
will Obama be willing to compromise on
xl pipeline
just to name a few or are you dimwits proposing that Obama is the only branch of the federal govt that should have any say in governance?
Obama lies like ever. The middle class doesn't exist in America.
The richest 1% are getting richer… and the middle class is just disappearing.
To make it easy to see what’s happening to America’s middle class…
Right away, you see the majority of Americans are earning less in adjusted dollars than they did in 2000. The median household income is $51,371… but that depends on where you live.
  • Manufacturing jobs have moved to emerging economies. These jobs were needed to stimulate economic growth…
  • America is fortunate to have fleets of highly skilled workers… but this benefits the upper class… and not necessarily the middle class.
  • Also, if you are fortunate enough to have assets… and you were able to keep those assets through the global recession… you’ve done well. Again, this does not apply to the middle class.
Just another leftist wealth redistribution scheme. Same tune different verse.
He made a law that makes purchasing something the law. Something nobody can afford but they get subsidies and somehow you think with all of that going on he will drop your taxes? How the fuck do you make more mandates on people and lower taxes?
I wonder who is going to get up on the stage and sign a song? After John Kerry's performance in France--Obama has got to go one up on him--LOL
Obama lies like ever. The middle class doesn't exist in America.
The richest 1% are getting richer… and the middle class is just disappearing.
To make it easy to see what’s happening to America’s middle class…
Right away, you see the majority of Americans are earning less in adjusted dollars than they did in 2000. The median household income is $51,371… but that depends on where you live.
  • Manufacturing jobs have moved to emerging economies. These jobs were needed to stimulate economic growth…
  • America is fortunate to have fleets of highly skilled workers… but this benefits the upper class… and not necessarily the middle class.
  • Also, if you are fortunate enough to have assets… and you were able to keep those assets through the global recession… you’ve done well. Again, this does not apply to the middle class.

Actually, this whole thing with flat wages has been going on for for over thirty years.
The Canadian Middle Class surpassed US as the world's wealthiest Middle Class and other wealthy nation's Middle Classes will also pass America's soon. These other Middle Classes has seen growth in Real Dollars (constant dollars) but not in the US.
This has happened under Republican and Democrats leadership, that's a fact. So stop all this ignorant finger pointing.
I don't think Obama has been a good president but I do like this move. It's time to stop this slide of America's traditional backbone, the Middle Class.
Use some logic, who has been getting wealthy for over thirty years while wages have been stagnant? Who has held down the wages? Why have the job creators shipped millions of jobs offshore? Who has benefited on the back of the working class?
You want the middle class to be revitalized, reduce taxes and regulations so companies can manufacture more in this country. As manufacturing goes so goes the middle class.
You want the middle class to be revitalized, reduce taxes and regulations so companies can manufacture more in this country. As manufacturing goes so goes the middle class.

I remember when lowering the capital gains/dividend taxes were going to help the Middle Class. That never happened.
How about helping the Middle Class directly for once. This trickle down thingy just has never worked.

View attachment 35996
Obama lies like ever. The middle class doesn't exist in America.
The richest 1% are getting richer… and the middle class is just disappearing.
To make it easy to see what’s happening to America’s middle class…
Right away, you see the majority of Americans are earning less in adjusted dollars than they did in 2000. The median household income is $51,371… but that depends on where you live.
  • Manufacturing jobs have moved to emerging economies. These jobs were needed to stimulate economic growth…
  • America is fortunate to have fleets of highly skilled workers… but this benefits the upper class… and not necessarily the middle class.
  • Also, if you are fortunate enough to have assets… and you were able to keep those assets through the global recession… you’ve done well. Again, this does not apply to the middle class.

Actually, this whole thing with flat wages has been going on for for over thirty years.
The Canadian Middle Class surpassed US as the world's wealthiest Middle Class and other wealthy nation's Middle Classes will also pass America's soon. These other Middle Classes has seen growth in Real Dollars (constant dollars) but not in the US.
This has happened under Republican and Democrats leadership, that's a fact. So stop all this ignorant finger pointing.
I don't think Obama has been a good president but I do like this move. It's time to stop this slide of America's traditional backbone, the Middle Class.
Use some logic, who has been getting wealthy for over thirty years while wages have been stagnant? Who has held down the wages? Why have the job creators shipped millions of jobs offshore? Who has benefited on the back of the working class?
[/ATTACH] View attachment 35995
So obozo going to dump obozo care? That's the biggest tax on my middle class ass wallet in years, your not middle class if you don't under stand that
You want the middle class to be revitalized, reduce taxes and regulations so companies can manufacture more in this country. As manufacturing goes so goes the middle class.

I remember when lowering the capital gains/dividend taxes were going to help the Middle Class. That never happened.
How about helping the Middle Class directly for once. This trickle down thingy just has never worked.

Welfare hasn't worked very well either, that's all this is.
You want the middle class to be revitalized, reduce taxes and regulations so companies can manufacture more in this country. As manufacturing goes so goes the middle class.

I remember when lowering the capital gains/dividend taxes were going to help the Middle Class. That never happened.
How about helping the Middle Class directly for once. This trickle down thingy just has never worked.

The middle class doesn't have taxable capital gains or dividends? I find it interesting how the left hates on Wall Street and the 1% while their pensions and retirement plans are making the very same investments.
This is changing the Reaganist tax rates and policies that CONTINUE to wreck the nonrich and the country. Probably will be blocked until 2017, functional moron hater dupes. BUT if the GOP loses the idiot TP, they could actually compromise on this, immigration, Keystone, corporate taxes, etc. End disfunction? What a concept.
This is changing the Reaganist tax rates and policies that CONTINUE to wreck the nonrich and the country. Probably will be blocked until 2017, functional moron hater dupes. BUT if the GOP loses the idiot TP, they could actually compromise on this, immigration, Keystone, corporate taxes, etc. End disfunction? What a concept.

There is no compromising with lying liberals, they can go pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
This is changing the Reaganist tax rates and policies that CONTINUE to wreck the nonrich and the country. Probably will be blocked until 2017, functional moron hater dupes. BUT if the GOP loses the idiot TP, they could actually compromise on this, immigration, Keystone, corporate taxes, etc. End disfunction? What a concept.
Franco your not middle class no way in hell either you are dirt poor or a millionaire snob, which is it?
Time to lower the taxes on the middle class and raise them on the 1%! The 1% should pay the same percentage...

We should tax the shit out of anything imported from their foreign factory.
You want the middle class to be revitalized, reduce taxes and regulations so companies can manufacture more in this country. As manufacturing goes so goes the middle class.

I remember when lowering the capital gains/dividend taxes were going to help the Middle Class. That never happened.
How about helping the Middle Class directly for once. This trickle down thingy just has never worked.

Welfare hasn't worked very well either, that's all this is.

This is work...There's a big effin difference between work and welfare. We're giving people that work hard a fucking break...

The 1% can kiss my ass.

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