President Obama's trade treaty will create NEW US CONSTITUTION that undermines are US sovereignty

Lana Cresto

Jan 24, 2015
Hi I do not know how many of you have heard about a Trade Treaty being negotiated with the Obama administration and 12 other mostly Communist rogue Asian Muslim nations called the Trans Pacific Partnership. I just read about it two day ago on World Net Daily GOP leaders to grant Obama 8216 enormous 8217 new power

This treaty sounds very bad considering under article VI of the US Constitution Treaties can override are own US Constitution Article VI Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute

YET President Obama is pushing for the Trans Pacific Partnership and Republicans want to give President Obama Power to undermined the US Constitution Trans Pacific Partnership Obama ready to defy Democrats to push secretive trade deal Business The Guardian

Now it seems next week the House Ways and Means Committee is going to be having a hearing on the Trans Pacific Partnership and Trade Promotion Authority for President Obama. Calendar Item House Committee on Ways Means

What will the Trans Pacific Partnership do exactly: It will censor the internet via SOPA and PIPA SOPA Dead in Congress Alive in Trans-Pacific Partnership end generic drugs as well as end MADE IN AMERICA on food products Trans-Pacific Partnership 8216 free-trade madness 8217 and put food safety and end food inspections of things we eat Trans-Pacific Partnership - Undermining Food Safety

Why would the Republicans want to surrender the US Constitution because remember this Trade Treaty becomes the Supreme Law of the Land and the only way to break out of this treaty is if we Americans and the 12 other nations decide TOGETHER that they will break apart from the Trans Pacific Partnership. In other words are laws change FOREVER under this bad trade treaty TPP is a secret trade agreement that will trump national sovereignty

How the Republicans plan to give Obama this enormous power is by passing Trade Promotion Authority.

What Fast Track or Trade Promotion Authority is basically is usually in Congress when an international trade treaty is agreed to such as this one the Senate votes on Trade Treaties and it must be heavily debated and in order to become ratified it needs 67 votes in the Senate in order to pass and there are usually amendments or changes put into place on an international Trade Treaty. If Congress (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE PASS TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY) Then an international Trade Treaty only needs 51 votes and there can be NO AMENDMENTS OR CHANGES TO THE TREATY AND NO FILIBUSTER OR STOPPING THIS TRANS PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP TREATY ONCE IT HITS THE SENATE FLOOR, TO PUT IN CLEARLY ONLY AN UP AND DOWN VOTE IN THE US SENATE

TPP fast-tracking is designed to hide a bad deal from American voters The Daily Caller

I urge you all to call your Senators and Congresspeople at 202-224-3121 and give the operator your 5 digit zip code tell them NO to the Trans Pacific Partnership and Trade Promotion Authority or Click here to get the phone numbers and e-mail addresses of your Senators and Congresspeople Find Your Senators and Representatives - OpenCongress

Please as well sign this petition to stop the Trans Pacific Partnership and Trade Promotion Authority as I said the US Constitution and are Sovereignty is on the line if the Trans Pacific Partnership goes through Stop Fast Track Stop the TPP

Thankfully some of the Tea Party according to this Youtube video are already aware of the dangers of the Trans Pacific Partnership

Please help to and call your Representatives today to stop the Trans Pacific Partnership before it is too late. The one power Democrats don t want Obama to have TheHill

The first step to success in posting a thread is to not fuck-up the title itself:

President Obama's trade treaty will create NEW US CONSTITUTION that undermines are US sovereignty


Ok, back to Tea Party Dead-ender Prepper Thumper Tech Community College with you.

Better luck next time.


Oh, and welcome to USMB. I am your welcoming committee.

