President Obama vs. George Zimmerman: America Loses


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Karin McQuillan
July 11, 2013

As the Zimmerman prosecution falls apart, the country faces the threat of race riots. A case that lacked any evidence of malicious murder was wrongfully brought to court under political pressure. And our president, who instigated this mess, is floating above it all, having moved on to other things. Will Obama speak out to avert the racial violence he set in motion? Unless he sees some political advantage, the answer is no.

Judicial Watch has obtained documents disclosing that the Department of Justice actually helped organize demonstrations and protests against George Zimmerman.

The Zimmerman case began with the media making up a racist story: a black kid carrying candy is shot in cold blood by a white man in a gated community. It was a story that sent fear and anger through black people across the country. President Obama was in a low point in his re-election campaign, trying to gin up the black vote. Zimmerman, as a scapegoat, was used as a chance for Obama to bond with fellow blacks. So, making history, the president of the United States intervened in a criminal justice matter to foment race-hatred and fear. President Obama himself made it an issue of skin color: "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin."


Read more:
Articles: President Obama vs. George Zimmerman: America Loses

What Obama/Holder have done is to caused more racial strife in America rather than to ease them.
As you read this Judge Nelson has thrown out the Third degree Felony Murder and Child Abuse charges. From all appearances the prosecution has not been able to make their case against George Zimmerman. The summations will begin soon.

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