President Obama has made America number one Target of Terrorist again.!

You are the idiot liberal who voted for an inexperienced President , not me.!!

I didn't vote for Obama and I still think you're an idiot.

So you feel that this President has not made America more of a Terrorist target.
He has. Do some research.
We have had about four of five attempted Terrorist attacks on America.!!

You are going to be feeling like the "Idiot" when we are finally attacked again be the Terrorists.!!
He sure has!

Escalating the invasive foreign occupation of Afghanistan, indiscriminate bombing and predator drone use in Pakistan and Yemen resulting in the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians has continued the constant increase of the terror threat against us and keeps America on the top of the list of targets.

Even the only positive measures he's taken to restore the rule of law in our country and demonstrate to the Muslim world that we're not monsters, closing Guantanamo Bay and trying detained criminals in a court of law, are empty and meaningless publicity stunts since the detainees will still be held in an inhumane, lawless gulag and and so many will be held indefinitely without trial. Way to amp up the hate against our country and put normal, decent Americans in harm's way.

What an incompetent goofus.
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Well he sure hasn't helped make things better that's for sure. He bombs Yemen and Al Qaeda in Yemen responds with an attack on us by way of the Christmas Bomber. I'm sure more attacks are on the way. His bombing of Yemen went almost completely unreported by the corrupt Obama-Run MSM. They're still not talking about it. That bombing accomplished nothing except give Al Qaeda more reasons to want to kill us. It's just so sad that the MSM doesn't discuss these kinds of misguided aggressive foreign interventionist acts. The MSM simply can't be trusted at this point. It's all about regurgitating White House talking points for them now.

You bomb Yemen and then you get attacked. Not so hard to understand huh?

<snip for brevity>

Don't get me wrong... there are alot of things I truly do like about Dr. Paul. But his Mr. Magoo-like foreign policy position wears thin.

The "Underwear Bomber" had already bought his plane ticket BEFORE the airstrike in Yemen. He was already "in the field". His actions were NOT "retaliatory".
Obama Administration Calls BS on Al Qaeda Claim - Political Punch

The jihadist only wants one of two things from us... our conversion to their sorry interpretation of Islam, or our deaths. That's the bottom line. Nothing less will appease them.

Lord knows, I love me some Libertarians... :eusa_angel:... but in their stance on Isolationism they are most often wrong. Yemen teeters on the edge of falling to the status of "failed state". Nothing is gained by our refusal to assist its government in fighting off rabid jihadism.
He sure has!

Escalating the invasive foreign occupation of Afghanistan, indiscriminate bombing and predator drone use in Pakistan and Yemen resulting in the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians has continued the constant increase of the terror threat against us and keeps America on the top of the list of targets.

Even the only positive measures he's taken to restore the rule of law in our country and demonstrate to the Muslim world that we're not monsters, closing Guantanamo Bay and trying detained criminals in a court of law, are empty and meaningless publicity stunts since the detainees will still be held in an inhumane, lawless gulag and and so many will be held indefinitely without trial. Way to amp up the hate against our country and put normal, decent Americans in harm's way.

What an incompetent goofus.

I try to tell the Homo Liberals, that President Obama has made America less safe and more of a Terrorists target than the former President Bush.!
I don't think Obama has made us any more a target for terrorists than we were before. And wouldn't Israel be ahead of the US anyway?

I thought about mentioning that, but figured it would pull the whole thread on a tangent.
Lol Obama is George bush jr. He hasn't changed anything.

The terrorists don't give a crap if you kiss their ass. That is not their goal. Their goal is to make the world more like them. Where western culture is dead. Women wear burkas and men rule.

Obama is trying to be everybody President. Hes a little bit of George Bush Jr., he wants to be a little bit of Bill Clinton.

He wil get more innocent Americans killed, by way of him trying to be a Republican , and a Democrat at the same time.

He wants to try to please everyone. We have now been retargeted by the Global terrorists.
Once again when in the past 8 or so years were we not the targets of terrorists?

