President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

What he needs to do is expose the Chinese government
and the World Health Organization for their criminality
regarding this virus and furthermore hold the CDC accountable
for their failure to act responsibly

The MSM also needs to be held accountable for blowing this into the 2nd coming of the Black Plague.

Who is going to pay for the economic initiatives?
Trump is like crime ,,,He never pays

Nope - Unless it's to pay off a porn queen he F'd while Mel was home alone with newborn in order to finagle an election.
You and your fellow snowflakes sure do stroke each others' TDS / hate by going off on these random's nice that you can pleasure each other in such a way

I ordered you a pair of these - Ya needed 'em right around page three :cool:

tRump is so over his head being a leader that the stock market could not be caused by him. Going up or down.
I provided FIVE links you idiot. Read them please.

Yeah, like this one:

So, are you still claiming the President has no impact on the Stock Market or claiming again he has nothing to do with how it fluctuates? Oh wait, it depends if it is going up or down - I forgot.

Since the Market just plunged after the WHO officially declared COVID-19 a PANDEMIC, tell us all again how that is somehow Trump's fault.....


Please answer to your Obama H1N1 lies or go on ignore. You're choice

Who is going to pay for the economic initiatives?
Trump is like crime ,,,He never pays

Nope - Unless it's to pay off a porn queen he F'd while Mel was home alone with newborn in order to finagle an election.
You and your fellow snowflakes sure do stroke each others' TDS / hate by going off on these random's nice that you can pleasure each other in such a way

I ordered you a pair of these - Ya needed 'em right around page three :cool:

So, are you still claiming the President has no impact on the Stock Market or claiming again he has nothing to do with how it fluctuates? Oh wait, it depends if it is going up or down - I forgot. Since the Market just plunged after the WHO officially declared COVID-19 a PANDEMIC, tell us all again how that is somehow Trump's fault.....

Dopey Donald Trump has broken the stock market. Dopey Donald can't feed bullshit to bulls and expect gold nuggets to be defecated.

Yeah maybe sharp minded Biden or socialist Bernie will fix stock market lmfao

You obviously have no money in the stock market do you? even with the loss going on right now which will go back up I’ve made more money from when Obama was in there you uninformed leftest.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah I made much more when O'bama was in there too.

What's a leftest?
The drop in oil prices is caused by alternative fuels.

The NON-EXISTENT technology AOC plans to rely on in order to outlaw the use of fossil fuel use and the use of the internal combustion engine, all a small part of the 'Green New Deal' .... :p

I own two Tesla's which very much exist and use no fossil fuel. CNG and electricity powers the much of the public transportation sector.
read your post. twice. what does it have to do with:

"President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar"

Sorry, I got sucked into Dr. Love's BS comment about Benghazi and got derailed.....Thank you.
great. that i can understand.

what i can't understand is how you ignore a 2k point drop in the market, and shout LOOK AT THE GREAT TRUMP when we get not quite half of that back and then your total lack of acknowledgement that we lost our ass again today.

outside of all that, you're making perfect sense.

The promise of tax cuts and even bigger deficits always makes the markets happy.

How much did Obama offer in the way of tax cuts, and how did he lower the deficit? More importantly, what would a Bernie or a Joe offer in the way of tax cuts, and how would they lower the deficit?

Serious questions.
Are you saying that the mess Fat Donnie made needs to be cleaned up?
Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.
Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?.
Because he isn't.
hooray...another reality denier.....and just when I thought we were finally running low.....


What's to deny? Impeached Trump hasn't gotten GDP over 3.5% in any quarter since he's been president. He's the only president recorded to achieve that failure.

And to top it off, he'll be VERY lucky to hit 1% in Q1. Yay Fat, Impeached Donnie!!
His only saving grace is employment numbers will be strong over the next few months due to government hiring for the census. I can't wait until the rightards give him credit for that.
Please answer to your Obama H1N1 lies or go on ignore. You're choice
I posted links to articles listed in media to include MSNBC - if they are wrong then I was duped by Fake News Media. The fact remains that claims that the current President failed to react quickly is as just as false and just as much lies as the claims reported / spread about Obama's 'failures'. Again, President Trump began taking action 30 days after China reported their COVID-19 epidemic to the WHO....and are just as false as the claims that Trump is responsible for the crash of the stock market created by this disease.

I have asked you which you believe now, since you have been on both sides of the fence, which is it - has the stock market responded to Trump's actions or not.

Fear caused the market to plunge. When Trump began to show talk about what they could do to stop the drop I believe it stopped the free-fall for a short time...until economist REALLY considered how the fixes being discussed would not resolve the problem, and it began to drop again. Once the WHO officially declared it to be an official Pandemic it began to drop again.

Democrats and snowflakes have been pulling for anything to hurt the US economy, which the Democrats have had no change of overcoming in the election until now. IMO gthey are piling on with COVID-19 in hopes they can beat Trump...and if the US economy has to crash for that to happen, so be it.

