President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

ANY ONE of those ladies make Trump and Pence look like 1st graders

They could not even beat an old, racist, sexist, educational record-doctoring, child/woman-groping, confessed extorting, dementia-ravaged multi-millionaire....but, of course, that was because the DNC was rigging its primaries again.

Just pointing out that Republicans elected an old, racist, sexist, educational blocking, confessed child/woman-sexual molester(grab them by the pussies!), fraudster who defrauded his own 'charity', dementia ravaged multi-millionaire whose family has used his presidency to enrich themselves further.

Pretty sad when someone like that beats YOUR candidate, isn't it?

Says far more about the left than it does the right.

Does it? Does it really?
Not one bit It shows how Republicans didn't mind putting an unqualified bullying crook into the peoples house
Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.
He was in hiding like all cowardly Repub politicians
NOW yellow belly coward Cruz is in hiding What a leader lol

Ditto with Gas Mask Matt :)

He was in hiding like all cowardly Repub politicians
You mean like Barry was doing as terrorists stormed the Benghazi compound? The Obama administration to this day has never explained where Barry was that night. We know he wasn't in the WAR Room.....because 'Skippy', the 'Valley Guy', said he was there and thought Barry was asleep the whole time up in the WH living quarters.

Fact is we know that when he was told about the attack, Obama ordered the military to do everything possible to save everyone they could. A security team from the CIA complex stormed the building and drove off the attackers/rioters and were able to rescue all but two men from the Consulate Building.
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!
He was in hiding like all cowardly Repub politicians
You mean like Barry was doing as terrorists stormed the Benghazi compound? The Obama administration to this day has never explained where Barry was that night. We know he wasn't in the WAR Room.....because 'Skippy', the 'Valley Guy', said he was there and thought Barry was asleep the whole time up in the WH living quarters.

Fact is we know that when he was told about the attack, Obama ordered the military to do everything possible to save everyone they could. A security team from the CIA complex stormed the building and drove off the attackers/rioters and were able to rescue all but two men from the Consulate Building.

9 investigations including the Republican-led House conclusion that neither Obama nor Hillary did anything wrong.

Just not good enough for deranged Trumpublicans.
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!

Remind me - Who's the ass-clown that touted Dear Leaders actions as saving the market yesterday but refuses to blame him for today's plummet? :cool:

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

23,787.72 −1,230.44 (4.92%)
Mar 11, 1:39 PM EDT
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!
correct me if i'm wrong here sparky, but didn't you start a thread talking about how trumps moves slapped the market up over 1100 yesterday?

down 1300 today. and now you're trying to push off whether or not the president has any impact on the market in the very thread you say he make it go up yesterday?
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!

Remind me - Who's the ass-clown that touted Dear Leaders actions as saving the market yesterday but refuses to blame him for today's plummet? :cool:

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

23,787.72 −1,230.44 (4.92%)
Mar 11, 1:39 PM EDT
Tell us why the market is bouncing up and down.
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!

Remind me - Who's the ass-clown that touted Dear Leaders actions as saving the market yesterday but refuses to blame him for today's plummet? :cool:

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

23,787.72 −1,230.44 (4.92%)
Mar 11, 1:39 PM EDT
Tell us why the market is bouncing up and down.
Dead cat bounce. When the market drops dramatically a lot of people see a buying opportunity and prices go up, but only briefly.
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!

Remind me - Who's the ass-clown that touted Dear Leaders actions as saving the market yesterday but refuses to blame him for today's plummet? :cool:

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

23,787.72 −1,230.44 (4.92%)
Mar 11, 1:39 PM EDT
Tell us why the market is bouncing up and down.
Dead cat bounce. When the market drops dramatically a lot of people see a buying opportunity and prices go up, but only briefly.

People or bots?

The promise of tax cuts and even bigger deficits always makes the markets happy.

How much did Obama offer in the way of tax cuts, and how did he lower the deficit? More importantly, what would a Bernie or a Joe offer in the way of tax cuts, and how would they lower the deficit?

Serious questions.

Obama did a payroll tax cut just like Trump is talking about....amazing how alike they are.

Obama cut the deficit by 709 billion dollars his first year in office to his last.

Bernie or joe would add just as much as Trump is, there is little difference between them.
Fake news.
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!

Remind me - Who's the ass-clown that touted Dear Leaders actions as saving the market yesterday but refuses to blame him for today's plummet? :cool:

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

23,787.72 −1,230.44 (4.92%)
Mar 11, 1:39 PM EDT
Tell us why the market is bouncing up and down.
Dead cat bounce. When the market drops dramatically a lot of people see a buying opportunity and prices go up, but only briefly.

Not the first DCB and it won't be the last. The bottom is being tested. Could be in for several more months of this bad roller coaster ride.

9 investigations including the Republican-led House conclusion that neither Obama nor Hillary did anything wrong.

According to snowflakes there was nothing wrong with Barry and Hillary:

- Pimping out the US military to Al Qaeda so they could take over Libya to begin with

- Hiring a security firm that had never provided security in a war zone before and whose guards had never carried weapons before to provide security for the US Ambassador and US personnel in the compound at Benghazi where they were surrounded by a growing Al Qaeda presence that had begun attacking both US and coalition personnel / compounds

- Hiring an Al Qaeda-associated militia to guard Americans, protecting them form AL QAEDA

- When every other nation pulled their people out due to terrorist violence and growing Al Qaeda presence - even after 2 attacks on the compound prior to the last attack THEY KNEW WAS COMING ON 9/11/12 - and chose to leave them in Benghazi instead

- Hillary LAUGHED when asked about the mpore than 50 requests for additional security by the Ambassador - she thought he was joking, that it was part of his sense of humor (WTF?)

- Barry and his Cabinet (Rice, Hillary, etc...) blamed a US video-maker and promised to arrest him for exercising his 2nd amendment right

...and there is so much more......

'All of those investigations proved 'nothing' / exposed 'nothing'....yeah, to Obama / Hillary worshippers.....
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!

Remind me - Who's the ass-clown that touted Dear Leaders actions as saving the market yesterday but refuses to blame him for today's plummet? :cool:

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

23,787.72 −1,230.44 (4.92%)
Mar 11, 1:39 PM EDT
Tell us why the market is bouncing up and down.
Dead cat bounce. When the market drops dramatically a lot of people see a buying opportunity and prices go up, but only briefly.

People or bots?
Both I imagine.
Easy can you follow trumpDOW down 1160 ?
One minute you clowns are saying Trump has no effect on the market and now you're back to declaring a falling stock market is 'Trump's Dow'? What TDS-suffering ass-clowns. LOL!

Remind me - Who's the ass-clown that touted Dear Leaders actions as saving the market yesterday but refuses to blame him for today's plummet? :cool:

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

23,787.72 −1,230.44 (4.92%)
Mar 11, 1:39 PM EDT
Tell us why the market is bouncing up and down.
cause that's what they do in a global panic.

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