President Meth

JFK was a product of the modern media. He was the skipper of the only PT Boat that was ever run over by a Japanese destroyer in WW2. P.T boats had immense power and maneuverability and were designed to launch torpedoes and run for cover. Jack's boat was apparently sleeping in the fast lane and got hit. Old Joe was on top of the media when the Navy was considering court martial for JFK for losing his boat without firing a shot. Joe Kennedy hired a pop-culture media type to write a story about JFK's heroic survival and PT 109 became a hollywood hit that swept the dilettante idiot into the presidency

Rumor here in Massachusetts is that Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and that the Kennedy family has strong mob connections! Of course, there are all different sources that support and deny those claims, so who knows?

Let's also not forget about good old drunken Teddy Kennedy and Chappaquiddick! That is one messed up family, I'll tell ya!
JFK was a product of the modern media. He was the skipper of the only PT Boat that was ever run over by a Japanese destroyer in WW2. P.T boats had immense power and maneuverability and were designed to launch torpedoes and run for cover. Jack's boat was apparently sleeping in the fast lane and got hit. Old Joe was on top of the media when the Navy was considering court martial for JFK for losing his boat without firing a shot. Joe Kennedy hired a pop-culture media type to write a story about JFK's heroic survival and PT 109 became a hollywood hit that swept the dilettante idiot into the presidency

Rumor here in Massachusetts is that Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and that the Kennedy family has strong mob connections! Of course, there are all different sources that support and deny those claims, so who knows?

Let's also not forget about good old drunken Teddy Kennedy and Chappaquiddick! That is one messed up family, I'll tell ya!

When the media loves a politician unconditionally the sky is the limit. When the Russians built the Berlin Wall under JFK's nose he took a trip to Berlin, gave a speech where he used the German slang word "Berliner" which translated to jelly donut. JFK said "we are all Berliners" and the media went wild. Then he went home and left the German people to be shot in the back for trying to visit family on the other side of the wall. JFK used the CIA illegally to raise a little army to invade Cuba and then abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. The media ignored it.
JFK was a product of the modern media. He was the skipper of the only PT Boat that was ever run over by a Japanese destroyer in WW2. P.T boats had immense power and maneuverability and were designed to launch torpedoes and run for cover. Jack's boat was apparently sleeping in the fast lane and got hit. Old Joe was on top of the media when the Navy was considering court martial for JFK for losing his boat without firing a shot. Joe Kennedy hired a pop-culture media type to write a story about JFK's heroic survival and PT 109 became a hollywood hit that swept the dilettante idiot into the presidency

Rumor here in Massachusetts is that Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and that the Kennedy family has strong mob connections! Of course, there are all different sources that support and deny those claims, so who knows?

Let's also not forget about good old drunken Teddy Kennedy and Chappaquiddick! That is one messed up family, I'll tell ya!

When the media loves a politician unconditionally the sky is the limit. When the Russians built the Berlin Wall under JFK's nose he took a trip to Berlin, gave a speech where he used the German slang word "Berliner" which translated to jelly donut. JFK said "we are all Berliners" and the media went wild. Then he went home and left the German people to be shot in the back for trying to visit family on the other side of the wall. JFK used the CIA illegally to raise a little army to invade Cuba and then abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. The media ignored it.

To be fair, JFK was a much better president than most these last 100 years. While he had many faults, he did try to limit the power of the CIA and stated he intended to destroy it in his second term.

The Bay of Pigs was a planned under Ike, but he did foolishly approve it based on lies from the CIA. Had he supported the invasion, we likely would have had WWIII and nuclear exchange. He knew the CIA lied to him, so he dumped that crazy fool Dulles....who later was put on the Warren Commission by the far greater fool LBJ. So he is deserving of some praise for these things.

He also planned to remove our troops from Vietnam.
Were Kennedy to be replicated today and try for the Democrat Party nomination he'd be thrown out the door. Far too conservative to even get a ticket let alone a nomination.

So true...and yet many on the Left today think the R party has gone full blown right wing crazy.

