President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.
Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?.
Because he isn't.
hooray...another reality denier.....and just when I thought we were finally running low.....


What's to deny? Impeached Trump hasn't gotten GDP over 3.5% in any quarter since he's been president. He's the only president recorded to achieve that failure.

What planet are you living on a planet of rainbows and skittles?

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Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.

The president is supposed to tell us the fucking truth. This is Donnie's Katrina. Those of us who know he's a liar and an idiot played no part in his total incompetence and clownery.
View attachment 311747
While you post from the ODS wing.
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read your post. twice. what does it have to do with:

"President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar"

Sorry, I got sucked into Dr. Love's BS comment about Benghazi and got derailed.....Thank you.
Time to get over Benghazi. You guys were proved wrong with your criticisms.

No you were proven stupid with the lies they said you you useful idiot

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The drop in oil prices is caused by alternative fuels.

The NON-EXISTENT technology AOC plans to rely on in order to outlaw the use of fossil fuel use and the use of the internal combustion engine, all a small part of the 'Green New Deal' .... :p
I asked politely - You didn't respond. Can't say I blame you! ;)


Which one of your snowflake 'truths' is that?

Trump actions do not affect the stock market positively?

Trump's actions impacted the stock market negatively?

Trump has handled COVID-19 poorly, despite acting just30 days after it was reported and opposed to Bary waiting until 1,000 Americans were dead from H1N1 before declaring it an 'Emergency'?

....please tell me, snowflake....

Sure I'll tell you what I really think.

You are embarrassing the fuck out of yourself in this thread - Accusing others of what you are doing YOURSELF.

To top it off, you continue to repeat your stupid, debunked Obama H1N1 lies.

Tis a sad state of affairs indeed my misguided friend :(
In the early 90s we peaked at just under 18 million employed in the manufacturing sector. Even with the gains the last 10 years we are not even to 13 million, and we are leveling off.


"In 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995

"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984."

Barry stated manufacturing jobs could NOT be brought back, that losing all those jobs was the 'New norm', which it clearly was NOT. President Trump accomplished what Barry said could NOT be done and has achieved successes that have not been seen in 5 decades...after Liberal doomsday prognosticators declared the United States would collapse under the governance of President trump.

Some things never change....

So, CNBC was mistaken. Not the first time
Give the moron 4 more years and collapse could happen

We will have a recession no matter who wins
You're usually correct GG but in this case I don't think so ,at least I hope you're wrong

This is the longest in our nations history we have gone without is only a matter of time. They are a built in feature of our system.
Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.
Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?.
Because he isn't.
hooray...another reality denier.....and just when I thought we were finally running low.....


What's to deny? Impeached Trump hasn't gotten GDP over 3.5% in any quarter since he's been president. He's the only president recorded to achieve that failure.
Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.

The president is supposed to tell us the fucking truth. This is Donnie's Katrina. Those of us who know he's a liar and an idiot played no part in his total incompetence and clownery.
View attachment 311747
While you post from the ODS wing.
Lol, you progressives are clowns....

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Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.
Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?.
Because he isn't.
hooray...another reality denier.....and just when I thought we were finally running low.....


What's to deny? Impeached Trump hasn't gotten GDP over 3.5% in any quarter since he's been president. He's the only president recorded to achieve that failure.

And to top it off, he'll be VERY lucky to hit 1% in Q1. Yay Fat, Impeached Donnie!!
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The promise of tax cuts and even bigger deficits always makes the markets happy.

How much did Obama offer in the way of tax cuts, and how did he lower the deficit? More importantly, what would a Bernie or a Joe offer in the way of tax cuts, and how would they lower the deficit?

Serious questions.

Obama did a payroll tax cut just like Trump is talking about....amazing how alike they are.

Obama cut the deficit by 709 billion dollars his first year in office to his last.

Bernie or joe would add just as much as Trump is, there is little difference between them.
Fake news.

Yes you are
Sure I'll tell you what I really think.

You are embarrassing the fuck out of yourself in this thread - Accusing others of what you are doing YOURSELF.

To top it off, you continue to repeat your stupid, debunked Obama H1N1 lies.

Tis a sad state of affairs indeed my misguided friend :(

Who gives a damn what you continue personal attacks without links to back up your BS...another day at the office for snowflakes.
Sure I'll tell you what I really think.

You are embarrassing the fuck out of yourself in this thread - Accusing others of what you are doing YOURSELF.

To top it off, you continue to repeat your stupid, debunked Obama H1N1 lies.

Tis a sad state of affairs indeed my misguided friend :(

Who gives a damn what you continue personal attacks without links to back up your BS...another day at the office for snowflakes.

I provided FIVE links you idiot. Read them please.
Sure I'll tell you what I really think.

You are embarrassing the fuck out of yourself in this thread - Accusing others of what you are doing YOURSELF.

To top it off, you continue to repeat your stupid, debunked Obama H1N1 lies.

Tis a sad state of affairs indeed my misguided friend :(

Who gives a damn what you continue personal attacks without links to back up your BS...another day at the office for snowflakes.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?

Your lips are orange.

Who is going to pay for the economic initiatives?
Trump is like crime ,,,He never pays

Nope - Unless it's to pay off a porn queen he F'd while Mel was home alone with newborn in order to finagle an election.
You and your fellow snowflakes sure do stroke each others' TDS / hate by going off on these random's nice that you can pleasure each other in such a way

Who is going to pay for the economic initiatives?
Trump is like crime ,,,He never pays

Nope - Unless it's to pay off a porn queen he F'd while Mel was home alone with newborn in order to finagle an election.
You and your fellow snowflakes sure do stroke each others' TDS / hate by going off on these random's nice that you can pleasure each other in such a way

I just hope for your sake Trump wears protection.
I provided FIVE links you idiot. Read them please.

Yeah, like this one:

So, are you still claiming the President has no impact on the Stock Market or claiming again he has nothing to do with how it fluctuates? Oh wait, it depends if it is going up or down - I forgot.

Since the Market just plunged after the WHO officially declared COVID-19 a PANDEMIC, tell us all again how that is somehow Trump's fault.....


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