President of the Phillippines vows to murder 3 million drug users

Obama was still president last time I looked so who ya gonna call? Apparently he kissed the asses of too many Islamic terrorists and didn't pay attention to U.S. allies. I guess Trump has to handle it.
Well clearly americans will have to be careful going to the Philippines in the next four years. No one will believe we are not all high when one of those two idiots is elected president.

In other news Gary Johnson cancels all plans to travel to the Philippines. And Bill asks if people will be executed if they didn't inhale.
Why is this America's business? Movin on...
You're just upset because you don't like seeing Rodrigo portrayed in a negative light, seeing as how he is a hero of RWNJs like yourself for insulting President Obama.
I do personally enjoy listening to other leaders speak honestly about obama. Not too sure about his killing drug users but he was on target with his feelings when referencing the kenyan.
Your first sentence should have read: I do personally enjoy listening to other leaders, or anyone for that matter, speak in a derogatory manner about the POTUS.

I would expect nothing less from un-American scum such as yourself.

No we like him mowing down drug dealers like bowling pins.....about fucking time
Why is this America's business? Movin on...
You're just upset because you don't like seeing Rodrigo portrayed in a negative light, seeing as how he is a hero of RWNJs like yourself for insulting President Obama.
I do personally enjoy listening to other leaders speak honestly about obama. Not too sure about his killing drug users but he was on target with his feelings when referencing the kenyan.
Your first sentence should have read: I do personally enjoy listening to other leaders, or anyone for that matter, speak in a derogatory manner about the POTUS.

I would expect nothing less from un-American scum such as yourself.
no, I believe I got it right. I dont consider the kenyan a legal US president, therefore it would be wrong to refer to the kenyan as such.
So, I do enjoy when other leaders speak of him that way. If he were a POTUS then I might feel differently.
His enemies are our allies
Goodbye tourism lol
Indonesia just executed a couple of Aussies for drugs.
You think I'd ever go anywhere near Indonesia?
Why not? its full of muslims.....the religion mm of peace, theybwould never hurt a fly according to.obama and clinton. Better to stay out of christian countries.
No way will I ever go to a country run by social conservatives that have cemented their religious beliefs and xenophobia into law.
yeah here they get a full pardon, an apology a new suit, dinner at the the WH and free ride home on AF1
Why is this America's business? Movin on...
You're just upset because you don't like seeing Rodrigo portrayed in a negative light, seeing as how he is a hero of RWNJs like yourself for insulting President Obama.
I do personally enjoy listening to other leaders speak honestly about obama. Not too sure about his killing drug users but he was on target with his feelings when referencing the kenyan.
Your first sentence should have read: I do personally enjoy listening to other leaders, or anyone for that matter, speak in a derogatory manner about the POTUS.

I would expect nothing less from un-American scum such as yourself.
no, I believe I got it right. I dont consider the kenyan a legal US president, therefore it would be wrong to refer to the kenyan as such.
So, I do enjoy when other leaders speak of him that way. If he were a POTUS then I might feel differently.
His enemies are our allies
You did get it right.
Why is this America's business? Movin on...
You're just upset because you don't like seeing Rodrigo portrayed in a negative light, seeing as how he is a hero of RWNJs like yourself for insulting President Obama.
I do personally enjoy listening to other leaders speak honestly about obama. Not too sure about his killing drug users but he was on target with his feelings when referencing the kenyan.
Your first sentence should have read: I do personally enjoy listening to other leaders, or anyone for that matter, speak in a derogatory manner about the POTUS.

I would expect nothing less from un-American scum such as yourself.

Aw, calm down there little Safe Spacer. Hussein's an asshole. It is what it is.

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