President DeSantis would fire FBI Director Wray on day one.

They all have signed NDA's.
That's one of the biggest abuses of power by the US government which is using secrecy agreements to keep people quiet..... media figures included.

Look what they did to those three FBI with whistleblowers and the journalists who testified just recently and that's just the tip of the iceberg..... ones we know about.

The "whistleblower protection act" is a joke.
They will destroy you. .. in some cases worse.
So why doesnt the rank and file, who outnumber the elites 1000s to one, do something? They have the power to arrest, they should do it.
Only way to stop this government who in 2018 tried the steal and put Nancy Piglosi in power, then came the Russian Collusion by the FBI, wasnt that an insurrection? Yeah, i think it was...
I was calling it an attempted coup d' etat in 2017. Especially when you had John Brennan going on MSNBC calling Trump a traitor.

2020 was no doubt.

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