President Meth


The only reliable basis for evaluating a President is his personal integrity. Since WW2, we have had Truman and Reagan (maybe Ford, Carter and the Bush's). The rest have been abysmal. Would you have wanted JFK or Clinton spending the night in your home if you had a teenage daughter?

Hard to believe anybody could mention reagan and integrity in the same sentence since Iran Contra and the record breaking number of convicted felons in his administration.
Crazy shit.....

In 1962, at the Carlyle Hotel in New York, a man “peeled off his clothing and began prancing around his hotel suite.” His bodyguards were cautiously amused, until the man “left the suite and began roaming through the corridor of the Carlyle.”

The man in question was delusional, paranoid and suffering a “psychotic break” from the effects of an overdose of methamphetamine.

He was also the president of the United States.

The reason for John F. Kennedy’s bizarre behavior was that, according to an explosive new book, the president was — unbeknownst to him, at first — a meth addict.

The man who supposedly made him so was Max Jacobson, a doctor who had invented a secret vitamin formula that gave people renewed energy and cured their pain, and was given the code name “Dr. Feelgood” by Kennedy’s Secret Service detail.

This formula was actually methamphetamine, and over the course of a decades-long practice, Jacobson became doctor to the stars, making unknowing drug addicts out of a long list of the famous and distinguished, including JFK and his wife, Jackie, Marilyn Monroe, Mickey Mantle, Eddie Fisher, Truman Capote and many more.

In “Dr. Feelgood” (Skyhorse Publishing), authors Richard A. Lertzman and William J. Birnes allege that Jacobson had an incredible effect on world events, influencing Kennedy’s election, the Cuban Missile Crisis, even Roger Maris’ 1961 home-run record.
The Kennedy meth New York Post
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Previous post went nuts...not sure why.

You failed to read the article I posted. The statements made in the article by the author, are outlined his book. Does that make it any more credible in your mind? The book was published last year.

Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures Paperback – October 28, 2014
Dr. Feelgood The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK Marilyn Elvis and Other Prominent Figures Richard A. Lertzman William J. Birnes 9781629145662 Books

Secondly, much of the information outlined by the authors is NOT NEW. If you had any knowledge of JFK, you would know this.

New book reveals how Marilyn Monroe JFK and Liz Taylor were in thrall to shady German Dr Max Jacobson Daily Mail Online

Try not to be so closed minded.

marilyn was indeed murdered for her knowledge of state secrets that JFK spilled to her.thats all common knowledge,its only the colosed minded ones in denial that cant accept it.the only thing posted there i hadnt heard before was about mantle using meth.

Pretty certain that Marilyn wasn't privy to "state secrets." I don't think JFK wasted his time with her by talking about "state secrets."

Stupid post, indeed.
The only reliable basis for evaluating a President is his personal integrity. Since WW2, we have had Truman and Reagan (maybe Ford, Carter and the Bush's). The rest have been abysmal. Would you have wanted JFK or Clinton spending the night in your home if you had a teenage daughter?

Hard to believe anybody could mention reagan and integrity in the same sentence since Iran Contra and the record breaking number of convicted felons in his administration.

funny how your open minded about the the lies the CIA controlled media has constructed about reagan over the years since he got out of office but just the oppostie being closed minded about the myth that has been shoved down americans throuts on that other traiter FDR.:cuckoo:
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Previous post went nuts...not sure why.

You failed to read the article I posted. The statements made in the article by the author, are outlined his book. Does that make it any more credible in your mind? The book was published last year.

Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures Paperback – October 28, 2014
Dr. Feelgood The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK Marilyn Elvis and Other Prominent Figures Richard A. Lertzman William J. Birnes 9781629145662 Books

Secondly, much of the information outlined by the authors is NOT NEW. If you had any knowledge of JFK, you would know this.

New book reveals how Marilyn Monroe JFK and Liz Taylor were in thrall to shady German Dr Max Jacobson Daily Mail Online

Try not to be so closed minded.

marilyn was indeed murdered for her knowledge of state secrets that JFK spilled to her.thats all common knowledge,its only the colosed minded ones in denial that cant accept it.the only thing posted there i hadnt heard before was about mantle using meth.

Pretty certain that Marilyn wasn't privy to "state secrets." I don't think JFK wasted his time with her by talking about "state secrets."

Stupid post, indeed.
its stupid to YOU because you have not done your homework.:rolleyes-41:
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Previous post went nuts...not sure why.

