President to use recess appointment for CFPB :-)

SO? He's a businessman as well...and this is evil somehow?


Don't like it or him? Start your own and compete.

He's very entertaining. I just don't take him seriously because he's on the fringe. But, then again, much of the conservative movement is on the fringe compared to where they were in previous years.

In my opinion, the conservatives movement will either have to moderate in coming years, or it will collapse due to alienating too many moderate and mainstream voters who are turned off by the constant over-the-top bombastic, hyperbolic rhetoric. It's considerably MORE disturbing if these fringe radio hosts and elected representatives actually believe their own hype.

I find his whiny voice the most grating of all the wingnut talkers, personally.

Without being able to attack the Messenger, on a Personal Level, you are out of Ammunition. Got it. ;)
4 August 2005

Rehnquist will step down from the Supreme Court soon because of thyroid cancer, Senate Republican leaders are preparing for a showdown to keep Democrats from blocking President Bush's judicial nominations, including a replacement for Rehnquist.

Republicans say that Democrats have abused the filibuster by blocking 10 of the president's 229 judicial nominees in his first term -- although confirmation of Bush nominees exceeds in most cases the first-term experience of presidents dating to Ronald Reagan. Describing the filibusters as intolerable, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has hinted he may resort to an unusual parliamentary maneuver, dubbed the "nuclear option," to thwart such filibusters.

"One way or another, the filibuster of judicial nominees must end," he said in a speech to the Federalist Society last month, labeling the use of filibusters against judicial nominees a "formula for tyranny by the minority."

So far, at least, Democrats are refusing to forgo filibusters and say they will fight any effort by Frist to act unilaterally to end them for judicial nominations. They warn that it could poison the well for bipartisan cooperation on other issues in the upcoming Congress.

"If they, for whatever reason, decide to do this, it's not only wrong, they will rue the day they did it, because we will do whatever we can do to strike back," incoming Senate Democratic leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) said last week. "I know procedures around here. And I know that there will still be Senate business conducted. But I will, for lack of a better word, screw things up."

Democrats, however, face several constraints. Democratic strategists said that some of the party's senators from states Bush carried in the presidential election could be reluctant to support a filibuster for fear of being portrayed as obstructionist -- a tactic the GOP used successfully in congressional elections this year and in 2002.

Personally I support the Right of the Senate to set It's own Rules. I do have expectations for it to live by the Rules it sets, and to Amend them when Necessary by Due Process. I'm not threatened by the Filibuster and realize it is a tool for the Minority, whoever that may be, and that does at times cross Party Lines. It represents a higher Bar, not just a simple Majority, and that is reason itself for pause.

And it ensures that the people won't be trod upon by one or the other.
Not really. Radio (especially syndication) is a very lucrative business model, and Levin just announced that he had a whole bunch of new stations sign up for his show.
SO? He's a businessman as well...and this is evil somehow?


Don't like it or him? Start your own and compete.

He's very entertaining. I just don't take him seriously because he's on the fringe. But, then again, much of the conservative movement is on the fringe compared to where they were in previous years.

In my opinion, the conservatives movement will either have to moderate in coming years, or it will collapse due to alienating too many moderate and mainstream voters who are turned off by the constant over-the-top bombastic, hyperbolic rhetoric. It's considerably MORE disturbing if these fringe radio hosts and elected representatives actually believe their own hype.

What fringe is that? The Real Americans that respect and revere the Constitution and rule of law?
He's very entertaining. I just don't take him seriously because he's on the fringe. But, then again, much of the conservative movement is on the fringe compared to where they were in previous years.

In my opinion, the conservatives movement will either have to moderate in coming years, or it will collapse due to alienating too many moderate and mainstream voters who are turned off by the constant over-the-top bombastic, hyperbolic rhetoric. It's considerably MORE disturbing if these fringe radio hosts and elected representatives actually believe their own hype.

I find his whiny voice the most grating of all the wingnut talkers, personally.

Yeah, he does have kind of nasal voice. And when he gets worked up (which doesn't take much and happens often), I'll grant there's a comic aspect to it. Sometimes I'm not sure at what I'm laughing at the most. Is it the craziness of the content? Is it the emotional rant? Is it the voice? Whatever it is, it prevents me from tuning back to Randi Rhodes, who has an equally less-than-soothing radio voice with her thick Brooklyn, NY accent.

