President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

Global supply chains?

Biden fixed the American supply chains. If you want him to police the world, just say so.
/-----/ The US is part of the global supply chain, you nitwit. Now provide a link proving otherwise.
Here's mine: Shortages 2024: What supplies are still at risk after years of disruption?
Shortages of certain medicines continued to plague hospitals and providers through 2023, and many of the underlying dynamics have not been resolved.

The Food & Drug administration still lists shortages for some cancer treatments such as carboplatin and cisplatin — which have caused astronomical price spikes. Those are in addition to dozens of other medicines in short supply.
Analytics firm Everstream listed agricultural commodity shortages as one of its top supply chain risks in 2024, citing in part production halts in 2023 during a turbulent year for crops.
As countries and businesses scramble to revamp their energy use, companies are competing for key materials used to make batteries for electric vehicles and other green technologies.
The President will address a Joint Session of Congress at the United States Capitol on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 9 PM ET.

Biden’s State of the Union address is seriously high stakes

I am looking forward to it. I am hoping that President Biden can tout all the good things he has done for America! He doesn't get nearly enough credit for all the positive things he has done! However, I admit I've been disappointed regarding his handling of the Israeli/Palestinian disaster, but I will still vote for him in November. What do you think?
He is not "President", and never will be. He is a lowlife highjacker, cheat.
His "SOTU" was a wild. reckless, looney catastrophe.
Don't forget Nex Benedict!

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Nex Benedict was a 16-year-old non-binary American student who died after an incident at their high school on February 7, 2024. According to their mother and friends, Benedict had experienced bullying from students due to their gender identity for more than a year before their death. Wikipedia
Was this person a he or a she ?
Another repub sexual abuser. The repub party must be full of these shirt chasers. How much did Rupert have to pay to keep women from suing this loser?

Reps don't have any policies to speak of. Reps claim to fame is they get little done. Consequently, they destroy America slower than dems.

Dems = fast destruction.

If reps take back power, they will lower taxes for the rich, try to make it harder for the bad bruthas to vote and try to legalize silencers and fail again.

Even though the reps are incompetent, the reps are the only choice. Should I vote dem and vote to confiscate my guns and turn America in Mehico ASAP?

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The Dims are "the rich" not the Republicans.
Want to stay on point. Since Biden is now working on bringing down prescription drug prices.

Republicans whine about inflation but do nothing as our President takes action to bring down prices on drugs, food and housing

And when it was answered with domestic supply chain fixes.

/-----/ The US is part of the global supply chain, you nitwit. Now provide a link proving otherwise.

The American grocery basket comes from North American farms and ranches.
And when you lost that argument, you turned to drugs.
This nitwit was threatening the Supreme Court. They had to sit there and listen to idiot Biden, this gastly, shreaking, scarecrow of a man, say "with all due respect" (except there was NO RESPECT)

Incoherent, slurred, disjointed MESS.

EARTH TO ANY IDIOT PRAISING THIS MESS >> The Constitution does not guarantee anyone a right to have an abortion.
Thank you, Supreme Court.
Not at any of his SOTU addresses. Time and place. Last night was clearly only addressed to his loon base. There was nothing in his speech for the rest of us.
He didn't mention our patriots fighting the redcoats for the airports either like Trump in an official speech.
That was awesome, wasn’t it?

He spoke so well, so quickly, so intelligently, and transitioned so effectively that the Republican members, decorated like NASCAR cars with stupid, pandering buttons and hats, looked like, well… idiots.

They could not get a word in. They could not get a jeer in. They could not get a made-for-TikTok protest in.

Republicans were on their heels the entire evening. And they probably knew it from the outset.

They tried to whine about immigration and he destroyed them.

This was not the Biden that Fox News had told them to expect.

This was not the Biden that they were prepared for.

No one is paying attention to their “response.” No one cares. No one cares who jeered, who heckled, and no one cares about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hat.

No one. President Biden won the night, and it will carry over.

This was a seminal moment in U.S. politics.

That’s all.

Moses looked like he was constipated. That was embarrassing.


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