President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

The market's soaring today. :mm:

Soaring it isn't one third of the losses of yesterday...

Bet you goto a game and end of a beating you say you won the last 2 min of the first half...:113:

Sorry couldn't resist...:imsorry3:

You know what? As a Democrat I am actually happy this is happening now to Trump. If a few thousand have to die and if I have to take a hit on my 401K, so be it. Yes, I'm rooting for the Coronavirus. In fact if it ran against Trump I'd vote for it.

^That is on the same level as BrokeLoser or anyone of those morons. You should apologize now to everyone on this board.
Oh lighten up I was kidding!
The market's soaring today. :mm:

Soaring it isn't one third of the losses of yesterday...

Bet you goto a game and end of a beating you say you won the last 2 min of the first half...:113:

Sorry couldn't resist...:imsorry3:

You know what? As a Democrat I am actually happy this is happening now to Trump. If a few thousand have to die and if I have to take a hit on my 401K, so be it. Yes, I'm rooting for the Coronavirus. In fact if it ran against Trump I'd vote for it.
Your maturity level is on display for all to see, Sillybooboo. Well done
Ok sorry everyone
The market's soaring today. :mm:

Soaring it isn't one third of the losses of yesterday...

Bet you goto a game and end of a beating you say you won the last 2 min of the first half...:113:

Sorry couldn't resist...:imsorry3:

You know what? As a Democrat I am actually happy this is happening now to Trump. If a few thousand have to die and if I have to take a hit on my 401K, so be it. Yes, I'm rooting for the Coronavirus. In fact if it ran against Trump I'd vote for it.

^That is on the same level as BrokeLoser or anyone of those morons. You should apologize now to everyone on this board.
Oh lighten up I was kidding!

Yea, President trump acts fed cuts interest rates today and futures down over 1000. Yep, they sure do believe this administration.
Trump doesn’t have a friggin clue what he is doing. The market futures are limit down . He should resign.
Just for the edification of the OP as he hides under his rock..... DJIA today is down over two thousand points AGAIN --- third time in a week --- currently just over 21,000, or about where we were in Spring of 2017. Eight thousand point drop in less than a month.
Just for the edification of the OP as he hides under his rock..... DJIA today is down over two thousand points AGAIN --- third time in a week --- currently just over 21,000, or about where we were in Spring of 2017. Eight thousand point drop in less than a month.

Later that same day...............

Member how last week the DJIA set a record for point-drop, then a couple of days later, broke that record in the same week?

It's now going for a third record, beating both of those. Down almost 2700 points. At this moment 20,491 or roughly where it was in early February 2017, just after Rump took office.

Hang on to your ass.
Trump doesn’t have a friggin clue what he is doing. The market futures are limit down . He should resign.
That wouldn't be you not having a clue what President Trump is doing, would it. Methinks that is more likely than your replete imprecation.

Well if you have a clue about what Trump is doing- please share with the class.

Because the stock market would sure like to know.
The market sure soaredsoured today. Worst day ever on the NASDAQ.
want to point out again

easyt65 has been a partisan troll for years. Anything a Democrat does is bad, anything a Republican does is good- unless that Republican in anyway criticizes Trump.

So as is his way- he started this thread to attack Democrats when the stock market rose- giving Trump of course the credit.

But as the stock market tanks- he has disappeared from his own thread.

Not only is he a pure partisan troll- he is a coward of the first order. Much like Trump- he takes no responsiblity for his own actions.

The stock market was going to go down because of the pandemic no matter what Trump did. But Trump's lack of leadership- combined with his lack of credibility- are certainly making it worse.
Now we see stocks have soared so much since Impeached Trump acted, the Dow is now back to Obama levels.

And still, no sign of the disgraced OP.
The Dow was down almost 1000 points from before Impeached Trump became president. Impeached Trump has worked hard to erase everything Obama did while he was president, now he's working at erasing the stock market gains under Obama.
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