You really think they're going to try and answer that one?
I try to tell the Homo Liberals, that President Obama has made America less safe and more of a Terrorists target than the former President Bush.!

Oh, well it's certainly not true that he made us more of a target than Bush. Bush is second only to Cheney as the #1 terrorist recruiter in the world. It's fair to say more than half of the world's current global jihad joined up specifically because of Bush Administration policies. It's hard to imagine them doing more to aid the terrorists' cause, he's done way more to support terrorism than Osama bin Laden or any other jihadist.

Also, how can you tell which posters are homosexual? You mean you were only addressing liberal posters you knew to be homosexual? Why not make your arguments to the more numerous heterosexual posters as well? Are saying you're a gay man prejudiced against straight people, only willing to discuss issues with fellow gays? That doesn't seem right, we're all here to talk politics. No reason to exclude us heterosexuals.
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He sure has!

Escalating the invasive foreign occupation of Afghanistan, indiscriminate bombing and predator drone use in Pakistan and Yemen resulting in the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians has continued the constant increase of the terror threat against us and keeps America on the top of the list of targets.

Even the only positive measures he's taken to restore the rule of law in our country and demonstrate to the Muslim world that we're not monsters, closing Guantanamo Bay and trying detained criminals in a court of law, are empty and meaningless publicity stunts since the detainees will still be held in an inhumane, lawless gulag and and so many will be held indefinitely without trial. Way to amp up the hate against our country and put normal, decent Americans in harm's way.

What an incompetent goofus.

I try to tell the Homo Liberals, that President Obama has made America less safe and more of a Terrorists target than the former President Bush.!

Try to tell the homo liberals? What about the homo conservatives? Don't they deserve to be in the loop so they can live in fear also?

Why don't you want to tell Larry Craig and Ted Haggard? Did they forget to send you a Christmas gift?

I guess no strap ons for you this year. Sorry 'bout your bad luck.

I also think it's really stupid to say Obama is making us less safe than Bush Jr. and Cheney did.

Especially when the only SUCCESSFUL terrorist attack on American soil was under their watch.

And, you say that Obama is a recruiting poster for AQ and the Taliban?

Well......maybe, but you've gotta admit..........the 2 biggest recruitments for AQ and the Taliban came from 1) Abu Graib, and 2) the Blackwater (now known as XE) massacre.

Both of those little gems were under Bush Jr.'s watch.
I didn't vote for Obama and I still think you're an idiot.

So you feel that this President has not made America more of a Terrorist target.
He has. Do some research.
We have had about four of five attempted Terrorist attacks on America.!!

You are going to be feeling like the "Idiot" when we are finally attacked again be the Terrorists.!!

Again they never stopped plotting to attack us, this shit goes back to before the Bush(43) administration.

Why should we care if we piss them off further if they're all ready hellbent on trying to kill us? Don't tell me you're into appeasement.
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President Obamas terrorists policies has made America the number one target of global Terrorist again.

His plan to close Guantanamo Bay prision in Cuba, will allow thousands of Terrorist to be released back into the general population.

His plan to treat Terrorist as American civiliians, is a mistake.
All of these policies has made America the number one Terrorists target again.


KOHLMANN: Well, I think the answer is, is that we‘ve had the wrong mentality. We have this fortress mentality where we‘re trying to stop terrorists at airports and in airplanes when they‘re already at the target, long before we should have stopped them initially. The way to stop these folks is through intelligence.

And, you know, the fact that we haven‘t processed intelligence in this case, that‘s not an isolated example. This is a phenomenon that‘s been happening for the last nine years, ongoing.

Richard Reid, you just mentioned Richard Reid, we had Guantanamo Bay detainees in our custody at the time of Richard Reid‘s attempted bombing of an American Airlines plane who knew him, who knew that he was an al Qaeda operative, who knew that he was close friends with Zacarias Moussaoui, and yet, that information was never fed to anyone. Nobody realized it until after Richard Reid had already tried to detonate his shoes on board that airliner.