First of all Treaties do override the US Constitution Obama secretly signing away U.S. sovereignty Secondly even Former Tea Party Congressman Allen West an American hero is against the Trans Pacific Partnership and Trade Promotion Authority. This treaty will undermined the Sovereignty of America itself Leaked secret trade treaty exposes corporate cronyism The Daily Caller and many Tea Party groups OPPOSE the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade and the Tea Party Washington insiders remain clueless TheHill I encourage everyone again to tell there Congressman and Senators NO TO THE TRANS PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP and TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY OR FAST TRACK. Find Your Senators and Representatives - OpenCongress I hope Tea Party people sign this petition Stop Fast Track Stop the TPP
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Our sovereignty ended the day Obama was sworn into office. Do not expect him to leave. He won't.
If Obama can harm us he'll find any way to do it.

I don't believe he can sign any trade agreement without Congress

this is an older article but below explains some.
Under Article II of the constitution, a president can sign an international treaty, but it must by ratified by two-thirds of the Senate before it becomes law. But there are also other types of international accords, like trade deals, that can be entered via a congressional-executive agreement, which requires only the approval of a simple majority in both houses of Congress. There’s no ironclad rule that determines which international pacts fall into which category. But neither route is easy. The last treaty to win ratification was the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty in 2002,

All of it here:

Can Obama Sign A Climate Treaty Without Congress Mother Jones
Can Obama Sign A Climate Treaty Without Congress?
Hi I do not know how many of you have heard about a Trade Treaty being negotiated with the Obama administration and 12 other mostly Communist rogue Asian Muslim nations called the Trans Pacific Partnership.

What an idiotic claim.

here are the countries that would be part of the agreement:

Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Canada, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, most critically Japan and potentially Korea — are some of the U.S.' biggest and fastest-growing commercial partners, accounting for $1.5 trillion worth of trade in goods in 2012 and $242 billion worth of services in 2011.

Of those- who are 'communist'? Vietnam. Who are 'muslim'- Brunei and Malaysia.

Certainly worth researching the agreement and deciding whether or not you agree with it or not- but a statement that starts off with a claim that is mostly a lie means I don't need to read any further.

The rest of your post is going to be filled with the same kind of crap.
But the Republicans do want to pass Trade Promotion Authority and GIVE
If Obama can harm us he'll find any way to do it.

I don't believe he can sign any trade agreement without Congress

this is an older article but below explains some.
Under Article II of the constitution, a president can sign an international treaty, but it must by ratified by two-thirds of the Senate before it becomes law. But there are also other types of international accords, like trade deals, that can be entered via a congressional-executive agreement, which requires only the approval of a simple majority in both houses of Congress. There’s no ironclad rule that determines which international pacts fall into which category. But neither route is easy. The last treaty to win ratification was the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty in 2002

All of it here:

Can Obama Sign A Climate Treaty Without Congress Mother Jones
Can Obama Sign A Climate Treaty Without Congress?
But the Republicans DO WANT TO PASS TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY FOR THE PRESIDENT Republican Look to Obama For Help On Biggest Trade Package Ever and again Republicans plan to give Obama this Power through Fast Track Or Trade Promotion Authority Mitch McConnell Pledges Fast Action For Secretive Trade Deals Much of the Tea Party OPPOSES THIS TREATY OBAMATRADE & JUDSON PHILLIPS What I didn t get for Christmas - Washington Times This Trade Treaty does end US Sovereignty >>>>> READ Trans-Pacific Partnership Secret Surrender of Sovereignty

By the way do you know how the European Union got started, it was through ***trade*** Political Integration and National Sovereignty

How did that work out. The Next Big Thing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Latin America Americas Quarterly

Just so you all know, Conservative Talk show Host Laura Ingraham has talked about the Trans Pacific Partnership in the past GOP blunder in pushing for Obama trade fast track - Shut Up Blog Please click into the Red Link. OPPOSE FAST TRACK Stop Fast Track Stop the TPP

Oh and so did FOX News Lou Dobbs on his show Mention that Republicans were giving OBAMA a real POWERGRAB will The Trans Pacific Partnership More Power for Obama OBAMATRADE INCLUDED VIDEO OF LOU DOBBS TALKING ABOUT The Trans Pacific Partnership!!!!

Look I tried to tell you, if you do not believe me, well what can I say. I did my best. Good Luck after this treaty passes.
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