But he's good for a few laughs. I find the incredibly poor logic that he uses to make his arguments to be highly entertaining.

Whatever you do, don't call in, He'll eat you alive. Save yourself the embarrassment. You are too easy to cream. ;)
I find his whiny voice the most grating of all the wingnut talkers, personally.

Yeah, he does have kind of nasal voice. And when he gets worked up (which doesn't take much and happens often), I'll grant there's a comic aspect to it. Sometimes I'm not sure at what I'm laughing at the most. Is it the craziness of the content? Is it the emotional rant? Is it the voice? Whatever it is, it prevents me from tuning back to Randi Rhodes, who has an equally less-than-soothing radio voice with her thick Brooklyn, NY accent.

But he's good for a few laughs. I find the incredibly poor logic that he uses to make his arguments to be highly entertaining.

Whatever you do, don't call in, He'll eat you alive. Save yourself the embarrassment. You are too easy to cream. ;)

Indeed. Levin would chew him up and spit him out like bad gum.
I find his whiny voice the most grating of all the wingnut talkers, personally.

Yeah, he does have kind of nasal voice. And when he gets worked up (which doesn't take much and happens often), I'll grant there's a comic aspect to it. Sometimes I'm not sure at what I'm laughing at the most. Is it the craziness of the content? Is it the emotional rant? Is it the voice? Whatever it is, it prevents me from tuning back to Randi Rhodes, who has an equally less-than-soothing radio voice with her thick Brooklyn, NY accent.

But he's good for a few laughs. I find the incredibly poor logic that he uses to make his arguments to be highly entertaining.

Whatever you do, don't call in, He'll eat you alive. Save yourself the embarrassment. You are too easy to cream. ;)

Why would I ever want to call him? I already know what he's about.
SO? He's a businessman as well...and this is evil somehow?


Don't like it or him? Start your own and compete.

He's very entertaining. I just don't take him seriously because he's on the fringe. But, then again, much of the conservative movement is on the fringe compared to where they were in previous years.

In my opinion, the conservatives movement will either have to moderate in coming years, or it will collapse due to alienating too many moderate and mainstream voters who are turned off by the constant over-the-top bombastic, hyperbolic rhetoric. It's considerably MORE disturbing if these fringe radio hosts and elected representatives actually believe their own hype.

What fringe is that? The Real Americans that respect and revere the Constitution and rule of law?

Stop. You're embarrassing yourself. The very same people who say that they believe in freedom and the Constitution sure spend a lot of time and effort trying to find ways to intrude on the personal lives of other people when they disagree with their personal choices.
4 August 2005

Rehnquist will step down from the Supreme Court soon because of thyroid cancer, Senate Republican leaders are preparing for a showdown to keep Democrats from blocking President Bush's judicial nominations, including a replacement for Rehnquist.

Republicans say that Democrats have abused the filibuster by blocking 10 of the president's 229 judicial nominees in his first term -- although confirmation of Bush nominees exceeds in most cases the first-term experience of presidents dating to Ronald Reagan. Describing the filibusters as intolerable, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has hinted he may resort to an unusual parliamentary maneuver, dubbed the "nuclear option," to thwart such filibusters.

"One way or another, the filibuster of judicial nominees must end," he said in a speech to the Federalist Society last month, labeling the use of filibusters against judicial nominees a "formula for tyranny by the minority."

So far, at least, Democrats are refusing to forgo filibusters and say they will fight any effort by Frist to act unilaterally to end them for judicial nominations. They warn that it could poison the well for bipartisan cooperation on other issues in the upcoming Congress.

"If they, for whatever reason, decide to do this, it's not only wrong, they will rue the day they did it, because we will do whatever we can do to strike back," incoming Senate Democratic leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) said last week. "I know procedures around here. And I know that there will still be Senate business conducted. But I will, for lack of a better word, screw things up."

