President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

9 investigations including the Republican-led House conclusion that neither Obama nor Hillary did anything wrong.

According to snowflakes there was nothing wrong with Barry and Hillary:

- Pimping out the US military to Al Qaeda so they could take over Libya to begin with

- Hiring a security firm that had never provided security in a war zone before and whose guards had never carried weapons before to provide security for the US Ambassador and US personnel in the compound at Benghazi where they were surrounded by a growing Al Qaeda presence that had begun attacking both US and coalition personnel / compounds

- Hiring an Al Qaeda-associated militia to guard Americans, protecting them form AL QAEDA

- When every other nation pulled their people out due to terrorist violence and growing Al Qaeda presence - even after 2 attacks on the compound prior to the last attack THEY KNEW WAS COMING ON 9/11/12 - and chose to leave them in Benghazi instead

- Hillary LAUGHED when asked about the mpore than 50 requests for additional security by the Ambassador - she thought he was joking, that it was part of his sense of humor (WTF?)

- Barry and his Cabinet (Rice, Hillary, etc...) blamed a US video-maker and promised to arrest him for exercising his 2nd amendment right

...and there is so much more......

'All of those investigations proved 'nothing' / exposed 'nothing'....yeah, to Obama / Hillary worshippers.....
read your post. twice. what does it have to do with:

"President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar"
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!

Remind me - Who's the ass-clown that touted Dear Leaders actions as saving the market yesterday but refuses to blame him for today's plummet? :cool:

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

23,787.72 −1,230.44 (4.92%)
Mar 11, 1:39 PM EDT
Tell us why the market is bouncing up and down.
cause that's what they do in a global panic.
There is a specific reason.
9 investigations including the Republican-led House conclusion that neither Obama nor Hillary did anything wrong.

According to snowflakes there was nothing wrong with Barry and Hillary:

- Pimping out the US military to Al Qaeda so they could take over Libya to begin with

- Hiring a security firm that had never provided security in a war zone before and whose guards had never carried weapons before to provide security for the US Ambassador and US personnel in the compound at Benghazi where they were surrounded by a growing Al Qaeda presence that had begun attacking both US and coalition personnel / compounds

- Hiring an Al Qaeda-associated militia to guard Americans, protecting them form AL QAEDA

- When every other nation pulled their people out due to terrorist violence and growing Al Qaeda presence - even after 2 attacks on the compound prior to the last attack THEY KNEW WAS COMING ON 9/11/12 - and chose to leave them in Benghazi instead

- Hillary LAUGHED when asked about the mpore than 50 requests for additional security by the Ambassador - she thought he was joking, that it was part of his sense of humor (WTF?)

- Barry and his Cabinet (Rice, Hillary, etc...) blamed a US video-maker and promised to arrest him for exercising his 2nd amendment right

...and there is so much more......

'All of those investigations proved 'nothing' / exposed 'nothing'....yeah, to Obama / Hillary worshippers.....

Perhaps you should speak to Howdy Gowdy instead of getting your news from Gateway Pundit and PJ Media?

House Benghazi report faults military response, not Clinton, for deaths

9 investigations including the Republican-led House conclusion that neither Obama nor Hillary did anything wrong.

According to snowflakes there was nothing wrong with Barry and Hillary:

- Pimping out the US military to Al Qaeda so they could take over Libya to begin with

- Hiring a security firm that had never provided security in a war zone before and whose guards had never carried weapons before to provide security for the US Ambassador and US personnel in the compound at Benghazi where they were surrounded by a growing Al Qaeda presence that had begun attacking both US and coalition personnel / compounds

- Hiring an Al Qaeda-associated militia to guard Americans, protecting them form AL QAEDA

- When every other nation pulled their people out due to terrorist violence and growing Al Qaeda presence - even after 2 attacks on the compound prior to the last attack THEY KNEW WAS COMING ON 9/11/12 - and chose to leave them in Benghazi instead

- Hillary LAUGHED when asked about the mpore than 50 requests for additional security by the Ambassador - she thought he was joking, that it was part of his sense of humor (WTF?)

- Barry and his Cabinet (Rice, Hillary, etc...) blamed a US video-maker and promised to arrest him for exercising his 2nd amendment right

...and there is so much more......

'All of those investigations proved 'nothing' / exposed 'nothing'....yeah, to Obama / Hillary worshippers.....
read your post. twice. what does it have to do with:

"President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar"

Quite a soft-shoe routine isn't it? :)

Be a big person and admit the truth.
Which one of your snowflake 'truths' is that?

Trump actions do not affect the stock market positively?

Trump's actions impacted the stock market negatively?

Trump has handled COVID-19 poorly, despite acting just30 days after it was reported and opposed to Bary waiting until 1,000 Americans were dead from H1N1 before declaring it an 'Emergency'?

