President Obama, the most disrespected president in US history!!!!

See any Christians do this lately?

No we just drop bombs and kill hundreds all at once
As do the Islamist, your friends! BUT, I do like the fact that they kill each other to see who can win control of the 1.6 BILLION Islamic dogs in the world.
First you say we boo God now you're saying we're friends with Islam?

Funny thing is once you are done picking on blacks Muslims gays and Mexican you will try and win them over to voting with you
All of them. Those could be five different thread topics. But let's start with Islam is advancing? Islam is or terrorism which do you mean? And isn't Islam another religion are we free to practice any religion we want in this country? Sorry if your religion is becoming unpopular

Yes, Islam is now a POLITICAL force, as was Nazism, and Fascism. Because it HIDES behind the mask of religion you idiots think it is one. I'm an agnostic, but have a 3 digit IQ and know a political hate group when I see one.... take the current Democratic party..... Talk about GODLESS! You scum even BOO God! You make NO BEANS about what you scum are!

Same way the Republican Party hides behind Christianity radical Islam hides behind Islam. And I don't boo God because there is no God. I boot people who believe in God because I to have a three digit IQ. Glad we agree on something

I have no idea if GOD exists, that's why I'm an agnostic.... if I denied he existed, I'd be a closed mind idiot like atheist!

Do you see any evidence that he exists? Then STFU

Depends on what you call evidence. What was before the supposed BIG BANG?

I don't know and that should be your answer too. you don't know. so you don't have any evidence. Thank you for playing
Corporations own our government our country and all of us and fools on the Republican side are crying that socialism is a threat? We're living in a fascist society and these freaks are worrying about socialism
You're dumb enough to NOT understand it's in the corp. favor if EVERYONE is brought down to the WORKER level, as you socialists want! Ever hear of GREECE?

Ever hear of Puerto Rico? Detroit? You fools think socialism and welfare ruined the global economy well you're wrong it was your boys it was the rich. And by the way they're doing better than ever. Funny while you cry and defend the Rich capitalist they're rolling in dough
How did the rich ruin Detroit, a city run by DemocRATS for 50 years? Explain please!
Remember when Bush sent all those manufacturing jobs out of the country? That hurt Detroit's stupid. I don't know where you live Arkansas Kansas Missouri or some hick farmland but maybe you just don't understand big city economics
Bush didn't do that, UNIONS did that by pricing themselves out of existence.... You really do have a 2 digit IQ!
Next you will complain that wages are down for Americans. You can't have it both ways. You can't say Obama isn't helping the American people because wages are down but then cry because American workers make too much. I was just going to tell you the same thing about your IQ you don't sound like a three digit IQ person to me at all seriously
See any Christians do this lately?

No we just drop bombs and kill hundreds all at once
As do the Islamist, your friends! BUT, I do like the fact that they kill each other to see who can win control of the 1.6 BILLION Islamic dogs in the world.
First you say we boo God now you're saying we're friends with Islam?

Funny thing is once you are done picking on blacks Muslims gays and Mexican you will try and win them over to voting with you
Of course you are... You scum are afraid of anything that would actually HARM you, Christians and Jews don't usually harm people unless provoked hard enough! I want ALL ILLEGALS deported, confiscate whatever wealth they have accumulated and if a serious felony committed, KILLED! That's my platform, not Republican, but I'm sure it would work!
Yes, Islam is now a POLITICAL force, as was Nazism, and Fascism. Because it HIDES behind the mask of religion you idiots think it is one. I'm an agnostic, but have a 3 digit IQ and know a political hate group when I see one.... take the current Democratic party..... Talk about GODLESS! You scum even BOO God! You make NO BEANS about what you scum are!

Same way the Republican Party hides behind Christianity radical Islam hides behind Islam. And I don't boo God because there is no God. I boot people who believe in God because I to have a three digit IQ. Glad we agree on something

I have no idea if GOD exists, that's why I'm an agnostic.... if I denied he existed, I'd be a closed mind idiot like atheist!

Do you see any evidence that he exists? Then STFU

Depends on what you call evidence. What was before the supposed BIG BANG?

I don't know and that should be your answer too. you don't know. so you don't have any evidence. Thank you for playing

Some point to a GOD, can't disprove it either, that's why I'm agnostic.
You're dumb enough to NOT understand it's in the corp. favor if EVERYONE is brought down to the WORKER level, as you socialists want! Ever hear of GREECE?