Now that is CRAZY!
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Then they complain when we post real life whacky things Sarah Palin and her family are doing! Geez.....this thread should be in the "humor" section.
Were Kennedy to be replicated today and try for the Democrat Party nomination he'd be thrown out the door. Far too conservative to even get a ticket let alone a nomination.

Kennedy was so conservative he fought to allow government employees to unionize. He also initiated the peace corps. Those two acts alone would have started a conservative plot to assassinate JFK.
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Then they complain when we post real life whacky things Sarah Palin and her family are doing! Geez.....this thread should be in the "humor" section.

Yes, their ever-growing detachment from reality is really quite noticeable.
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Then they complain when we post real life whacky things Sarah Palin and her family are doing! Geez.....this thread should be in the "humor" section.

Yes, their ever-growing detachment from reality is really quite noticeable.

I'm not sure its detachment from reality so much as never having encountered reality. It's like "OMG, JFK had doctors giving him all kinds of drugs." No shite. The man was probably entitled to a 100% vet disability, and he had Addison's, which even today is only maintained with steroid, and he was one of relatively few people to even survive surgery with that condition.

It's like history for them is ground hog day every day.

He was too conservative for today's gop. Roflmao

Last edited:
If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Then they complain when we post real life whacky things Sarah Palin and her family are doing! Geez.....this thread should be in the "humor" section.

Yes, their ever-growing detachment from reality is really quite noticeable.

I'm not sure its detachment from reality so much as never having encountered reality. It's like "OMG, JFK had doctors giving him all kinds of drugs." No shite. The man was probably entitled to a 100% vet disability, and he had Addison's, which even today is only maintained with steroid, and he was one of relatively few people to even survive surgery with that condition.

It's like history for them is ground hog day every day.

He was too conservative for today's gop. Roflmao

Yeah...because ALL Americans should want their POTUS using meth.

I mean...really...what is the big deal?

If you are interested in JFK and those around him, you will find this article fascinating.

- JFK was a huge meth user, which explains some of the crazy things he did.
- Marilyn Monroe enjoyed meth too, doing it with JFK...she was murdered because she intended to spill the beans about state secrets disclosed to her by JFK.
- When Marilyn famously sang happy birthday to JFK, she was under the influence of meth, not alcohol.
- Mary Meyer a long time friend and mistress of JFK and LSD user. She had ties to Timothy Leary. She too knew many state secrets disclosed to her by JFK, which she documented in her diary....the state assassinated her after Dallas.
- Jackie used meth.
- Many Hollywood meth users.
- Elvis too.
- Cover up by the Bradlees (WaPo) and the CIA.
- Mickey Mantle...meth user.

all courtesy of Dr. Feelgood.

Amazing the things we learn about our corrupt lying leaders...decades later.

I wonder what is REALLY going on in the White House today.

If Americans would realize our political class is entirely corrupt, they would then stop granting them so much power.

JFK s Meth Connection 8211

All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Then they complain when we post real life whacky things Sarah Palin and her family are doing! Geez.....this thread should be in the "humor" section.

Yes, their ever-growing detachment from reality is really quite noticeable.

I'm not sure its detachment from reality so much as never having encountered reality. It's like "OMG, JFK had doctors giving him all kinds of drugs." No shite. The man was probably entitled to a 100% vet disability, and he had Addison's, which even today is only maintained with steroid, and he was one of relatively few people to even survive surgery with that condition.

It's like history for them is ground hog day every day.

He was too conservative for today's gop. Roflmao

Yeah...because ALL Americans should want their POTUS using meth.

I mean...really...what is the big deal?


I prefer my presidents to be drug free if at all possible. :D We have drug testing for most jobs after all. Maybe some random drug testing would be appropriate for our POTUS/politicians?
All hearsay. No evidence.

The link is to a fucking radio show, where anyone can say anything.

Really, don't you feel kind of silly?

Then they complain when we post real life whacky things Sarah Palin and her family are doing! Geez.....this thread should be in the "humor" section.

Yes, their ever-growing detachment from reality is really quite noticeable.

I'm not sure its detachment from reality so much as never having encountered reality. It's like "OMG, JFK had doctors giving him all kinds of drugs." No shite. The man was probably entitled to a 100% vet disability, and he had Addison's, which even today is only maintained with steroid, and he was one of relatively few people to even survive surgery with that condition.