This thread is FILLED with examples of this.
what i can't understand is how you ignore a 2k point drop in the market, and shout LOOK AT THE GREAT TRUMP when we get not quite half of that back and then your total lack of acknowledgement that we lost our ass again today.
I was actually looking at the momentary bump the stock market had when the media reported the President and Congress was meeting to take action to stop the free-fall.

The fact is and has always been the Stock market is more speculation and gambling than anything else. While a President's calm in the midst of chaos can help prevent such a free fall in SOME cases, the world's supply lines being cut and massive fear, spurred on by fake news media, investors (and political actors) seeking to make a buck by driving down the market, and news like the WHO just delivered affect the market way more.

The real fact is Trump deserves no more credit for any reverse of the stock market right now than he does credit for destroying it and 'causing this plunge'.

The stock market's health is demonstrating it is just as much a 'victim' of COVID-19 as those being infected right now.

The fact that it appears many are trying to help 'kill' the patient in hopes of political gain can not be denied.
You fricking idiot. Did you see the market today?

AGAIN, did you stop to notice I did not say the stock market climbed or plummeted due to anything the President did? Did you? I posted the article - the title of which you show above - and stated Dems and Snowflakes are depressed in any reversal of the market plunge.

Many of the comments about the market's free fall can be described as 'celebratory', as defeating the President in Nov is more important to them than the fact that the economy might have to bottom out, our economy devastated, for the party that has pushed 3 years of false narratives and failed coups to regain power.

So yes, I watched it closely...and do not irrationally blame the drop on anything the President did or did not do.

"In 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995

"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984."

Barry stated manufacturing jobs could NOT be brought back, that losing all those jobs was the 'New norm', which it clearly was NOT. President Trump accomplished what Barry said could NOT be done and has achieved successes that have not been seen in 5 decades...after Liberal doomsday prognosticators declared the United States would collapse under the governance of President trump.

Some things never change....

So, CNBC was mistaken. Not the first time
Give the moron 4 more years and collapse could happen

We will have a recession no matter who wins
You're usually correct GG but in this case I don't think so ,at least I hope you're wrong

This is the longest in our nations history we have gone without is only a matter of time. They are a built in feature of our system.
Just let it take a few more years
Please answer to your Obama H1N1 lies or go on ignore. You're choice
I posted links to articles listed in media to include MSNBC - if they are wrong then I was duped by Fake News Media. The fact remains that claims that the current President failed to react quickly is as just as false and just as much lies as the claims reported / spread about Obama's 'failures'. Again, President Trump began taking action 30 days after China reported their COVID-19 epidemic to the WHO....and are just as false as the claims that Trump is responsible for the crash of the stock market created by this disease.

I have asked you which you believe now, since you have been on both sides of the fence, which is it - has the stock market responded to Trump's actions or not.

Fear caused the market to plunge. When Trump began to show talk about what they could do to stop the drop I believe it stopped the free-fall for a short time...until economist REALLY considered how the fixes being discussed would not resolve the problem, and it began to drop again. Once the WHO officially declared it to be an official Pandemic it began to drop again.

Democrats and snowflakes have been pulling for anything to hurt the US economy, which the Democrats have had no change of overcoming in the election until now. IMO gthey are piling on with COVID-19 in hopes they can beat Trump...and if the US economy has to crash for that to happen, so be it.

This thread is FILLED with examples of this.

Translation: Yet again, I have NOTHING!
Buh-Bye :fu:
what i can't understand is how you ignore a 2k point drop in the market, and shout LOOK AT THE GREAT TRUMP when we get not quite half of that back and then your total lack of acknowledgement that we lost our ass again today.
I was actually looking at the momentary bump the stock market had when the media reported the President and Congress was meeting to take action to stop the free-fall.

The fact is and has always been the Stock market is more speculation and gambling than anything else. While a President's calm in the midst of chaos can help prevent such a free fall in SOME cases, the world's supply lines being cut and massive fear, spurred on by fake news media, investors (and political actors) seeking to make a buck by driving down the market, and news like the WHO just delivered affect the market way more.

The real fact is Trump deserves no more credit for any reverse of the stock market right now than he does credit for destroying it and 'causing this plunge'.

The stock market's health is demonstrating it is just as much a 'victim' of COVID-19 as those being infected right now.

The fact that it appears many are trying to help 'kill' the patient in hopes of political gain can not be denied.

Did we have testing equipment on time ? Why not ?
Translation: Yet again, I have NOTHING!
Stick to trying to state what you believe because you suck at trying to speak for me. Don't know if its just your piss-poor reading comprehension skills or dementia, like Biden.
And why would dems want to ruin our economy ?? Might be more of us invested in America than your con men are
Did we have testing equipment on time ? Why not ?
How can you have testing equipment for a never-seen-befo0re virus, one that began only a month earlier, and one China was not being honest about? They weren't sure how it was spread, what it entailed, etc.....but you expect several million test kits for it? REALLY? Ask the CDC....

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