President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

I can find no public survey that concludes otherwise, but hope that they will be cited if anyone can find them.

How about the folks who deal with Biden's disaster every day,?

Why would any black person support anyone that a racist POS like you supports?

I didn't realize all of the Trump Humpers on this forum were actually paid political pundits.

What rights of yours is he infringing on? It isn't against the law to be racist trash.

It's amazing how idiots like you didn't think that when young men were dying in Iraq and Afghanistan when Bush 43 and Trump were in office. Why did Trump reduce troop levels for 13k to 2500? You're dumbass was ok with that, Biden just finished what Trump started.
You’re possibly the biggest race baiter here. You're one of the biggest pieces of human shit too.

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