Ever hear of Puerto Rico? Detroit? You fools think socialism and welfare ruined the global economy well you're wrong it was your boys it was the rich. And by the way they're doing better than ever. Funny while you cry and defend the Rich capitalist they're rolling in dough
How did the rich ruin Detroit, a city run by DemocRATS for 50 years? Explain please!
Remember when Bush sent all those manufacturing jobs out of the country? That hurt Detroit's stupid. I don't know where you live Arkansas Kansas Missouri or some hick farmland but maybe you just don't understand big city economics
Bush didn't do that, UNIONS did that by pricing themselves out of existence.... You really do have a 2 digit IQ!
Next you will complain that wages are down for Americans. You can't have it both ways. You can't say Obama isn't helping the American people because wages are down but then cry because American workers make too much. I was just going to tell you the same thing about your IQ you don't sound like a three digit IQ person to me at all seriously
A mental case, such as yourself, is often delusional, you PROVE that!
All of them. Those could be five different thread topics. But let's start with Islam is advancing? Islam is or terrorism which do you mean? And isn't Islam another religion are we free to practice any religion we want in this country? Sorry if your religion is becoming unpopular

Yes, Islam is now a POLITICAL force, as was Nazism, and Fascism. Because it HIDES behind the mask of religion you idiots think it is one. I'm an agnostic, but have a 3 digit IQ and know a political hate group when I see one.... take the current Democratic party..... Talk about GODLESS! You scum even BOO God! You make NO BEANS about what you scum are!

Same way the Republican Party hides behind Christianity radical Islam hides behind Islam. And I don't boo God because there is no God. I boot people who believe in God because I to have a three digit IQ. Glad we agree on something

I have no idea if GOD exists, that's why I'm an agnostic.... if I denied he existed, I'd be a closed mind idiot like atheist!

Do you see any evidence that he exists? Then STFU

Depends on what you call evidence. What was before the supposed BIG BANG?

Why are you asking me a question when I asked you if you had any evidence? Is that a tactic? Do you even know you're doing it? How intelligent are you if the jury is still out with you on this matter? You're smart I can tell you're not a complete idiot because you don't buy into the religions. But for you to remain on the fence either means you're dumb or a coward
Same way the Republican Party hides behind Christianity radical Islam hides behind Islam. And I don't boo God because there is no God. I boot people who believe in God because I to have a three digit IQ. Glad we agree on something
I have no idea if GOD exists, that's why I'm an agnostic.... if I denied he existed, I'd be a closed mind idiot like atheist!
Do you see any evidence that he exists? Then STFU
Depends on what you call evidence. What was before the supposed BIG BANG?
I don't know and that should be your answer too. you don't know. so you don't have any evidence. Thank you for playing

Some point to a GOD, can't disprove it either, that's why I'm agnostic.
Either you're not being honest with yourself or you haven't thought it out thoroughly. Because while there might be something that ultimidly created everything we see there is absolutely no evidence pointing to it other than philosophical an antidote. Do you believe God talk to Moses and gave him 10 commandments? Did he talk to Mohammed or Joseph Smith or send his Son into a Virgin Mary?
Yes, Islam is now a POLITICAL force, as was Nazism, and Fascism. Because it HIDES behind the mask of religion you idiots think it is one. I'm an agnostic, but have a 3 digit IQ and know a political hate group when I see one.... take the current Democratic party..... Talk about GODLESS! You scum even BOO God! You make NO BEANS about what you scum are!

Same way the Republican Party hides behind Christianity radical Islam hides behind Islam. And I don't boo God because there is no God. I boot people who believe in God because I to have a three digit IQ. Glad we agree on something

I have no idea if GOD exists, that's why I'm an agnostic.... if I denied he existed, I'd be a closed mind idiot like atheist!

Do you see any evidence that he exists? Then STFU

Depends on what you call evidence. What was before the supposed BIG BANG?

