President declares: Every gun that is made, every warship launched is a theft from the hungry

The man couldn't even dress himself. He had a valet do it

I normally scroll right by your posts but this one caught my eye.

The man helped win WWII. He helped liberate Europe. He first had the responsibility for creating the major war plans to defeat Japan and Germany until June 1942. In June 1942 he became Commanding General, European Theater of Operations. In November of that year he was also appointed Supreme Commander Allied Expeditiory Forces of the North African Theater of Operations.

He planned Operation Overlord, the landing on Normandy Beach on D day.

He liberated concentration camps across Europe.

Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His resume/biography is very long. The above is just a very small portion of his accomplishments.

Every American and European on this earth have Dwight D. Eisenhower to thank for their freedom.

Yet all you can say was he couldn't dress himself?
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President declares: Every gun that is made, every warship launched is a theft from the hungry

And Republicans say "good" when they don't say worse.

I'd say as much experience as Eisenhower

You also get the chapped lips of the year award for how much ass you kiss.

Obama couldn't shine Eisenhower's boots when it comes to military experience.

Who said anything about Obama?

It was Eisenhower who made the quote in the OP. Seems he would know more about the subject than anyone else....won't you agree

Patton was a far better general and understood our true enemies better. He recognized the Soviet threat long before anyone...he also died for speaking out about it

Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.
The man couldn't even dress himself. He had a valet do it

I normally scroll right by your posts but this one caught my eye.

The man helped win WWII. He helped liberate Europe. He first had the responsibility for creating the major war plans to defeat Japan and Germany until June 1942. In June 1992 he became Commanding General, European Theater of Operations. In November of that year he was also appointed Supreme Commander Allied Expeditiory Forces of the North African Theater of Operations.

He planned Operation Overlord, the landing on Normandy Beach on D day.

He liberated concentration camps across Europe.

Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His resume/biography is very long. The above is just a very small portion of his accomplishments.

Every American and European on this earth have Dwight D. Eisenhower to thank for their freedom.

Yet all you can say was he couldn't dress himself?

You should have kept scrolling, clown face. I take none of you nimwits using clown avatars serious, in fact I don't know why you're not in my ignore
The man couldn't even dress himself. He had a valet do it

I normally scroll right by your posts but this one caught my eye.

The man helped win WWII. He helped liberate Europe. He first had the responsibility for creating the major war plans to defeat Japan and Germany until June 1942. In June 1992 he became Commanding General, European Theater of Operations. In November of that year he was also appointed Supreme Commander Allied Expeditiory Forces of the North African Theater of Operations.

He planned Operation Overlord, the landing on Normandy Beach on D day.

He liberated concentration camps across Europe.

Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His resume/biography is very long. The above is just a very small portion of his accomplishments.

Every American and European on this earth have Dwight D. Eisenhower to thank for their freedom.

Yet all you can say was he couldn't dress himself?
Eisenhower died in 1969. How could be become Commanding General in 1992?
You also get the chapped lips of the year award for how much ass you kiss.

Obama couldn't shine Eisenhower's boots when it comes to military experience.

Who said anything about Obama?

It was Eisenhower who made the quote in the OP. Seems he would know more about the subject than anyone else....won't you agree

Patton was a far better general and understood our true enemies better. He recognized the Soviet threat long before anyone...he also died for speaking out about it

Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced
Who said anything about Obama?

It was Eisenhower who made the quote in the OP. Seems he would know more about the subject than anyone else....won't you agree

Patton was a far better general and understood our true enemies better. He recognized the Soviet threat long before anyone...he also died for speaking out about it

Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced

Whooosh right over the point on your head. Own up, you saw a "make me feel good quote" by Eisenhower and without having the first clue what he was all about, when the speech was made and who he made it to you decided you would post it and try to run with it. You've failed
Who said anything about Obama?

It was Eisenhower who made the quote in the OP. Seems he would know more about the subject than anyone else....won't you agree

Patton was a far better general and understood our true enemies better. He recognized the Soviet threat long before anyone...he also died for speaking out about it

Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced

The Soviet Union was a country with defined borders. We knew our threat. Today, our greatest threat has no identifiable borders which makes it a greater one. Eisenhower handled the threats. The President today tries to appease those who threaten us.
We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced
Yeah, Reagan rocked, huh?

