President Biden's Speech to the Nation

No excuses. No apologies. To the point. Direct. A Presidential speech.

He was right that it was up to the Afghans to fight for their future.

Great Speech.

I thought that Sleepy Joe showed a lot of chutzpah, pissed that the Afghan Army wouldn't fight for him.

But it was interesting listening to the end of the Global War on Terror I and the US surrender.
Thank Bush then.

George W. Bush didn't surrender, the president is Sleepy Joe who delivered the message of capitulation this afternoon to our enemy. I'm sure that the evil doers detained at Gitmo are drinking their hooch and have a great day.
What a wasted piece of dementia-based BS...

1. Biden made the false argument that the issue today is either with him on withdrawing was the right thing to do or you want to stay decades longer.
-- BS. No one I know thinks getting out is the wrong thing to do....but that isn't why the entire world - including CNN - is bashing Biden today. They are bashing him because of how BADLY he f*ed up the withdrawal!

- EVERYTHING he said would not happen happened


2. Joe Biden blamed EVERYONE .... EXCEPT HIMSELF.

Of course I am sure the dementia fan snowflakes bought his BS
The Taliban won. Dumbass

They were always going to, nobody is prepared to do what must be done to win a war like this. Hell I don't it could have been won. You going to nuke the entire Nation? I agree somebody needed to pull us out of there, Joe did but he screwed it up. Pull the troops out...OOOOPS we still have people there, send the troops back in to protect them. Like it or not Progs, the optics for Joe were weak and they will forever be compared to Saigon.
Yes, he didn't surrender, he put us there.
AQ put us there the moment they attacked our country. The Taliban put us there when they refused to hand over OBL....

I realize at 14yo you may not know the whole story of a 20 year conflict, but for God's sake, ask your mom...She's right up stairs...
No excuses. No apologies. To the point. Direct. A Presidential speech.

He was right that it was up to the Afghans to fight for their future.

Great Speech.

No apologies and no questions. Not too presidential.
Freedom and Liberty must be fought for
The Afghans wanted us to do it for them

If they are not willing to fight for freedom, neither should we

Actually, soldiers in Afghan Army are paid Starvation Slave Wages. Far under the minimum.

Biden is expecting a lot for such a little bit of money. Afghan soldiers only get $165/month base rate although a little bit more if they are in heavy fighting areas.

I made more in high school as a Pump Man for the Exxon corporation.
The Afghan army folded before we were even gone, yeah so why would we continue to give aid to a country not willing to fight for their own freedom? And I realize many afghanis worked with the US but seriously there is no way to vet these people and their families in order to bring them to the US.

It is not a question of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan. The filthy Democrats are using that as spin to cover up their incompetence.

The question is how in the hell did the US screw up the withdrawal so bad putting Americans and our allies at risk and allowing the Taliban to capture so much of our equipment.

The dumbass Democrats were more concerned with increasing welfare and shipping the Illegals into Red voting districts to pay attention to foreign affairs.

Joe Dufus and his merry little band of Moon Bat clowns screwed this one up big time.

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus and then ignored the fact he stole the election is an idiot.
Actually, soldiers in Afghan Army are paid Starvation Slave Wages. Far under the minimum.

Biden is expecting a lot for such a little bit of money. Afghan soldiers only get $165/month base rate although a little bit more if they are in heavy fighting areas.

I made more in high school as a Pump Man for the Exxon corporation.
What's the average salary of an Afghan male working a job?
They were always going to, nobody is prepared to do what must be done to win a war like this. Hell I don't it could have been won. You going to nuke the entire Nation? I agree somebody needed to pull us out of there, Joe did but he screwed it up. Pull the troops out...OOOOPS we still have people there, send the troops back in to protect them. Like it or not Progs, the optics for Joe were weak and they will forever be compared to Saigon.
The USA could’ve ended the war in under 1 year. You telling me the worlds most powerful army can’t defeat a bunch of cavemen. It’s a joke. The reason why they were in Afghanistan had nothing to do with terrorism. It’s about enriching military contracts and oil.

The way Biden ended it has gotten many people killed. Many lives could have been saved if done differently. It’s an absolute disgrace and slap in the face of the Americans and afghan citizens.

I guarantee we’ll end up going back with an even bigger military presence.

Well then, if he’s honest, then he surely is the dumbest person to ever hold office.

He couldn’t have been more wrong

Absolutely terrible speech. He didn't even bother to address the real issue of why he screwed up the withdrawal.

Great example of how incompetent this administration is.
No excuses. No apologies. To the point. Direct. A Presidential speech.

He was right that it was up to the Afghans to fight for their future.

Great Speech.

Ummmm, ummmm, whoops, ummmmm, how???????, ummmmm, where???????


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