not the Biden that they were prepared for.

No one is paying attention to their “response.” No one cares. No one cares who jeered, who heckled, and no one cares about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hat.

No one. President Biden won the night, and it will carry over.

This was a seminal moment in U.S. politics.

That’s all.

Moses looked like he was constipated. That was embarrassing.

The only thing the DemoKKKrats have to offer Americans are more wars, and the promise that women can kill their children whenever they want to.
Yup. Likely the most divisive SOTU ever. I know that makes you cultists happy, but it frankly pisses the the rest of us off that the President intentionally wants to divide the country
Even you clowns admit that trump does shit to trigger the (D) and yet you claim that biden is the divider. LOLLOOLLLLLL

I love how biden took a different approach last night and fucked with your brain.
The repub rebuttal was from a woman sitting in her kitchen. That is where repubs think women need to the Kitchen.
Even you clowns admit that trump does shit to trigger the (D) and yet you claim that biden is the divider. LOLLOOLLLLLL

I love how biden took a different approach last night and fucked with your brain.
The left has no brains to fuck with. So there’s that.
Didn’t watch it.

I’m sure you recognize that look though---you’ve gotten it all your life, right?
I watched it. Biden's demented anger was on autopilot. I must have really ground your face in your own shit for you to get that snotty chip on your soldier, huh. Are you going to be okay?

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