President plans to unveil new 20% 'minimum tax' on 700 super-rich Americans that would levy ALL forms of income for families worth more than $100M

I see the problem. Libs want the government to be Uncle Sugar, providing all sorts of free benefits, yet they only want a select few - the people richer than they are, naturally - to fund it.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this country should pay a minimum 1% in federal income taxes.

They should but nobody will ever do it.

Tax the rich affects a very small portion of our society. They can't "get even" with the politicians by voting them out of office. It's why the left has been increasing cigarette taxes over the last 30 years. Smokers can't protect themselves being such a minority.

Taxing a huge group will get you voted out of office even if it's a lousy 1%. It would also be campaign fodder for Democrats the following election. That's why I said early on the only possible way to tax everybody is a consumption tax. A consumption tax taxes everybody. Here in Cleveland we have a 8% tax on the dollar. Around 3% goes to our county to waste and the other 5% is state tax. But at least everybody pays: the rich, the poor, and anybody in between. Like payroll taxes, most don't even look at it.
Congress can raise revenue
Doesnt limit how

You forgot that the Income tax was found to be unconstitutional before an amendment was passed to make it constitutional. A wealth tax would have the same problem.

It wouldn't pass muster in even a district court, unless the judge is a die hard prog.
Congress can raise revenue
Doesnt limit how
Actually it does and pretty explicitly.

That's why for example we have no national sales tax or ad valorem tax, they would require a constitutional amendment.

That which power is not specifically stated as belonging to the fed, is reserved to the states and individuals.
Have you not realized yet that anything good happening under a Dem president is good, anything good happening under a republican president the dem's get credit for, but if anything bad happens for either, it's always the fault of the last republican president unless of course congress grows a pair and rejects the budget of a sitting dem "shutting down the country".

There's never anything more predictable than a democratic response to either good or bad news, they always claim the credit and always run from any blame.

That's less of a problem than it is the media always blames the Republicans. If the government shuts down or there is a threat of a shutdown while Republicans have the leadership in Congress, it's the Republican Congress' fault. If it's a Republican President with a Democrat Congress, it's the Republican Presidents fault. Sure, the Republican leaning media will post the truth, but in the scope of the media, Republican led outlets are outnumbered by at least 20 to 1.
That's less of a problem than it is the media always blames the Republicans. If the government shuts down or there is a threat of a shutdown while Republicans have the leadership in Congress, it's the Republican Congress' fault. If it's a Republican President with a Democrat Congress, it's the Republican Presidents fault. Sure, the Republican leaning media will post the truth, but in the scope of the media, Republican led outlets are outnumbered by at least 20 to 1.
All true but no lie can stand for ever, eventually the truth has a nasty way of finding the light and revealing itself eventually.
All true but no lie can stand for ever, eventually the truth has a nasty way of finding the light and revealing itself eventually.

Only for those seeking the truth. But you Google "government shutdown" while one is a threat, the top 25 or more posts are media blaming the Republicans. The negative impact are on what I call Headline Voters. They only read the headline and not the article and vote accordingly. We used to have Duck Duck Go but there was a story how they are now doing the same.
Actually it does and pretty explicitly.

That's why for example we have no national sales tax or ad valorem tax, they would require a constitutional amendment.

That which power is not specifically stated as belonging to the fed, is reserved to the states and individuals.
Like Obamacare?
All true but no lie can stand for ever, eventually the truth has a nasty way of finding the light and revealing itself eventually.
Yeah, but eventually can come too late. Just now Hunter’s corruption, and the larger involvement by the Biden family, is coming to light - about 16 months too late. Had this been covered by the media, rather than suppressed, Trump would now be president.
Biden spends 100 billion dollars more on domestic programs than he does on defense. we're gonna be in a heap of trouble in terms of national security
Biden spends 100 billion dollars more on domestic programs than he does on defense. we're gonna be in a heap of trouble in terms of national security

I would rather spend money on the American people than on being the worlds policeman half a world away
In other words, "I read the headline, and that makes it TRUUUUUE! How DARE you expect me to make my own case?!"

So I'll just mark your post "Fake Bullshit" and ignore it . . . like all your other posts. Let me know if you ever have a thought.
Its just simply what happens to republicans who wont give 100 percent fealty to Trump -> you get revenge.

there is another example, Mo Brooks

you think im making this up
but its just objective truth.
Its just simply what happens to republicans who wont give 100 percent fealty to Trump -> you get revenge.

there is another example, Mo Brooks

you think im making this up
but its just objective truth.
Spare us the fealty crap. No one is more servile than a prog. We support Trump because we agree with him, you brainless douchenozzle.
france tried taxing earnings over million euros at 75%.

by contrast, what Biden is doing is a billionaire minimum tax rate.
This is where households earning more than $100 million would pay no less than a %20 in taxes.

so, apples & oranges.
Biden is taxing investment, you hyper dumbass. There is nothing dumber than taxing investment. What are the good points of taking money out of investment in plant and equipment and sending it to those worthless parasites in Washington?
france tried taxing earnings over million euros at 75%.

by contrast, what Biden is doing is a billionaire minimum tax rate.
This is where households earning more than $100 million would pay no less than a %20 in taxes.

so, apples & oranges.
Don't know Biden joined usmessageboard :rolleyes: Unless I am misunderstanding something, I guess you mix up "earning" and "wealth."

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