So, the logic that we send people to Guantanamo Bay and that somehow solves the problem, look, that‘s entirely bankrupt. Not to mention the fact that the people that sent out Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the leaders of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, these were Guantanamo Bay detainees. They were released by the Bush administration, against the advice of the U.S. military, who repeatedly said that these individuals posed an active threat to U.S. national security.

For political reasons, within months of these people being judged unfit for release, they were sent back to Saudi Arabia. How can that happen? There was a serious breakdown here. It‘s not just a breakdown that‘s happened in the last year, it‘s a breakdown that‘s happened over the last nine years.

SHUSTER: Can you fact-check the criticism a little bit? Were the critics equally hard on Mr. Bush? And secondly, are they saying anything substantive that the White House has yet to acknowledge?

KOHLMANN: No. Look, I—you know, I look at what Peter King is saying and I wonder, how come he wasn‘t saying this five years ago, when the Bush administration failed to take under its wing the intelligence reform that was promised. It was promised on the 9/11Commission report. This reform never happened.

Mr. Kohlmann knows what he's talking about. Stop blaming President Obama for the mess we are in now.
President Obamas terrorists policies has made America the number one target of global Terrorist again..

Who was number 1 before that?




Israel was the number one Terrorist target. Then America.
Now America got bumped up to the number one spot.

Actually, no. Isreal wasn't the number one target. The US was.
Stop blaming President Obama for the mess we are in now.

Or what? :lol:

At the bottom line, Obama has learned NOTHING from Bush's mistakes. Turns out... it is HE who was the "more of the same" candidate.

No one in the Obama administration has given us a coherent reason for WHY the Department of Justice has elected to prosecute these foreign enemy combatants in civilian court. No one has been able to site a legal reason why the military venue is inappropriate. Instead, we get bullshit like this:

Brennan declined to say what criteria are used to decide whether a prisoner should be taken into criminal court or before a military commission. "There are no downsides or upsides in particular cases," he said. "What we're trying to do is make the right determination in particular cases."


Brennan: Deal 'on the table' for terror suspect - POLITICO Live -

What that means essentially... is that it's an arbitrary decision. And since this administration has elected NOT to give a cogent reason for their choice... we're left to assume that it's made for some sort of political gain. Which would be funny, really, if the situation weren't so serious. Because the only people who agree with Obama's idiocy are the suck-ups who surround him... and the terrorists who take advantage of him.

IF Richard Reid's civilian trial was going to make some sort of good-will impact on the jihadi psyche, well... G.W. already gave that a shot and we're still seeing attacks. IF "art therapy rehabilitation" was going to turn these monsters around... G.W. already tried that too. And still, we see substantial recidivism.

So... appeasement doesn't work. We've been there and done that. Now, of course, what hasn't been tried is the 'yellow-belly-tuck-tail-and-run approach'. So, if Barack Obama wants to be the first to try THAT, we can't stop him... but I quite frankly don't see the national security gains and I suspect the political fallout would be substantial.

Clearly though... national security is NOT the priority. If it was... the Underwear Bomber wouldn't be in a position to play a game of 'Let's-Make-A-Deal' with federal prosecutors. From John Brennan's interview on Fox News Sunday; link above:

Asked why Abdulmutallab should cooperate given his right, as criminal defendant, to remain silent, Brennan replied: "He doesn't have to but he knows there are certain things that are on the table... if he wants to engage with us in a productive manner, there are ways he can do that."

Asked if Abdulmutallab's willingness to talk changed once he had an attorney, Brennan declined to answer. "I'm not going to address what he did before or after he talked with a lawyer," the adviser said.

Barack Obama is taking one helluva political risk, the stakes being the lives of American citizens. If it turns out later on down the pike that the Underwear Bomber had any actionable information, and if we have another incident because of our failure to get that information... we're going to shove it up Obama's ass, politically speaking of course.

The guy's a moron.
You assholes need to elect Cheney in 2012 and get these laws against " enhanced interrogation" straightened out.

Then the world will love you again.

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