President Obama in Afghanistan on unannounced visit to U. S. troops

I'm glad to hear that even in the face of conservatard outrage over "his" alleged mishandling of the VA, President Obama is still able to find the time to interact with the men and womyn defending our freedom overseas.

Hey conservatards, when was the last time Bush dropped by to see the troops in person? Several years, the last time I checked. Who's "out of touch" now?

What a load of horseshit.

How many times has Barry been to visit any of the troops?? Hell. The SOB must need a photop for something because thats the only time his sorry ass is anywhere near the military which he despises.

AS for Bush? He visited both Iraq and Afghanistan quite a few times. He also visited the wounded. Doubt Barry boy will bother.

Once and asshole, always an asshole. Hell The guy wouldn't last five seconds in the military. Some DI would kick his ass all over the parade ground.

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