It's like history for them is ground hog day every day.

He was too conservative for today's gop. Roflmao

Yeah...because ALL Americans should want their POTUS using meth.

I mean...really...what is the big deal?


I prefer my presidents to be drug free if at all possible. :D We have drug testing for most jobs after all. Maybe some random drug testing would be appropriate for our POTUS/politicians?

Well, again, the RW are historically ignorant and choose to remain that way. There's no evidence that JFK's medical treatments negatively affected his performance, and the evidence is actually to the contrary.
The Medical Ordeals of JFK - Robert Dallek - The Atlantic

If the thread serves any useful purpose, and I'm not sure it does, I think the question is whether disclosure of medical conditions is really a good thing if the effect would be to keep FDR or JFK from being elected. That would not be a positive. Moreover, Nixon probably had some paranoia that was a diagnosable personality disorder that was untreated. How can that be disclosed? Moreover, Reagan's medical conditions involving his being shot and cancer weren't really actively disclosed, nor was Clinton's continuing heart condition. Had Cheney really been vetted, we might have avoided Iraq, and his thought processes were certainly different than when he served Ford and BushI.
Then they complain when we post real life whacky things Sarah Palin and her family are doing! Geez.....this thread should be in the "humor" section.

Yes, their ever-growing detachment from reality is really quite noticeable.

I'm not sure its detachment from reality so much as never having encountered reality. It's like "OMG, JFK had doctors giving him all kinds of drugs." No shite. The man was probably entitled to a 100% vet disability, and he had Addison's, which even today is only maintained with steroid, and he was one of relatively few people to even survive surgery with that condition.

It's like history for them is ground hog day every day.

He was too conservative for today's gop. Roflmao

Yeah...because ALL Americans should want their POTUS using meth.

I mean...really...what is the big deal?


I prefer my presidents to be drug free if at all possible. :D We have drug testing for most jobs after all. Maybe some random drug testing would be appropriate for our POTUS/politicians?

Well, again, the RW are historically ignorant and choose to remain that way. There's no evidence that JFK's medical treatments negatively affected his performance, and the evidence is actually to the contrary.
The Medical Ordeals of JFK - Robert Dallek - The Atlantic

If the thread serves any useful purpose, and I'm not sure it does, I think the question is whether disclosure of medical conditions is really a good thing if the effect would be to keep FDR or JFK from being elected. That would not be a positive. Moreover, Nixon probably had some paranoia that was a diagnosable personality disorder that was untreated. How can that be disclosed? Moreover, Reagan's medical conditions involving his being shot and cancer weren't really actively disclosed, nor was Clinton's continuing heart condition. Had Cheney really been vetted, we might have avoided Iraq, and his thought processes were certainly different than when he served Ford and BushI.

That is why I said "if at all possible." Of course if a person needs medication for treatment of a legitimate illness, that is acceptable as long as it isn't a medication that would cloud his/her judgement.
Yes, their ever-growing detachment from reality is really quite noticeable.

I'm not sure its detachment from reality so much as never having encountered reality. It's like "OMG, JFK had doctors giving him all kinds of drugs." No shite. The man was probably entitled to a 100% vet disability, and he had Addison's, which even today is only maintained with steroid, and he was one of relatively few people to even survive surgery with that condition.

It's like history for them is ground hog day every day.

He was too conservative for today's gop. Roflmao

Yeah...because ALL Americans should want their POTUS using meth.

I mean...really...what is the big deal?


I prefer my presidents to be drug free if at all possible. :D We have drug testing for most jobs after all. Maybe some random drug testing would be appropriate for our POTUS/politicians?

Well, again, the RW are historically ignorant and choose to remain that way. There's no evidence that JFK's medical treatments negatively affected his performance, and the evidence is actually to the contrary.
The Medical Ordeals of JFK - Robert Dallek - The Atlantic

If the thread serves any useful purpose, and I'm not sure it does, I think the question is whether disclosure of medical conditions is really a good thing if the effect would be to keep FDR or JFK from being elected. That would not be a positive. Moreover, Nixon probably had some paranoia that was a diagnosable personality disorder that was untreated. How can that be disclosed? Moreover, Reagan's medical conditions involving his being shot and cancer weren't really actively disclosed, nor was Clinton's continuing heart condition. Had Cheney really been vetted, we might have avoided Iraq, and his thought processes were certainly different than when he served Ford and BushI.

