President Obama in Afghanistan on unannounced visit to U. S. troops

Let's be real. It's likely the VA scandal that prompted this. He wants to show he cares in hopes of minimizing the damage from the mistreatment of veterans. This is something he should have done each year.


I love these threads....chock full of RW shrillness. :D
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That's old school thinking.
Move to Israel then? It's perfect for you, they are also Nazis.

Obama's pic is cool.

Netanyahu's pic looks like an American gun-nut getting ready to shoot up a school full of children. Come to think of it didn't I read somewhere that Netanyahu was an actual terrorist in his youth? I think so.
Barry Hussein has been president for almost five years and the war in Afghanistan has become a laughable stalemate where American Troops are killed by snipers and IED's while accomplishing virtually zip-zero-nada. Now they are used as stooges in a photo-op for a politician.
No hashtag greeting from President Obama to the troops... he's there in person. USA! USA! USA!

President Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - President Barack Obama landed Sunday in Afghanistan on an unannounced trip to visit with U.S. forces on Memorial Day weekend, according to the press pool traveling with the President.

This marks his fourth trip to the country, with his last being on May 1, 2012, when he made an address to the United States about the country's involvement in Afghanistan.

Country music star Brad Paisley traveled aboard Air Force One with the President. He's set to perform for some of the 32,000 Americans serving in Afghanistan at a major rally.

USA! USA! USA! :eusa_clap:

Barry Hussein has been president for almost five years and the war in Afghanistan has become a laughable stalemate where American Troops are killed by snipers and IED's while accomplishing virtually zip-zero-nada. Now they are used as stooges in a photo-op for a politician.

Tsk, tsk. You should not refer to our brave American troops as "stooges". Shame on you you dittohead.
Really? LOL... who cares what a dittohead such as yourself thinks of President Obama? I don't. President Obama sure as hell doesn't either I'm sure.

Glad that President Obama annoys the hell out of you commie lovers. He must be doing something right. Seems he learned well. :eusa_clap:

Obviously you care very deeply. I'm sure He appreciates your investment of your limited time on this Earth on His behalf. Let us know when you receive your "Thank You" card signed with his own personal "X".

Oh, please consider the difference between annoyance and amusement.

Oh you're annoyed alright and I'm amused and I really do not care that you hate so freely. I'm above all that looking down on you haters with delight. It brings me joy.

Carry on.

Carry on.

Is that a picture of Obama smoking a J? That is awesomely cool man. I've just got to have a poster-size picture of that image. No doubt about it. I love it man.
No doubt. He is teh same hedonistic empty head you are today. Netanyahu was in service to his country at the same age. His brother was the only Israeli soldier killed at Entebbe.

We may disagree over the Ukraine but for the most part I side with you
If you ever ever ever want to check out the most perfect of all perfect raids to rescue hostages, Entebbe is is it.

By the way Benghazi plays a key role.
If you ever ever ever want to check out the most perfect of all perfect raids to rescue hostages, Entebbe is is it.

By the way Benghazi plays a key role.
It will certainly play a key role if the Dems are dumb enough to vote-in Hillary Clinton as their Presidential candidate for the 2016 general election.
Someone who has worn his country's uniform always has more street-cred as a CiC than someone who could not be bothered in his younger years.

No extra charge, for restating the bloody obvious.

That's old school thinking.

The same school of thought that has served our nation well for 230+ years so far.

There are many lines of thinking that eventually become obsolete.

There are many lines of thinking that blossom and grow stronger and are reinforced with age.

The school of thought about street-cred for CiC's with their own military experience belongs to the latter category.

As you grow older, you may be fortunate enough to reach a sufficient level of maturity so that you learn to tell the difference, but I will not bet on that, based upon evidence presented to date.
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No problem with any Commander-in-Chief visiting troops, not even this worthless piece of crap CIC.
I'm not going to criticize him for visiting the troops. I think it's a good thing he went. I will say this however, him visiting the troops doesn't take away from him being the worst president in history. I can't wait till he's out of office.
I'm not mad as hell
Obama is using the soldiers in Afghanistan to bolster his political career
I was happy bin Laden got snuffed by Seal Team 6, which the left derided as "Dick Cheney's hit squad."
I can wait to see Obama impeached or run out of office
Sucks to be an American with that incompetent fool in office
Sucks to be a brainwashed moron like you.

You're gonna have a long wait.

Bin Laden was offed by the careful planning of President Obama. You guys seem to completely forget that.

And he's been cleaning up after the 2 crazy conservative cowboys that got us into messes all around the world. Cheney's a fun one. He wasn't happy with sending the kids of other people to kill and get blown up by people who were completely innocent of any thing these folks were accusing them of, he had to get drunk and shoot a friend in the face.

Nice folks you people latch on too.

And the scandal fest the conservatives seem to be saddling the American public with, hasn't really had the outcomes you folks were expecting. None of them.

President Obama will serve out his term and be treated very well by history.

And President Clinton (Part Deux) will likely continue that success.

And Hopefully? Your brand of conservatism winds up in the shitty sewers where it belongs.
If you ever ever ever want to check out the most perfect of all perfect raids to rescue hostages, Entebbe is is it.

By the way Benghazi plays a key role.

3 Hostages and , Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu (Who was played by Charles Bronson) were killed.

You think Issa should investigate?
If you ever ever ever want to check out the most perfect of all perfect raids to rescue hostages, Entebbe is is it.

By the way Benghazi plays a key role.
It will certainly play a key role if the Dems are dumb enough to vote-in Hillary Clinton as their Presidential candidate for the 2016 general election.

Oh they are plenty dumb enough.
If you ever ever ever want to check out the most perfect of all perfect raids to rescue hostages, Entebbe is is it.

By the way Benghazi plays a key role.
It will certainly play a key role if the Dems are dumb enough to vote-in Hillary Clinton as their Presidential candidate for the 2016 general election.

Oh they are plenty dumb enough.

As dumb as picking McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012?
It will certainly play a key role if the Dems are dumb enough to vote-in Hillary Clinton as their Presidential candidate for the 2016 general election.

Oh they are plenty dumb enough.

As dumb as picking McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012?
Even dumber...

And those were real doozies...

Just think... you'll soon have an opportunity to surpass those previous examples of stupidity...
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