You failed to read the article I posted. The statements made in the article by the author, are outlined his book. Does that make it any more credible in your mind? The book was published last year.

Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures Paperback – October 28, 2014
Dr. Feelgood The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK Marilyn Elvis and Other Prominent Figures Richard A. Lertzman William J. Birnes 9781629145662 Books

Secondly, much of the information outlined by the authors is NOT NEW. If you had any knowledge of JFK, you would know this.

New book reveals how Marilyn Monroe JFK and Liz Taylor were in thrall to shady German Dr Max Jacobson Daily Mail Online

Try not to be so closed minded.

marilyn was indeed murdered for her knowledge of state secrets that JFK spilled to her.thats all common knowledge,its only the colosed minded ones in denial that cant accept it.the only thing posted there i hadnt heard before was about mantle using meth.

Pretty certain that Marilyn wasn't privy to "state secrets." I don't think JFK wasted his time with her by talking about "state secrets."

Stupid post, indeed.

I was wondering why he would reveal any kind of secrets to her too. I can't imagine that he was a stupid man.
The only reliable basis for evaluating a President is his personal integrity. Since WW2, we have had Truman and Reagan (maybe Ford, Carter and the Bush's). The rest have been abysmal. Would you have wanted JFK or Clinton spending the night in your home if you had a teenage daughter?

Hard to believe anybody could mention reagan and integrity in the same sentence since Iran Contra and the record breaking number of convicted felons in his administration.

Please cite an example of Reagan's lack of personal integrity (i.e., something done for his personal benefit). Trying to help the Contras after Congress suddenly cut off their funding (a la Viet Nam) was certainly not done for his personal benefit. Are you really trying to compare him to JFK, Clinton or Obama, whose every action was based on political benefit?
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Previous post went nuts...not sure why.

You failed to read the article I posted. The statements made in the article by the author, are outlined his book. Does that make it any more credible in your mind? The book was published last year.

Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures Paperback – October 28, 2014
Dr. Feelgood The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK Marilyn Elvis and Other Prominent Figures Richard A. Lertzman William J. Birnes 9781629145662 Books

Secondly, much of the information outlined by the authors is NOT NEW. If you had any knowledge of JFK, you would know this.

New book reveals how Marilyn Monroe JFK and Liz Taylor were in thrall to shady German Dr Max Jacobson Daily Mail Online

Try not to be so closed minded.

marilyn was indeed murdered for her knowledge of state secrets that JFK spilled to her.thats all common knowledge,its only the colosed minded ones in denial that cant accept it.the only thing posted there i hadnt heard before was about mantle using meth.

Pretty certain that Marilyn wasn't privy to "state secrets." I don't think JFK wasted his time with her by talking about "state secrets."

Stupid post, indeed.

Yeah...because we know a POTUS who brazenly cheats on his wife with numerous prostitutes/mistresses, runs around hotels naked, and takes all sorts of mind altering drugs would NEVER spill the beans to his lady friends.

Too funny!
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Previous post went nuts...not sure why.

You failed to read the article I posted. The statements made in the article by the author, are outlined his book. Does that make it any more credible in your mind? The book was published last year.

Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures Paperback – October 28, 2014
Dr. Feelgood The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK Marilyn Elvis and Other Prominent Figures Richard A. Lertzman William J. Birnes 9781629145662 Books

Secondly, much of the information outlined by the authors is NOT NEW. If you had any knowledge of JFK, you would know this.

New book reveals how Marilyn Monroe JFK and Liz Taylor were in thrall to shady German Dr Max Jacobson Daily Mail Online

Try not to be so closed minded.

marilyn was indeed murdered for her knowledge of state secrets that JFK spilled to her.thats all common knowledge,its only the colosed minded ones in denial that cant accept it.the only thing posted there i hadnt heard before was about mantle using meth.

Pretty certain that Marilyn wasn't privy to "state secrets." I don't think JFK wasted his time with her by talking about "state secrets."

Stupid post, indeed.

I was wondering why he would reveal any kind of secrets to her too. I can't imagine that he was a stupid man.

Think man...think!
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Previous post went nuts...not sure why.

You failed to read the article I posted. The statements made in the article by the author, are outlined his book. Does that make it any more credible in your mind? The book was published last year.

Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures Paperback – October 28, 2014
Dr. Feelgood The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK Marilyn Elvis and Other Prominent Figures Richard A. Lertzman William J. Birnes 9781629145662 Books

Secondly, much of the information outlined by the authors is NOT NEW. If you had any knowledge of JFK, you would know this.

