President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.

The president is supposed to tell us the fucking truth. This is Donnie's Katrina. Those of us who know he's a liar and an idiot played no part in his total incompetence and clownery.
View attachment 311747
I bet you think doctors keep asking Trump how he knows so much about Coronavirus.
Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.
Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?.
Because he isn't.
hooray...another reality denier.....and just when I thought we were finally running low.....



I'm not denying anything.

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider

The drop is not the blob’s fault. But it’s fun to watch his fluffers say “Watch this...” one day and the crater that follows is not even addressed by the same fluffers.
Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.
He was in hiding like all cowardly Repub politicians
The president is supposed to tell the fucking truth.
Someone forgot to tell Barry... :p

This is Donnie's Katrina.

The Democrats and snowflakes are trying their damnedest to make everyone believe so.

This is not the President's Katrina:

If you remember and you are honest, Trump SHAMED Barry into even visiting Katrina victims after the disaster:

"Kudos to Donald Trump for dragging the media spotlight to the flood-ravaged areas around Baton Rouge — and shaming President Obama into belatedly scheduling a visit, though not until next Tuesday.

Waters rising in the wake of record rainfalls have killed 13 Louisianians, displaced another 85,000-plus and damaged more than 40,000 homes.

It’s the worst disaster to hit the state since Hurricane Katrina — yet it garnered far less attention, from the media or the White House, until Trump announced his trip.

Trump is living up to his words in North Carolina the other night: “We are one nation. When one state hurts, we all hurt. We must all work together — to lift each other up.” Hours later, he and running mate Mike Pence were touring battered Baton Rouge.

That made the president look like a hypocrite. After all, as a presidential candidate back in 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama slammed George W. Bush as “a president who only saw people from the window of an airplane instead of down here on the ground, trying to provide comfort and aid.”

This is not President Trump's H1N1:

Barry waited 6 months - until 1,000 Americans were dead, thousands hospitalized - before even proclaiming the H1N1 virus emergency an 'Emergency'. President Triump sprung into action 30 days after China reported COVID-19 to the WHO.

You need to have your head checked out, 'Doc;'.
Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.
He was in hiding like all cowardly Repub politicians
NOW yellow belly coward Cruz is in hiding What a leader lol
He was in hiding like all cowardly Repub politicians
You mean like Barry was doing as terrorists stormed the Benghazi compound? The Obama administration to this day has never explained where Barry was that night. We know he wasn't in the WAR Room.....because 'Skippy', the 'Valley Guy', said he was there and thought Barry was asleep the whole time up in the WH living quarters.
ANY ONE of those ladies make Trump and Pence look like 1st graders

They could not even beat an old, racist, sexist, educational record-doctoring, child/woman-groping, confessed extorting, dementia-ravaged multi-millionaire....but, of course, that was because the DNC was rigging its primaries again.

Just pointing out that Republicans elected an old, racist, sexist, educational blocking, confessed child/woman-sexual molester(grab them by the pussies!), fraudster who defrauded his own 'charity', dementia ravaged multi-millionaire whose family has used his presidency to enrich themselves further.
The president is supposed to tell the fucking truth.
Someone forgot to tell Barry... :p

This is Donnie's Katrina.

The Democrats and snowflakes are trying their damnedest to make everyone believe so.

This is not the President's Katrina:

If you remember and you are honest, Trump SHAMED Barry into even visiting Katrina victims after the disaster:

"Kudos to Donald Trump for dragging the media spotlight to the flood-ravaged areas around Baton Rouge — and shaming President Obama into belatedly scheduling a visit, though not until next Tuesday.

Waters rising in the wake of record rainfalls have killed 13 Louisianians, displaced another 85,000-plus and damaged more than 40,000 homes.

It’s the worst disaster to hit the state since Hurricane Katrina — yet it garnered far less attention, from the media or the White House, until Trump announced his trip.

Trump is living up to his words in North Carolina the other night: “We are one nation. When one state hurts, we all hurt. We must all work together — to lift each other up.” Hours later, he and running mate Mike Pence were touring battered Baton Rouge.

That made the president look like a hypocrite. After all, as a presidential candidate back in 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama slammed George W. Bush as “a president who only saw people from the window of an airplane instead of down here on the ground, trying to provide comfort and aid.”

This is not President Trump's H1N1:

Barry waited 6 months - until 1,000 Americans were dead, thousands hospitalized - before even proclaiming the H1N1 virus emergency an 'Emergency'. President Triump sprung into action 30 days after China reported COVID-19 to the WHO.

You need to have your head checked out, 'Doc;'.

He sprung onto the golf course, where he was able to focus on what was really important, like sinking a 25 foot put, while keeping his cheating to a minimum.
The president is supposed to tell the fucking truth.
Someone forgot to tell Barry... :p

This is Donnie's Katrina.

The Democrats and snowflakes are trying their damnedest to make everyone believe so.

This is not the President's Katrina:

If you remember and you are honest, Trump SHAMED Barry into even visiting Katrina victims after the disaster:

"Kudos to Donald Trump for dragging the media spotlight to the flood-ravaged areas around Baton Rouge — and shaming President Obama into belatedly scheduling a visit, though not until next Tuesday.

