President Biden's Approval Ratings have been down since leaving Afghanistan

As for Afghanistan, he literally took 20 years of work, and flushed it down the drain. We now have an energized Taliban that will now rule the country and do as they please for the rest of our lives.
what is 100 x 0?
you babble crap--Mr Trump is a lot better...Bidumb can't even complete a sentence--he mubbles and bumbles
..Bidumb is a PUSS not taking questions/etc
Mr Trump was trying to secure our border and protect American workers and energy independence
Bidumb is doing the opposite = destroying America
As for Afghanistan, he literally took 20 years of work, and flushed it down the drain. We now have an energized Taliban that will now rule the country and do as they please for the rest of our lives.

Dude, what happened in Afghanistan was going to happen no matter who was POTUS or if we stayed 1000 more years.

The Taliban was always going to take over, that is why Trump made his peace deal with them and not the Afgan Govt at the time. That is why Trump's deal included helping them to gain international recognition as a legit Govt.

Yes, Biden fucked up the leaving, he should not have moved the date or taken troops out before all citizens were out.

But to blame the Taliban taking over on him just shows your ignorance. That was a forgone conclusion
Dude, what happened in Afghanistan was going to happen no matter who was POTUS or if we stayed 1000 more years.

The Taliban was always going to take over, that is why Trump made his peace deal with them and not the Afgan Govt at the time. That is why Trump's deal included helping them to gain international recognition as a legit Govt.

Yes, Biden fucked up the leaving, he should not have moved the date or taken troops out before all citizens were out.

But to blame the Taliban taking over on him just shows your ignorance. That was a forgone conclusion
wrong--Bidumb completely fkd up the withdrawal
I have seen Biden's ratings dip below 50% for the first time in September, and been floundering around there ever since. Will his ratings go back up?

The Democrats must pass this Infrastructure Bill if his ratings are to improve.
Keep dreaming.
May not have ended as we would have wanted but 20 years and many life's later am glad its over, & do not understand how a twenty year mess is all a 10 month presidents fault. War is hell & never ends well.
Afghanistan is his first fuck up they couldn't keep out of the public's eye really. Once that happened more and more people have been steadily saying the guy is a dipship so his ratings started dropping.

Even Robin Williams a long time thought Biden was a dumbass.

Yes he will
He'll be what...82? Biden wont have the energy and anyone around him that has any sense will convince him not to run, if it comes to that.

We need someone younger with fresh ideas, not more old people like Biden, Grassley, Feinstein, and McConnell.

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