President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

Yes the economy was bad when Bush left office, but what you and so many other liberals are denial about is that Obama has made things worse.

How the fuck has Obama made things worse? Dude, so help me, you have got to be the most insane creature on the fuckin planet, that or your a fuckin retard trying to make a point. Job growth is good, the economy is good, gas prices for a long time have been good, housing starts are coming back, Wall Street has been booming under Obama, stocks are for the country, things are fine. Now if we can get you fuckin racist rednecks off the would be grand!!

How the fuck has Obama made things worse?
Why the fuck should I waste my time in trying to explain something to a Kool-Aid drinking shit-for-brains liberal like yourself? You like so many other stupid liberals will just automatically deny anything that makes Obama look bad. :cuckoo:

Job growth is good, the economy is good, gas prices for a long time have been good, housing starts are coming back, Wall Street has been booming under Obama, stocks are for the country, things are fine.
Things are fine? Really?

That's because you cork soakers have looked so bad trying to make him look bad that we can't even take you seriously anymore

Actually Obama has been making himself look bad without any help at all. :laugh:
Did you ever like him? No? Then f*** off
You don't like the negative comments about Obama? No? Then fuck you. :fu:
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Still in denial? :cuckoo: :lol:
Obama has done well enough that Hilary will benefit from it and when 2016. But I believe in four years after that she will lose just like HW Bush was a one term president so will Hillary. And by then we will have nominated a liberal Supreme Court justice to replace one of them retiring or conservatives that have bound to leave in the next few years. And then maybe by then we'll have Congress or the house back

Hillary is not, I repeat is not going to win.....if we don't get a really viable candidate to run against her, the GOP will win....The Clintons are toooooo damned messy....I won't vote for her at all, don't like her or her husband, never did, never will!
But she will be the first woman president bet. Blacks turned out for Obama and women will turn out for Hillary. They want to see the first woman president. Who cares what you think you never liked the clintons you just admitted that

They want to see the first woman president. Who cares what you think you never liked the Clintons
And apparently libtards like yourself don't seem to care how dishonest and corrupt Hillary Clinton really is. You just want her in the WH regardless. :cuckoo:
To keep the Republicans out of the White House? Yes. I'd rather have Bernie Sanders but that's not going to happen so Hillary will do

Bernie is doing good in the polls, he's quick on his toes and and and he's saying all the right shit that needs sayin, only regret is that he's not younger.....between him and Hillary, I just as soon vote for Jurassic Park-er....just sayin

OMG, a white mop hating on a black man, that's a first!
She even looks like a stupid bitch
And you seem like a dumbfuck! :fu:

How does one respect this?

How is marriage meaningless? How does allowing gays the right to marry make your marriage meaningless? Are you going to go get a divorce now? Good. And by the way it's probably not gays fault that your marriage is meaningless maybe if you were a better husband or wife

Some people in this country will go to the grave, kicking and screaming about shit, that doesn't pertain to them, let alone effect them...they're called drama kings and queens, better known as conservative shit for brains from the throat up!!
How does one respect this?

Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.
How does one respect this?

Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
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How does one respect this?

Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
How does one respect this?

Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Or you never give Obama credit for this great economy. This reminds me of when Bill Clinton was ending his eight years and you guys didn't think a Republican to F things up things were going so well and then Bush gave us 10 years of horrible economic policies that led to the greatest recession ever seen since the Great Depression and you guys down play that?
How does one respect this?

Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
How does one respect this?

Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Or you never give Obama credit for this great economy. This reminds me of when Bill Clinton was ending his eight years and you guys didn't think a Republican to F things up things were going so well and then Bush gave us 10 years of horrible economic policies that led to the greatest recession ever seen since the Great Depression and you guys down play that?
This economy??? Looks like a continuation of the Obomanations WAR ON WOMEN!

56,085,000 Women Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Declines to 56.7%

Cybercast News Service ^

There were 56,085,000 women 16 or older who did not participate in the nation’s labor force in June, as the labor force participation rate dropped to 56.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This means that 56,085,000 women did not have a job or actively seek one in the past four weeks. The civilian labor force, which consists of all people in the civilian noninstitutional population who either had a job during the month or actively sought a job declined in June to 73,547,000 from the 73,577,000 in the labor force in May. …
How does one respect this?

Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
How does one respect this?

Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Or you never give Obama credit for this great economy. This reminds me of when Bill Clinton was ending his eight years and you guys didn't think a Republican to F things up things were going so well and then Bush gave us 10 years of horrible economic policies that led to the greatest recession ever seen since the Great Depression and you guys down play that?
This economy??? Looks like a continuation of the Obomanations WAR ON WOMEN!

56,085,000 Women Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Declines to 56.7%

Cybercast News Service ^

There were 56,085,000 women 16 or older who did not participate in the nation’s labor force in June, as the labor force participation rate dropped to 56.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This means that 56,085,000 women did not have a job or actively seek one in the past four weeks. The civilian labor force, which consists of all people in the civilian noninstitutional population who either had a job during the month or actively sought a job declined in June to 73,547,000 from the 73,577,000 in the labor force in May. …
If they're not working it's because they don't want to work. Or why don't they go back to school and better themselves? Isnt that Republican advice usually? Wouldn't that the advice you'd be giving if a Republican was in office? Or wouldn't you tell them to go start their own business? Idiot. Lol
Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Did your white racist mind blame Rosa Parks for stirring up the pot? Because it's not really Obama's fault if white racist are upset that we have a black president

Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Or you never give Obama credit for this great economy. This reminds me of when Bill Clinton was ending his eight years and you guys didn't think a Republican to F things up things were going so well and then Bush gave us 10 years of horrible economic policies that led to the greatest recession ever seen since the Great Depression and you guys down play that?
This economy??? Looks like a continuation of the Obomanations WAR ON WOMEN!