I liked Reagan

He acted correctly in not trying to exploit the collapse of the Soviet Union
He also wanted to completely eliminate nuclear weapons
Patton was a far better general and understood our true enemies better. He recognized the Soviet threat long before anyone...he also died for speaking out about it

Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced

The Soviet Union was a country with defined borders. We knew our threat. Today, our greatest threat has no identifiable borders which makes it a greater one. Eisenhower handled the threats. The President today tries to appease those who threaten us.

And how should we use our Military force to address that threat?
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. … Is there no other way the world may live?

Great speech by a great President

How about vacations to Hawaii, campaign trips, golf outings, open borders, etc
Patton was a far better general and understood our true enemies better. He recognized the Soviet threat long before anyone...he also died for speaking out about it

Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced

Whooosh right over the point on your head. Own up, you saw a "make me feel good quote" by Eisenhower and without having the first clue what he was all about, when the speech was made and who he made it to you decided you would post it and try to run with it. You've failed

It was a great speech by a great man

Eisenhower was warning of the price a society pays for a military buildup. A classic butter or guns economic analysis
Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced

The Soviet Union was a country with defined borders. We knew our threat. Today, our greatest threat has no identifiable borders which makes it a greater one. Eisenhower handled the threats. The President today tries to appease those who threaten us.

And how should we use our Military force to address that threat?
Quit taking the approach of trying not to lose and taking one of trying to win. There is a difference. I don't give a shit if those we are fighting don't like us. Far too many don't want to make them mad or want to fight them in a way thinking that if we're nice to them, they'll like us.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. … Is there no other way the world may live?

Great speech by a great President

How about vacations to Hawaii, campaign trips, golf outings, open borders, etc

I don't think he ever vacationed in Hawaii.....but he did play golf more than any other President. Over 800 times
Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced

Whooosh right over the point on your head. Own up, you saw a "make me feel good quote" by Eisenhower and without having the first clue what he was all about, when the speech was made and who he made it to you decided you would post it and try to run with it. You've failed

It was a great speech by a great man

Eisenhower was warning of the price a society pays for a military buildup. A classic butter or guns economic analysis

Eisenhower was dealing with a different time period. You're one of those that says we can't live in the 1950s yet use a quote from the 1950s.
Too fucking funny

Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced

The Soviet Union was a country with defined borders. We knew our threat. Today, our greatest threat has no identifiable borders which makes it a greater one. Eisenhower handled the threats. The President today tries to appease those who threaten us.

And how should we use our Military force to address that threat?
Tell the muslim leaders to kill the radicals or we will kill all of you. Nukes is good.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. … Is there no other way the world may live?

Great speech by a great President

How about vacations to Hawaii, campaign trips, golf outings, open borders, etc

I don't think he ever vacationed in Hawaii.....but he did play golf more than any other President. Over 800 times
Where did he spend North Dakota?
Yeah you are...and complete moron. In fact your entire thread is moronic. You idiot when Eisenhower made that speech we were embroiled in the Korean War and he couldn't make it where he wanted to, in front of the UN due to that, he had to make it in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
He presents something as being made by THE President not A former President. There is a difference. Very misleading coming from someone known to say that this isn't the 1950s anymore and we can't live like we did then yet uses something from the 1950s.

We do not have the Soviet threat we had in the 53 when Eisenhower made the speech

In fact, today we have nowhere near the threat that Eisenhower faced

The Soviet Union was a country with defined borders. We knew our threat. Today, our greatest threat has no identifiable borders which makes it a greater one. Eisenhower handled the threats. The President today tries to appease those who threaten us.

And how should we use our Military force to address that threat?
Quit taking the approach of trying not to lose and taking one of trying to win. There is a difference. I don't give a shit if those we are fighting don't like us. Far too many don't want to make them mad or want to fight them in a way thinking that if we're nice to them, they'll like us.

I asked a simple question

You claimed the threat we face is worse than we faced in the Cold War

I asked you to define how you would use military force against terrorism

You are aware of the potential casualties we faced in 1953 than we currently face today aren't you?

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