....please tell me, snowflake....
Perhaps you should speak to Howdy Gowdy instead of getting your news from Gateway Pundit and PJ Media?

House Benghazi report faults military response, not Clinton, for deaths

So the US military that was ordered to 'Stand Down' after the attack began was responsible for Obama and Hillary

- Pimping out the US military to Al Qaeda so they could take over Libya to begin with

- Hiring a security firm that had never provided security in a war zone before and whose guards had never carried weapons before to provide security for the US Ambassador and US personnel in the compound at Benghazi where they were surrounded by a growing Al Qaeda presence that had begun attacking both US and coalition personnel / compounds

- Hiring an Al Qaeda-associated militia to guard Americans, protecting them form AL QAEDA

- When every other nation pulled their people out due to terrorist violence and growing Al Qaeda presence - even after 2 attacks on the compound prior to the last attack THEY KNEW WAS COMING ON 9/11/12 - and chose to leave them in Benghazi instead

- Hillary LAUGHED when asked about the mpore than 50 requests for additional security by the Ambassador - she thought he was joking, that it was part of his sense of humor (WTF?)

- Barry and his Cabinet (Rice, Hillary, etc...) blamed a US video-maker and promised to arrest him for exercising his 2nd amendment right

read your post. twice. what does it have to do with:

"President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar"

Sorry, I got sucked into Dr. Love's BS comment about Benghazi and got derailed.....Thank you.
Be a big person and admit the truth.
Which one of your snowflake 'truths' is that?

Trump actions do not affect the stock market positively?

Trump's actions impacted the stock market negatively?

Trump has handled COVID-19 poorly, despite acting just30 days after it was reported and opposed to Bary waiting until 1,000 Americans were dead from H1N1 before declaring it an 'Emergency'?

....please tell me, snowflake....

I asked politely - You didn't respond. Can't say I blame you! ;)

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar
Be a big person and admit the truth.
Which one of your snowflake 'truths' is that?

Trump actions do not affect the stock market positively?

Trump's actions impacted the stock market negatively?

Trump has handled COVID-19 poorly, despite acting just30 days after it was reported and opposed to Bary waiting until 1,000 Americans were dead from H1N1 before declaring it an 'Emergency'?

....please tell me, snowflake....
You were gloating way too early.
I asked politely - You didn't respond. Can't say I blame you! ;)


Which one of your snowflake 'truths' is that?

Trump actions do not affect the stock market positively?

Trump's actions impacted the stock market negatively?

Trump has handled COVID-19 poorly, despite acting just30 days after it was reported and opposed to Bary waiting until 1,000 Americans were dead from H1N1 before declaring it an 'Emergency'?

....please tell me, snowflake....
Of course. Trump is responsible for the growth of the economy. His policies are slowly clawing manufacturing jobs back to this country, which your hero, the obummer, said would never happen.

Trump accomplished more in 2 years than Barry did in 8...

Right now he's "accomplishing" a 1300 point drop. What was his "act" this time?

Oh sorry, is that gonna be another thread? Like the one for Monday we still haven't seen?
Maybe if we had a functioning test (like most of the rest of the world) the stock market and the American people might have a little more confidence in the Orange Failure
So the US military that was ordered to 'Stand Down' after the attack began

More of the Benghazi lies. The CIA REscue team left their Annex at 10:03 about 20 minute after the first call for help was made. They made it to the Compound around 10:38.

The Chief of Base acknowledged he may have told the team to wait while he was attempting to secure additional resources for them. I may have said wait because we were trying to get this technical truck that the team lead wanted. But it wasn’t 10 minutes, or 5 minutes. It was a short period of time. And the only time I remember ever talking to [Annex team member] was when he came up, and I said I’m trying to get a technical truck for [the Team Lead]. There was nobody, myself or anybody else in Benghazi, that did anything to hold up the GRS deploying. The team lead was always cleared to go.164 He further added: People were coming and going the entire time. But I did not issue a stand-down order. And if there was a delay, there was a very short delay, basically the team lead we have to try to get this gun truck.

Dopey Donald Trump has broken the stock market. Dopey Donald can't feed bullshit to bulls and expect gold nuggets to be defecated.

Yeah maybe sharp minded Biden or socialist Bernie will fix stock market lmfao

You obviously have no money in the stock market do you? even with the loss going on right now which will go back up I’ve made more money from when Obama was in there you uninformed leftest.

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Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.
Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?.
Because he isn't.
hooray...another reality denier.....and just when I thought we were finally running low.....


What's to deny? Impeached Trump hasn't gotten GDP over 3.5% in any quarter since he's been president. He's the only president recorded to achieve that failure.

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