Democrats, however, face several constraints. Democratic strategists said that some of the party's senators from states Bush carried in the presidential election could be reluctant to support a filibuster for fear of being portrayed as obstructionist -- a tactic the GOP used successfully in congressional elections this year and in 2002.

Personally I support the Right of the Senate to set It's own Rules. I do have expectations for it to live by the Rules it sets, and to Amend them when Necessary by Due Process. I'm not threatened by the Filibuster and realize it is a tool for the Minority, whoever that may be, and that does at times cross Party Lines. It represents a higher Bar, not just a simple Majority, and that is reason itself for pause.

thx for that blast from the past.;)

I am on record here from way not sppting any advise and consent filibusters, by any party. elections have consequences, so to do rules. this was a bad move by obama.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.
BUSH didn't do it for a new Bureaucracy.
A new bureaucracy? Larger government? More tax dollars drained?

No wonder the leftists here are moist.
Yep. They have to get even will the evil Wall Street...

What this new bureacracy tells me is that Gubmint can't and doesn't trust Consumers to do thier own 'watchdogging'...:eusa_whistle:
This government doesn't.

Leftists think the proles are stupid and need to be led. They think they're qualified to make decisions for everyone.

They are vastly wrong.
Yep he iz.

He seems to have forgotten how bush's dissenters were treated.
Unamerican, traitor, you are either with us or against us.

Seems like the right even called me that for opposing the Iraq invasion and The Patriot act.
So why do you perpetuate such behavior?

Oh, yeah -- because there's a Democrat in the White House.


And this is why you're a numbnuts.
Not really. This thread is proving me correct.

If Bush did it, it's bad. If Obama does it, it's good.
A new bureaucracy? Larger government? More tax dollars drained?

No wonder the leftists here are moist.
Yep. They have to get even will the evil Wall Street...

What this new bureacracy tells me is that Gubmint can't and doesn't trust Consumers to do thier own 'watchdogging'...:eusa_whistle:
This government doesn't.

Leftists think the proles are stupid and need to be led. They think they're qualified to make decisions for everyone.

They are vastly wrong.
And bigtime wrong. Some of us can make our own must be rough being a leftist/moocher that can't think for themselves.

These boards are infested with them unfortunately.
Yeah, he does have kind of nasal voice. And when he gets worked up (which doesn't take much and happens often), I'll grant there's a comic aspect to it. Sometimes I'm not sure at what I'm laughing at the most. Is it the craziness of the content? Is it the emotional rant? Is it the voice? Whatever it is, it prevents me from tuning back to Randi Rhodes, who has an equally less-than-soothing radio voice with her thick Brooklyn, NY accent.

But he's good for a few laughs. I find the incredibly poor logic that he uses to make his arguments to be highly entertaining.

Whatever you do, don't call in, He'll eat you alive. Save yourself the embarrassment. You are too easy to cream. ;)

Why would I ever want to call him? I already know what he's about.

I don't advise it. The encounter would have the effect of a Tsunami landing on you and your sand castle at the beach. :D He is a Lawyer that has argued multiple times before the Supreme Court. You really want to go there?
Yep. They have to get even will the evil Wall Street...

What this new bureacracy tells me is that Gubmint can't and doesn't trust Consumers to do thier own 'watchdogging'...:eusa_whistle:
This government doesn't.

Leftists think the proles are stupid and need to be led. They think they're qualified to make decisions for everyone.

They are vastly wrong.
And bigtime wrong. Some of us can make our own must be rough being a leftist/moocher that can't think for themselves.

These boards are infested with them unfortunately.
Indeed. Pathetic.
Oh, you mean like the left did for 8 years under Bush, then excusing and rationalizing it whenever Obama does the same thing?

Let me guess: That's different. Somehow. It just is.
BUSH didn't do it for a new Bureaucracy.
A new bureaucracy? Larger government? More tax dollars drained?

No wonder the leftists here are moist.

Conservatives make me laugh, and here's why.

Here's the conservative world:

John Q. Citizen come forward to say that he was cheated or somehow the victim of a fraud by a company that has since either moved on, or is possibly politically connected. Naturally, and understandably, he would like some help from gov't somehow.

Conservatives' response is that might mean more big gov't.