Why are you asking me a question when I asked you if you had any evidence? Is that a tactic? Do you even know you're doing it? How intelligent are you if the jury is still out with you on this matter? You're smart I can tell you're not a complete idiot because you don't buy into the religions. But for you to remain on the fence either means you're dumb or a coward

I see you as a coward, period. Your afraid that something might happen to prove a creator is viable. Your feels of superiority are laughable. We are not superior!
I have no idea if GOD exists, that's why I'm an agnostic.... if I denied he existed, I'd be a closed mind idiot like atheist!
Do you see any evidence that he exists? Then STFU
Depends on what you call evidence. What was before the supposed BIG BANG?
I don't know and that should be your answer too. you don't know. so you don't have any evidence. Thank you for playing

Some point to a GOD, can't disprove it either, that's why I'm agnostic.
Either you're not being honest with yourself or you haven't thought it out thoroughly. Because while there might be something that ultimidly created everything we see there is absolutely no evidence pointing to it other than philosophical an antidote. Do you believe God talk to Moses and gave him 10 commandments? Did he talk to Mohammed or Joseph Smith or send his Son into a Virgin Mary?
Why would there be evidence... the religious call that FAITH, I understand where they come from. Each one of us has for a better word a SOUL...even you do!
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?

Is that ONE case, can you find me a half dozen more? I can losd you up with Islam TERRORISM and murders! The gap SHOULD get wider between rich and poor, that's what makw our system WORK, the more the rich make, the more the poor will IF THE SYSTEM isn't manipulated by SOCIALISTS!
Do you see any evidence that he exists? Then STFU
Depends on what you call evidence. What was before the supposed BIG BANG?
I don't know and that should be your answer too. you don't know. so you don't have any evidence. Thank you for playing

Some point to a GOD, can't disprove it either, that's why I'm agnostic.
Either you're not being honest with yourself or you haven't thought it out thoroughly. Because while there might be something that ultimidly created everything we see there is absolutely no evidence pointing to it other than philosophical an antidote. Do you believe God talk to Moses and gave him 10 commandments? Did he talk to Mohammed or Joseph Smith or send his Son into a Virgin Mary?
Why would there be evidence... the religious call that FAITH, I understand where they come from. Each one of us has for a better word a SOUL...even you do!
I just an animal like a horse or frog or mosquito. We just happen to be lucky enough to be at the top of the food chain and live to be sometimes a hundred years old. I'm glad to be the smartest creature on this planet. I'm glad I wasn't born with brain cancer and died as a baby. I'm glad that I live in this time rather than our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago who were living in trees or caves with no medicine and no science or knowledge of the fact. All you need to do is tell yourself this Zeus came before Jesus even Moses. The Greeks made that s*** up so you see making it up is possible. Then look at the Mormons and Muslims and their stories and see it can be made up over and over again
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?

Is that ONE case, can you find me a half dozen more? I can losd you up with Islam TERRORISM and murders! The gap SHOULD get wider between rich and poor, that's what makw our system WORK, the more the rich make, the more the poor will IF THE SYSTEM isn't manipulated by SOCIALISTS!
I could show youI pictures my Persian Gulf Marine buddy showed me of what we did to Iraq use when we invaded the first time. And now you cry and how they react to our invasions? We fly over them with bombers and they have peashooters and you cry about their guerilla tactics that are clearly working to intimidate us? Learn to have empathy
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?

Is that ONE case, can you find me a half dozen more? I can losd you up with Islam TERRORISM and murders! The gap SHOULD get wider between rich and poor, that's what makw our system WORK, the more the rich make, the more the poor will IF THE SYSTEM isn't manipulated by SOCIALISTS!
And you claim to be smart. Explain to me how you're going to go about becoming one of the top 1%? That would be over 400,000 dollars a year. Good luck making that leap. Or by the way my brother made that leap. I could easily be a greedy ignorant bastard like yourself being that I'm comfortable in life but I know that that way does not work you are wrong
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?

Is that ONE case, can you find me a half dozen more? I can losd you up with Islam TERRORISM and murders! The gap SHOULD get wider between rich and poor, that's what makw our system WORK, the more the rich make, the more the poor will IF THE SYSTEM isn't manipulated by SOCIALISTS!
I could show youI pictures my Persian Gulf Marine buddy showed me of what we did to Iraq use when we invaded the first time. And now you cry and how they react to our invasions? We fly over them with bombers and they have peashooters and you cry about their guerilla tactics that are clearly working to intimidate us? Learn to have empathy
We should have turned it into glass under Bush I and NONE of this shit today would be happening! When you go to war, you go so that you don't have to go a second time, or a third time! You eradicate the disease, and that is Islam! Beside the environmentalists would love a world with 1.6 BILLION less humans to ruin it!
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?