New book reveals how Marilyn Monroe JFK and Liz Taylor were in thrall to shady German Dr Max Jacobson Daily Mail Online

Try not to be so closed minded.

marilyn was indeed murdered for her knowledge of state secrets that JFK spilled to her.thats all common knowledge,its only the colosed minded ones in denial that cant accept it.the only thing posted there i hadnt heard before was about mantle using meth.

Pretty certain that Marilyn wasn't privy to "state secrets." I don't think JFK wasted his time with her by talking about "state secrets."

Stupid post, indeed.

Yeah...because we know a POTUS who brazenly cheats on his wife with numerous prostitutes/mistresses, runs around hotels naked, and takes all sorts of mind altering drugs would NEVER spill the beans to his lady friends.

Too funny!
The only reliable basis for evaluating a President is his personal integrity. Since WW2, we have had Truman and Reagan (maybe Ford, Carter and the Bush's). The rest have been abysmal. Would you have wanted JFK or Clinton spending the night in your home if you had a teenage daughter?

Hard to believe anybody could mention reagan and integrity in the same sentence since Iran Contra and the record breaking number of convicted felons in his administration.

Please cite an example of Reagan's lack of personal integrity (i.e., something done for his personal benefit). Trying to help the Contras after Congress suddenly cut off their funding (a la Viet Nam) was certainly not done for his personal benefit. Are you really trying to compare him to JFK, Clinton or Obama, whose every action was based on political benefit?
Oh please. That is bullshit. And it was completely illegal.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Previous post went nuts...not sure why.

You failed to read the article I posted. The statements made in the article by the author, are outlined his book. Does that make it any more credible in your mind? The book was published last year.

Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures Paperback – October 28, 2014
Dr. Feelgood The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK Marilyn Elvis and Other Prominent Figures Richard A. Lertzman William J. Birnes 9781629145662 Books

Secondly, much of the information outlined by the authors is NOT NEW. If you had any knowledge of JFK, you would know this.

New book reveals how Marilyn Monroe JFK and Liz Taylor were in thrall to shady German Dr Max Jacobson Daily Mail Online

Try not to be so closed minded.

marilyn was indeed murdered for her knowledge of state secrets that JFK spilled to her.thats all common knowledge,its only the colosed minded ones in denial that cant accept it.the only thing posted there i hadnt heard before was about mantle using meth.

Pretty certain that Marilyn wasn't privy to "state secrets." I don't think JFK wasted his time with her by talking about "state secrets."

Stupid post, indeed.

I was wondering why he would reveal any kind of secrets to her too. I can't imagine that he was a stupid man.

Think man...think!

So, you think he told Marilyn Monroe state secrets in the "throes of passion?" I was thinking their relationship was based purely on sex. IOW, she was just a booty call.
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Previous post went nuts...not sure why.

You failed to read the article I posted. The statements made in the article by the author, are outlined his book. Does that make it any more credible in your mind? The book was published last year.

Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures Paperback – October 28, 2014
Dr. Feelgood The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK Marilyn Elvis and Other Prominent Figures Richard A. Lertzman William J. Birnes 9781629145662 Books

Secondly, much of the information outlined by the authors is NOT NEW. If you had any knowledge of JFK, you would know this.

New book reveals how Marilyn Monroe JFK and Liz Taylor were in thrall to shady German Dr Max Jacobson Daily Mail Online

Try not to be so closed minded.

marilyn was indeed murdered for her knowledge of state secrets that JFK spilled to her.thats all common knowledge,its only the colosed minded ones in denial that cant accept it.the only thing posted there i hadnt heard before was about mantle using meth.

Pretty certain that Marilyn wasn't privy to "state secrets." I don't think JFK wasted his time with her by talking about "state secrets."

Stupid post, indeed.

Yeah...because we know a POTUS who brazenly cheats on his wife with numerous prostitutes/mistresses, runs around hotels naked, and takes all sorts of mind altering drugs would NEVER spill the beans to his lady friends.

Too funny!

Oh, I believe he had affairs and might have even done drugs. I just don't know if I buy all the other stuff about him giving state secrets to Marilyn Monroe, having her killed, etc. There would have to be some very STRONG evidence for that.
There's a good foundation building in this thread for a Hillary presidency.

Pillow talk obviously NOT a problem when the thing in bed is a gorgon....all alone eternally due to the good taste of even the most degenerate of would-be "toy boys".


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