When the citizen wants to know why the little guy can't get help against the large company run by wealthy people who prey on the poor, he's told that he must be either a socialist or someone who's engaging in class warfare.
Whatever you do, don't call in, He'll eat you alive. Save yourself the embarrassment. You are too easy to cream. ;)

Why would I ever want to call him? I already know what he's about.

I don't advise it. The encounter would have the effect of a Tsunami landing on you and your sand castle at the beach. :D He is a Lawyer that has argued multiple times before the Supreme Court. You really want to go there?
Now, now...Mustang is a liberal. That means he's really, really smart.

Just ask him!

Obama's Recess Appointments: An Impeachable Offense?

Posted 07:02 PM ET

Constitution: President Obama's nonrecess "recess appointments" can't be excused as over-the-top electioneering. This president has crossed over from socialistic extremism into lawlessness and, perhaps, impeachability.

The U.S. Constitution established a strong presidency — so strong that even one of the most esteemed founding fathers, Patrick Henry, worried it would be kinglike. But this week saw a president exceed even those broad constitutional powers because doing so fits his election-year narrative of a "do-nothing Congress" so well.

Now we have the makings of a banana republic, where the rule of clearly written constitutional law is compromised by a ruler's subjective whim.

The Constitution is crystal clear on the recess appointment authority of the president.

"The president shall have power," Article II, section 2 states, "to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session."

The Senate has not been in recess. And Congress' authority over when it is and isn't in recess is no small matter of parliamentary procedure. Rather, it is a power the Framers explicitly bestowed in Article I, Section 5:

"Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days."

Yet Obama on Wednesday, with no recess in effect and against the publicly stated position of his own Justice Department, made four "recess appointments."

Subscribe to the IBD Editorials Podcast Former Ohio attorney general Richard Cordray was named head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — a new, intrusive federal agency established last year by the Dodd-Frank law — and three spots on the National Labor Relations Board were filled.

The GOP-majority House has been keeping Congress in session, using its lawful power to prevent Obama from steamrolling someone into the CFPB position outside the usual Senate confirmation process because, as House Speaker John Boehner explained Wednesday, "the agency it heads is bad for jobs and bad for the economy."

the rest with comments..
His Illegal Recess Appointments May Start Lead To Talks Of Obama Impeachment -
BUSH didn't do it for a new Bureaucracy.
A new bureaucracy? Larger government? More tax dollars drained?

No wonder the leftists here are moist.

Conservatives make me laugh, and here's why.

Here's the conservative world:

John Q. Citizen come forward to say that he was cheated or somehow the victim of a fraud by a company that has since either moved on, or is possibly politically connected. Naturally, and understandably, he would like some help from gov't somehow.

Conservatives' response is that might mean more big gov't.

When the citizen wants to know why the little guy can't get help against the large company run by wealthy people who prey on the poor, he's told that he must be either a socialist or someone who's engaging in class warfare.
John Q. already has legal recourse.

More government is not the solution to every problem. I expect you'll have difficulty understanding this basic concept.
BUSH didn't do it for a new Bureaucracy.
A new bureaucracy? Larger government? More tax dollars drained?

No wonder the leftists here are moist.

Conservatives make me laugh, and here's why.

Here's the conservative world:

John Q. Citizen come forward to say that he was cheated or somehow the victim of a fraud by a company that has since either moved on, or is possibly politically connected. Naturally, and understandably, he would like some help from gov't somehow.

Conservatives' response is that might mean more big gov't.

When the citizen wants to know why the little guy can't get help against the large company run by wealthy people who prey on the poor, he's told that he must be either a socialist or someone who's engaging in class warfare.

WTF have you been smoking? Seriously? Conservatives want limited the Founders wrote it asswipe.

Nice projection asshole.
Conservatives make me laugh, and here's why.

Here's the conservative world:

John Q. Citizen come forward to say that he was cheated or somehow the victim of a fraud by a company that has since either moved on, or is possibly politically connected. Naturally, and understandably, he would like some help from gov't somehow.
If he was screwed by Solyndra, this Administration sure as hell isn't going to help him out.

Oh, wait...we ALL were screwed by Solyndra. Even you.

The difference between you and me?

You enjoyed it.
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