Is that ONE case, can you find me a half dozen more? I can losd you up with Islam TERRORISM and murders! The gap SHOULD get wider between rich and poor, that's what makw our system WORK, the more the rich make, the more the poor will IF THE SYSTEM isn't manipulated by SOCIALISTS!
And you claim to be smart. Explain to me how you're going to go about becoming one of the top 1%? That would be over 400,000 dollars a year. Good luck making that leap. Or by the way my brother made that leap. I could easily be a greedy ignorant bastard like yourself being that I'm comfortable in life but I know that that way does not work you are wrong

LOTTO!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:... I settled for a top 5% spot, IF I had more time in life, I would have been 1% you got to work for yourself, or get a gov't job with the Socialist administration! Perhaps the Hildebeast could donate her speaking fees to 2-3 of us each speech? Naw, Socialist 1%ers don't do that!
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?

Is that ONE case, can you find me a half dozen more? I can losd you up with Islam TERRORISM and murders! The gap SHOULD get wider between rich and poor, that's what makw our system WORK, the more the rich make, the more the poor will IF THE SYSTEM isn't manipulated by SOCIALISTS!
I could show youI pictures my Persian Gulf Marine buddy showed me of what we did to Iraq use when we invaded the first time. And now you cry and how they react to our invasions? We fly over them with bombers and they have peashooters and you cry about their guerilla tactics that are clearly working to intimidate us? Learn to have empathy
We should have turned it into glass under Bush I and NONE of this shit today would be happening! When you go to war, you go so that you don't have to go a second time, or a third time! You eradicate the disease, and that is Islam! Beside the environmentalists would love a world with 1.6 BILLION less humans to ruin it!
That is actually one of the reasons I like war. It reduces the population.
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?

Is that ONE case, can you find me a half dozen more? I can losd you up with Islam TERRORISM and murders! The gap SHOULD get wider between rich and poor, that's what makw our system WORK, the more the rich make, the more the poor will IF THE SYSTEM isn't manipulated by SOCIALISTS!
And you claim to be smart. Explain to me how you're going to go about becoming one of the top 1%? That would be over 400,000 dollars a year. Good luck making that leap. Or by the way my brother made that leap. I could easily be a greedy ignorant bastard like yourself being that I'm comfortable in life but I know that that way does not work you are wrong

LOTTO!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:... I settled for a top 5% spot, IF I had more time in life, I would have been 1% you got to work for yourself, or get a gov't job with the Socialist administration!
Well then if you really are rich don't be coming here and telling us that your economic policies are good for us because we know you're a f****** liar. Now if you're a liar because you're not really rich then that makes you stupid either way you're a liar
See any Christians do this lately?

Yes as a matter of fact I have. Christians I believe it was in China we're trying to convert people at a McDonald and when the people werent interested in listening they killed them with a knife.

And honestly in regards to the gap between the rich and the poor getting wider how do you not see that when they sent all those good paying union jobs overseas that hurt the American middle class? Those jobs have come back but they're not paying what they used to. And so now the CEO is getting bigger bonus and bigger salary therefore you see the gap widening. If you're so smart how do you not see this?

Is that ONE case, can you find me a half dozen more? I can losd you up with Islam TERRORISM and murders! The gap SHOULD get wider between rich and poor, that's what makw our system WORK, the more the rich make, the more the poor will IF THE SYSTEM isn't manipulated by SOCIALISTS!
And you claim to be smart. Explain to me how you're going to go about becoming one of the top 1%? That would be over 400,000 dollars a year. Good luck making that leap. Or by the way my brother made that leap. I could easily be a greedy ignorant bastard like yourself being that I'm comfortable in life but I know that that way does not work you are wrong

LOTTO!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:... I settled for a top 5% spot, IF I had more time in life, I would have been 1% you got to work for yourself, or get a gov't job with the Socialist administration!
Well then if you really are rich don't be coming here and telling us that your economic policies are good for us because we know you're a f****** liar. Now if you're a liar because you're not really rich then that makes you stupid either way you're a liar
You think $250K makes you rich in NYC? ROTFLMFAO!!!!! It makes you comfortable, able to buy a new car every 3 years, go on a month vacation, and put a few away for old age. If you live in East Cupcake USA, I'm sure $250 K would be a small fortune!

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