President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Respect is earned, to date he has failed to do that.

Get the fuck out of here.....respect from you white hating motherfuc***, who wants it? Better still take your respect and shove it!!

Charming. And just think, you actually eat with that "mouth".

Dear, I have said this a zillion times and it begs repeating...I was born and bred in the hood, spent 10 years in the filthy mouth is here to stay, that's why I'm alway banned from web sites...but I'll live.

And we all saw how these same whiners RESPECTED Bush until the day he left office. In fact they still show so much Respect for him all these years later, RIGHT?:haha:

gawd grow up, He's only a MAN like the rest of us LITTLE people he RULES over. He's really not that Saint you think was sent down to us from the Heavens above. ok now I go puke I even said that. icky

Libs are so cute when they expect more respect then they have ever shown just " because".

Like anyone forgets them booing and acting like total assholes when GWB left the White House.

Obama can kiss my ass. :)
Hes been DISrespectful of our country...most of it...from Day 1. And before that.

Why would anyone respect a person who so clearly holds contempt in his heart for a large chunk of America.

And hes was ELECTED by a large chunk of America TWICE
Respect is earned, to date he has failed to do that.

Get the fuck out of here.....respect from you white hating motherfuc***, who wants it? Better still take your respect and shove it!!

Charming. And just think, you actually eat with that "mouth".

Dear, I have said this a zillion times and it begs repeating...I was born and bred in the hood, spent 10 years in the filthy mouth is here to stay, that's why I'm alway banned from web sites...but I'll live.

Quit blaming the hood and the military for your Voluntary Vulgar Behavior.
In less than 18 months Obama will leave the white house and for some, it will be a day well celebrated, but for me and I hope most people in this country, it will be a sad day indeed. I cringe at how much this poor man has had to deal with and how disrespected he was by all accounts. Reading an article on HuffPost, I am well correct in my assessment: I concluded by noting that Obama leaves the White House in 18 months, and while there appears no prospect that his treatment will change in the interim, we should view the election as a reset of the way in which we treat our chief executives. Whoever his successor might be, he or she is deserving of more deference than Obama was ever afforded.

Did you type that with a straight face?

Not only with a straight face, but with much pride and dignity I could muster fuckin stupid question?

Were you born stupid or did you have to work at it?

my vote would be: born
In less than 18 months Obama will leave the white house and for some, it will be a day well celebrated, but for me and I hope most people in this country, it will be a sad day indeed. I cringe at how much this poor man has had to deal with and how disrespected he was by all accounts. Reading an article on HuffPost, I am well correct in my assessment: I concluded by noting that Obama leaves the White House in 18 months, and while there appears no prospect that his treatment will change in the interim, we should view the election as a reset of the way in which we treat our chief executives. Whoever his successor might be, he or she is deserving of more deference than Obama was ever afforded.

Did you type that with a straight face?

Not only with a straight face, but with much pride and dignity I could muster fuckin stupid question?

Were you born stupid or did you have to work at it?

Dude, get this through your fuckin and people like you are not, I repeat are not the majority in this country. I could give a rats fuck about you, what you think or who you are....your opinions about Obama are as valuable as a euro.....
Respect is earned, to date he has failed to do that.

Get the fuck out of here.....respect from you white hating motherfuc***, who wants it? Better still take your respect and shove it!!

Charming. And just think, you actually eat with that "mouth".

Dear, I have said this a zillion times and it begs repeating...I was born and bred in the hood, spent 10 years in the filthy mouth is here to stay, that's why I'm alway banned from web sites...but I'll live.

Quit blaming the hood and the military for your Voluntary Vulgar Behavior.

LOLOLOL....your right...I BLAME YOU MOTHERF*****, YOU DO, BRING OUT THE BEAST IN ME....lolololololo
He's like a damn cult member. man
anyone want to bet if Obama asked him to drink a glass kool-aide he would no questions asked?

just didn't tell him it was laced with Cyanide

900 people died following the cult leader, Jim Jones

Images for jim jones camp
Respect is earned, to date he has failed to do that.

Get the fuck out of here.....respect from you white hating motherfuc***, who wants it? Better still take your respect and shove it!!