That is why I said "if at all possible." Of course if a person needs medication for treatment of a legitimate illness, that is acceptable as long as it isn't a medication that would cloud his/her judgement.

Yep...and we all know meth does not cloud your judgement.:cuckoo:

The apologists for this kind of behavior, by the most powerful man in the world, is very very sad.
I'm not sure its detachment from reality so much as never having encountered reality. It's like "OMG, JFK had doctors giving him all kinds of drugs." No shite. The man was probably entitled to a 100% vet disability, and he had Addison's, which even today is only maintained with steroid, and he was one of relatively few people to even survive surgery with that condition.

It's like history for them is ground hog day every day.

He was too conservative for today's gop. Roflmao

Yeah...because ALL Americans should want their POTUS using meth.

I mean...really...what is the big deal?


I prefer my presidents to be drug free if at all possible. :D We have drug testing for most jobs after all. Maybe some random drug testing would be appropriate for our POTUS/politicians?

Well, again, the RW are historically ignorant and choose to remain that way. There's no evidence that JFK's medical treatments negatively affected his performance, and the evidence is actually to the contrary.
The Medical Ordeals of JFK - Robert Dallek - The Atlantic

If the thread serves any useful purpose, and I'm not sure it does, I think the question is whether disclosure of medical conditions is really a good thing if the effect would be to keep FDR or JFK from being elected. That would not be a positive. Moreover, Nixon probably had some paranoia that was a diagnosable personality disorder that was untreated. How can that be disclosed? Moreover, Reagan's medical conditions involving his being shot and cancer weren't really actively disclosed, nor was Clinton's continuing heart condition. Had Cheney really been vetted, we might have avoided Iraq, and his thought processes were certainly different than when he served Ford and BushI.

That is why I said "if at all possible." Of course if a person needs medication for treatment of a legitimate illness, that is acceptable as long as it isn't a medication that would cloud his/her judgement.

Yep...and we all know meth does not cloud your judgement.:cuckoo:

The apologists for this kind of behavior, by the most powerful man in the world, is very very sad.

I agree, but to be fair, back then it could have been a legitimate drug to treat an illness because they weren't familiar with all the terrible side effects and the potential for addiction. I've watched documentaries about the history of drugs in the United States on the History Channel before! :)

I'm not sure if that is the case with Kennedy, as that was before my time.
To be fair, JFK was a much better president than most these last 100 years. While he had many faults, he did try to limit the power of the CIA and stated he intended to destroy it in his second term.

The Bay of Pigs was a planned under Ike, but he did foolishly approve it based on lies from the CIA. Had he supported the invasion, we likely would have had WWIII and nuclear exchange. He knew the CIA lied to him, so he dumped that crazy fool Dulles....who later was put on the Warren Commission by the far greater fool LBJ. So he is deserving of some praise for these things.

He also planned to remove our troops from Vietnam.

Wow, "planned" and "intended." What a statesman! And, like obama, whenever shit went wrong it was because the pure-of-heart were "fooled" or "lied to." Avoidance of responsibility and reliance on a tractable, culpable media are long traditions for the democrat party.
You can post all your Faux News gibberish and insults toward Obama.....the bottom line is, he had to deal with the shit left over from Bush, he pulled us out of the toilet where Bush had put us, he made sure Bush's bribe tax cuts to the wealthy were done away with, he stopped the unemployment whirlwind that Bush created, he made sure that we got rid of the awful health system Republicans were so proud of where only the rich could afford healthcare insurance and he has gotten rid of ignorant laws that Republicans were supporting.....I say we have done a lot better since the Bush days, and Yes, I'm a lot better off today than I was when Bushwhack was in office.
You can post all your Faux News gibberish and insults toward Obama.....the bottom line is, he had to deal with the shit left over from Bush,....

democrats: It's never their fault~ :rolleyes:

obama will hunting:


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