Waters rising in the wake of record rainfalls have killed 13 Louisianians, displaced another 85,000-plus and damaged more than 40,000 homes.

It’s the worst disaster to hit the state since Hurricane Katrina — yet it garnered far less attention, from the media or the White House, until Trump announced his trip.

Trump is living up to his words in North Carolina the other night: “We are one nation. When one state hurts, we all hurt. We must all work together — to lift each other up.” Hours later, he and running mate Mike Pence were touring battered Baton Rouge.

That made the president look like a hypocrite. After all, as a presidential candidate back in 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama slammed George W. Bush as “a president who only saw people from the window of an airplane instead of down here on the ground, trying to provide comfort and aid.”

This is not President Trump's H1N1:

Barry waited 6 months - until 1,000 Americans were dead, thousands hospitalized - before even proclaiming the H1N1 virus emergency an 'Emergency'. President Triump sprung into action 30 days after China reported COVID-19 to the WHO.

You need to have your head checked out, 'Doc;'.

Please stop making shit up - Not a good look for Trumptards. ;)

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
PolitiFact - President Obama declared H1N1 a public health emergency before anyone in the United States died
PolitiFact - Donald Trump wrong saying Barack Obama did nothing about swine flu
Few sickened when Obama declared 2009 flu a health emergency

And stop getting your news from Russian backed conspiracy theory websites

On February 28, PJ Media posted an article claiming that after the H1N1 pandemic started in April 2009, “it wasn't until six months later, October, that then-President Obama declared a public health emergency on what was already a pandemic.” The post was picked up and spread further by The Gateway Pundit on February 29 and RedState on March 1. (The idea also spread to the even more fetid swamps of the right-wing online presence, with QAnon conspiracy theorist Dylan Wheeler tweeting about it.)​

Sean Hannity, right-wing media lie about Obama's 2009 H1N1 response

If 1100pts up is a "soar" what do you call 2000pts down?
A trump collapse?

Is that like a Hillary collapse?

No, Trump's is relevant to 2020 and affects us all. Where as Clinton physically tripping back in the last decade is completely meaningless.
ANY ONE of those ladies make Trump and Pence look like 1st graders

They could not even beat an old, racist, sexist, educational record-doctoring, child/woman-groping, confessed extorting, dementia-ravaged multi-millionaire....but, of course, that was because the DNC was rigging its primaries again.

Just pointing out that Republicans elected an old, racist, sexist, educational blocking, confessed child/woman-sexual molester(grab them by the pussies!), fraudster who defrauded his own 'charity', dementia ravaged multi-millionaire whose family has used his presidency to enrich themselves further.

Pretty sad when someone like that beats YOUR candidate, isn't it?

Says far more about the left than it does the right.
Trump acts.....and the stock market falls again

Wait, I thought you said the President's actions has / had no effect on the Stock Market.....funny how that suddenly changes when such a claim benefits snowflakes. :p

No surprise at all that the only way you could make that claim was to edit out the rest of my comments- which I believe violates USMB policy.

I will repost the rest of my post- which of course you will lie about- because that is all you ever do.

Personally I don't think that Trump is responsible for the falling market, any more than Trump was responsible for the rising market- but the credit goes both ways- if Trump wants to claim credit for a rising stock market, then he deserves 'credit' for the falling market just as much.

So Skippy- if you want to give Trump credit for the Stock Market gain yesterday- which your OP appears to have been doing- do you have the balls to give Trump 'credit' for today's stock market?

Hell we all know the answer to that.
ANY ONE of those ladies make Trump and Pence look like 1st graders

They could not even beat an old, racist, sexist, educational record-doctoring, child/woman-groping, confessed extorting, dementia-ravaged multi-millionaire....but, of course, that was because the DNC was rigging its primaries again.

Just pointing out that Republicans elected an old, racist, sexist, educational blocking, confessed child/woman-sexual molester(grab them by the pussies!), fraudster who defrauded his own 'charity', dementia ravaged multi-millionaire whose family has used his presidency to enrich themselves further.

Pretty sad when someone like that beats YOUR candidate, isn't it?

Says far more about the left than it does the right.
I call it what turned out to be a tragedy with that unqualified garbage in our WH
ANY ONE of those ladies make Trump and Pence look like 1st graders

They could not even beat an old, racist, sexist, educational record-doctoring, child/woman-groping, confessed extorting, dementia-ravaged multi-millionaire....but, of course, that was because the DNC was rigging its primaries again.

Just pointing out that Republicans elected an old, racist, sexist, educational blocking, confessed child/woman-sexual molester(grab them by the pussies!), fraudster who defrauded his own 'charity', dementia ravaged multi-millionaire whose family has used his presidency to enrich themselves further.

Pretty sad when someone like that beats YOUR candidate, isn't it?

Says far more about the left than it does the right.

Does it? Does it really?
stocks soar -

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so react Goldilocks -
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