56,085,000 Women Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Declines to 56.7%

Cybercast News Service ^

There were 56,085,000 women 16 or older who did not participate in the nation’s labor force in June, as the labor force participation rate dropped to 56.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This means that 56,085,000 women did not have a job or actively seek one in the past four weeks. The civilian labor force, which consists of all people in the civilian noninstitutional population who either had a job during the month or actively sought a job declined in June to 73,547,000 from the 73,577,000 in the labor force in May. …
If they're not working it's because they don't want to work. Or why don't they go back to school and better themselves? Isnt that Republican advice usually? Wouldn't that the advice you'd be giving if a Republican was in office? Or wouldn't you tell them to go start their own business? Idiot. Lol


Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Or you never give Obama credit for this great economy. This reminds me of when Bill Clinton was ending his eight years and you guys didn't think a Republican to F things up things were going so well and then Bush gave us 10 years of horrible economic policies that led to the greatest recession ever seen since the Great Depression and you guys down play that?
This economy??? Looks like a continuation of the Obomanations WAR ON WOMEN!

56,085,000 Women Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Declines to 56.7%

Cybercast News Service ^

There were 56,085,000 women 16 or older who did not participate in the nation’s labor force in June, as the labor force participation rate dropped to 56.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This means that 56,085,000 women did not have a job or actively seek one in the past four weeks. The civilian labor force, which consists of all people in the civilian noninstitutional population who either had a job during the month or actively sought a job declined in June to 73,547,000 from the 73,577,000 in the labor force in May. …
If they're not working it's because they don't want to work. Or why don't they go back to school and better themselves? Isnt that Republican advice usually? Wouldn't that the advice you'd be giving if a Republican was in office? Or wouldn't you tell them to go start their own business? Idiot. Lol


Comparing Carter Reagan bush clinton bush and Obama, Obama is top 2.

Obama number one because he was handed the great recession. Clinton number 2. HW Bush 3 Reagan 4 Carter 5 Gw bush worst president ever. Remember you Republicans loved to say that about Carter? Well no more.
Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Here's a typical blame game rednecks play.....if it rains at a Klan rally, its God's and nigga's fault....God for making it rain and nigga's for not making enough matches.

Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Or you never give Obama credit for this great economy. This reminds me of when Bill Clinton was ending his eight years and you guys didn't think a Republican to F things up things were going so well and then Bush gave us 10 years of horrible economic policies that led to the greatest recession ever seen since the Great Depression and you guys down play that?
This economy??? Looks like a continuation of the Obomanations WAR ON WOMEN!

56,085,000 Women Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Declines to 56.7%

Cybercast News Service ^

There were 56,085,000 women 16 or older who did not participate in the nation’s labor force in June, as the labor force participation rate dropped to 56.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This means that 56,085,000 women did not have a job or actively seek one in the past four weeks. The civilian labor force, which consists of all people in the civilian noninstitutional population who either had a job during the month or actively sought a job declined in June to 73,547,000 from the 73,577,000 in the labor force in May. …
If they're not working it's because they don't want to work. Or why don't they go back to school and better themselves? Isnt that Republican advice usually? Wouldn't that the advice you'd be giving if a Republican was in office? Or wouldn't you tell them to go start their own business? Idiot. Lol


I think its funny that all the Republican governors across America are taking credit for an economic recovery that you don't seem to understand is happening. But I don't think you're being intellectually honest in your discussions so whatever
Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Here's a typical blame game stupid liberals love to play......IT'S ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT, NEVER OBAMA'S. :cuckoo:
Or you never give Obama credit for this great economy. This reminds me of when Bill Clinton was ending his eight years and you guys didn't think a Republican to F things up things were going so well and then Bush gave us 10 years of horrible economic policies that led to the greatest recession ever seen since the Great Depression and you guys down play that?
This economy??? Looks like a continuation of the Obomanations WAR ON WOMEN!

56,085,000 Women Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Declines to 56.7%

Cybercast News Service ^

There were 56,085,000 women 16 or older who did not participate in the nation’s labor force in June, as the labor force participation rate dropped to 56.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This means that 56,085,000 women did not have a job or actively seek one in the past four weeks. The civilian labor force, which consists of all people in the civilian noninstitutional population who either had a job during the month or actively sought a job declined in June to 73,547,000 from the 73,577,000 in the labor force in May. …
If they're not working it's because they don't want to work. Or why don't they go back to school and better themselves? Isnt that Republican advice usually? Wouldn't that the advice you'd be giving if a Republican was in office? Or wouldn't you tell them to go start their own business? Idiot. Lol


I think its funny that all the Republican governors across America are taking credit for an economic recovery that you don't seem to understand is happening. But I don't think you're being intellectually honest in your discussions so whatever

It's only happening in a few states, apparently you don't read the Business Insider, or Zero Hedge!

Obama's Bounce Is Already Gone, And We Are All Racist: Poll

Investor's Business Daily ^

Whatever uptick in approval President Obama got in the immediate aftermath of the recent Supreme Court rulings has faded quickly, a new IBD/TIPP Poll finds.

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