President Obama not meeting with any foreign leaders in NYC is very telling

American Horse

AKA "Mustang"
Jan 23, 2009
It suggests that his foreign policy legs are in sand.

Last year Obama met with 13 leaders on the same occasion of the opening of the UN General Assembly.

At least a couple of those leaders have complained, and it’s usually seen as good opportunity for one-on-one talks.

Jay Carney says he can talk to them on the phone. But person to person relationships are vitally important with a leader if he is to persuade and influence; So much more can be learned from direct conversations than from letters or phones, and understandings made.

But, any foreign leaders Obama would meet with would open the door for Romney, as presidential candidate, to meet with those same leaders.
Romney would have opportunities for press conferences, and raising issues of current foreign policy.
Romney would look more presidential than the president.
And Obama doesn’t want Benghazi or Cairo to be talked about in the media any more than necessary, and for the narrative to drift off the stated reason; a video.

Thus he goes in front of the General Assembly and states as clearly as possible that the video wasn’t our fault and never mentioned terrorism.

Obama is not as confident of his foreign policy "creds" as his people claim. Only one real accomplishment - Obama killed Asama - and the drone kills, and in Cairo the protestors chanted "Obama, we are all Osama," and the attack on Benghazi was revenge for a drone kill four days earlier ... Obama decides the kills.
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Why should Obama care about meeting others? He does what he wants when he wants because he is the supreme leader of the world.
Didn't say he was afraid of meeting others. But his actions in foreign affairs are being handled hands-off by him, by Hillary. If you read my OP, it is important that he not give Romney the formal conventional opportunity to speak to all the same foreign leaders he does.

To repeat for you:
"But, any foreign leaders Obama would meet with would open the door for Romney, as presidential candidate, to meet with those same leaders.
Romney would have opportunities for press conferences, and raising issues of current foreign policy.
Romney would look more presidential than the president. - " Obama wants all Romney's press attention to be focused on non-issues, not the issues that are critical to the country; ones that really matter.

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