Charming. And just think, you actually eat with that "mouth".

Dear, I have said this a zillion times and it begs repeating...I was born and bred in the hood, spent 10 years in the filthy mouth is here to stay, that's why I'm alway banned from web sites...but I'll live.

Quit blaming the hood and the military for your Voluntary Vulgar Behavior.

LOLOLOL....your right...I BLAME YOU MOTHERF*****, YOU DO, BRING OUT THE BEAST IN ME....lolololololo

^^ troll slop.
Respect is earned, to date he has failed to do that.

Get the fuck out of here.....respect from you white hating motherfuc***, who wants it? Better still take your respect and shove it!!
The flame you lit is about butt high, tiger, and burning your own ass. It's not about respect or disrespect. It's about your fucking racism. Whatever feelings people have about Obama is what he has earned, pro or con and you call it hate. In my personal opinion he is a two-faced, lying street agitator and as racist as the lowest Klan member. He would have my respect if he acted like a real American and an adult.
Most disrespected president? WTF? Someone was in a coma during the Bush years and probably too young for Reagan.

And we all saw how these same whiners RESPECTED Bush until the day he left office. In fact they still show so much Respect for him all these years later, RIGHT?:haha:

gawd grow up, He's only a MAN like the rest of us LITTLE people he RULES over. He's really not that Saint you think was sent down to us from the Heavens above. ok now I go puke I even said that. icky

Let me get this straight, Bush the liar in Chief, the war monger, the baffoon, the idiot, the moron, the want to compare to Obama? Get the fuck outta here, you're insane!!
Buffoon. I mean if you're gonna insult intellect....

But you sorta shot yourself in the foot there cowgirl.
  1. The southern crackers were stroking out the minute he whipped McCorpse and ellie mae Palin
  2. Don't vote for him in 2016 :itsok:

And we all saw how these same whiners RESPECTED Bush until the day he left office. In fact they still show so much Respect for him all these years later, RIGHT?:haha:

gawd grow up, He's only a MAN like the rest of us LITTLE people he RULES over. He's really not that Saint you think was sent down to us from the Heavens above. ok now I go puke I even said that. icky

Let me get this straight, Bush the liar in Chief, the war monger, the baffoon, the idiot, the moron, the want to compare to Obama? Get the fuck outta here, you're insane!!
Buffoon. I mean if you're gonna insult intellect....

But you sorta shot yourself in the foot there cowgirl.

Will that be before or after I get a shoe thrown at my head?

And we all saw how these same whiners RESPECTED Bush until the day he left office. In fact they still show so much Respect for him all these years later, RIGHT?:haha:

gawd grow up, He's only a MAN like the rest of us LITTLE people he RULES over. He's really not that Saint you think was sent down to us from the Heavens above. ok now I go puke I even said that. icky

Let me get this straight, Bush the liar in Chief, the war monger, the baffoon, the idiot, the moron, the want to compare to Obama? Get the fuck outta here, you're insane!!
Buffoon. I mean if you're gonna insult intellect....

But you sorta shot yourself in the foot there cowgirl.

Will that be before or after I get a shoe thrown at my head?View attachment 43439
But he ducked it. obie probably would have stared at it in disbelief.

And we all saw how these same whiners RESPECTED Bush until the day he left office. In fact they still show so much Respect for him all these years later, RIGHT?:haha:

gawd grow up, He's only a MAN like the rest of us LITTLE people he RULES over. He's really not that Saint you think was sent down to us from the Heavens above. ok now I go puke I even said that. icky

Let me get this straight, Bush the liar in Chief, the war monger, the baffoon, the idiot, the moron, the want to compare to Obama? Get the fuck outta here, you're insane!!
Buffoon. I mean if you're gonna insult intellect....

But you sorta shot yourself in the foot there cowgirl.

Will that be before or after I get a shoe thrown at my head?View attachment 43439
But he ducked it. obie probably would have stared at it in disbelief.

The only reason Bush ducked was because he was looking on the ground for his brains.
Most disrespected president? WTF? Someone was in a coma during the Bush years and probably too young for Reagan.


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