President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

We will have a recession no matter who wins

And we all know what the narratives will be:

If Trump wins snowflakes will continue to accuse Trump of failing to do enough against the Coronavirus and ridiculously claim he caused the stock market to fall.

If Biden wins, snowflakes will claim he inherited a TRUMP-CREATED recession...and for the next 4 years (or until Biden is ruled mentally incompetent to remain President) snowflakes will give him the 'Barry Treatment': all good things are Biden's credit and all negatives are Trump's fault.

Thank God we won't have to worry about pedo-extortionist Bernie winning.
But you deny that his idiotic response the other day caused the market to crash?

So he only gets credit for the good. No blame for the bad he causes. Got it.
The crash was due to Russia over producing oil to compete with the US.
Try using Reuters once in a while.
The crash was also due to the coronavirus and Trump didn't put the markets at ease with his dopy remarks and the fact he doens't have good people running places like the CDC.

Russia may have had something to do with it but not that much.
Reuter’s disagrees with you.

You're telling me you think some shit that happened in Russia that I didn't even hear about is the reason the stock market took it's biggest plunge since 2008?

So Reuters is a news organization you believe in 100%? No bias there? Interesting how you trust that news but no other.

Wall Street Plunges as Trump Fiddles in Response to the Coronavirus

“So much FAKE NEWS,” he tweeted, just before trading began on Wall Street. An hour or so later, he tweeted again, “Saudi Arabia and Russia are arguing over the price and flow of oil. That, and the Fake News, is the reason for the market drop!”

If you translate “Fake News” as “the coronavirus outbreak,” Trump’s analysis of what was driving the plunge in stocks was partially correct, but he had omitted another key factor: a chronic lack of leadership on his, and his Administration’s, part. By downplaying the covid-19 outbreak from the beginning, and by failing to prepare for its spread to the United States, which was inevitable, Trump and his colleagues have created an environment of fear and uncertainty that is crushing the markets.

Wake the fuck up and take Trumps small mushroom cock out of your mouth.
I’m on Reuter’s and AP everyday and you’re either a lazy pos or simply a liar.
They're leaving shit out dummy. In their attempt to be fair and balanced they aren't telling you the reality of it...

Fed officials have made perfectly clear in recent days that they can’t resolve this crisis alone. At least two more elements will be essential. In dealing with the outbreak itself, there needs to be far more transparency and urgency, with federal and local governments coöperating more effectively.....This is Trump's crisis. How he deals with it matters.

On both of these fronts, the Trump Administration has failed dismally, and the rot has come from the top. As Trump golfed in Florida and kept up his fake-news narrative then Pence gives out conflicting information... “So, if you want to get some stabilization into the marketplace,

But organizing such an international response would require forceful U.S. leadership, which no longer exists. Trump has largely squandered the respect and credibility on which American leadership long rested.

The U.S. President and his cohorts, for all of their fawning over Putin and M.B.S., couldn’t even prevent the two of them from crashing the oil market at exactly the wrong moment.

We are left with a crisis of leadership that shows no signs of ending.

Wall Street Plunges as Trump Fiddles in Response to the Coronavirus
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In the early 90s we peaked at just under 18 million employed in the manufacturing sector. Even with the gains the last 10 years we are not even to 13 million, and we are leveling off.


"In 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995

"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984."

Barry stated manufacturing jobs could NOT be brought back, that losing all those jobs was the 'New norm', which it clearly was NOT. President Trump accomplished what Barry said could NOT be done and has achieved successes that have not been seen in 5 decades...after Liberal doomsday prognosticators declared the United States would collapse under the governance of President trump.

Some things never change....

So, CNBC was mistaken. Not the first time
Give the moron 4 more years and collapse could happen

We will have a recession no matter who wins

Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.
Fed officials have made perfectly clear in recent days that they can’t resolve this crisis alone.
Any intelligent person already knew that...just as any honest, moral intelligent person would not seek to politically weaponize this world-wide emergency in an attempt to divide the nation for political gain...yet here the Democrats and snowflakes are doing it....
Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.

Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?


Fed officials have made perfectly clear in recent days that they can’t resolve this crisis alone.
Any intelligent person already knew that...just as any honest, moral intelligent person would not seek to politically weaponize this world-wide emergency in an attempt to divide the nation for political gain...yet here the Democrats and snowflakes are doing it....
And here you are being a con snowflake crying about being called out because we lack leadership with a guy like Trump. Too divisive and the rest of the world doesn't respect an anti science POTUS.
Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.

Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?


Strongest economy? He cant even get GDP growth over 3%.

Remember when you claimed he was the first president to have greater than 3% growth consistently? Hilarious.
Yet you posted a number with no evidence behind it. You are a fraud

Once again YOU are proven to be a LIAR. Just because you do not like the polling numbers and reject the polls you don't agree with - or the sources you don't agree with - doesn't make anyone a fraud. It just proves you are a butt-hurt Trump-hater....


what does polling have to do with manufacturing workers?

you are losing it
Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.

Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?


Because it's a fake economy. He blew up the deficit. All those tax breaks we only got 2.3% growth in 2019. What are you smoking? And thank Obama for giving him a great economy. Same jobs numbers as Obama too. Candidate Trump says POTUS Trump sucks based on the numbers.
Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.
Probably. Do I want Trump in charge during that recession? Fuck no.

Yeah, why would you want the most successful President in the last 50 years responsible for the strongest economy in decades in charge?



Because he isn't. He fell ass backwards into already good economic times.

The last thing we need is a narcissist hyper-focused on the stock market because of how it makes him look during a recession.
what does polling have to do with manufacturing workers?
Attempting to combine several conversations into one attack, snowflake? That's sad, even for you...or perhaps it is your simple mind cannot keep them separated. Either way, its still pathetic.
A factor that never helps.

Hillary won Democratic primary in 2016 - you didn't know that?
Her name helped, not her gender.

...why not both?

Oh yea, thats right, that would be inconvinient to your silly, dead end argument based on single factor electability.
Your argument has no basis in reality.
It’s called “facts”.

It's a fact that it's possible for both factors to help at the same time. Can you learn it?
Show a correlation.
Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.

The president is supposed to tell us the fucking truth. This is Donnie's Katrina. Those of us who know he's a liar and an idiot played no part in his total incompetence and clownery.
Easy come ... Easy go - Huh Easy? ;)

23,856.72 −1,161.44 (4.64%)
Mar 11, 12:54 PM EDT

My suggestion would be to tell Dear Leader to shut his orange pie-hole and let the health experts handle this.

Pathetic losers relish in the loss of others / the US's decline....which is why snowflakes are cheering on the virus and negative impact on the US. Thank God you are not or President, as the President is supposed to remain calm during emergencies, to provide reassurance to the people to prevent such panics as we have seen the MSM do their best to instill.

It reminds me how snowflakes lost their damn minds because Bush did not jump up and run out of the classroom screaming, frightening little children and the country on 9/11/01.

The president is supposed to tell us the fucking truth. This is Donnie's Katrina. Those of us who know he's a liar and an idiot played no part in his total incompetence and clownery.
In the early 90s we peaked at just under 18 million employed in the manufacturing sector. Even with the gains the last 10 years we are not even to 13 million, and we are leveling off.


"In 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995

"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984."

Barry stated manufacturing jobs could NOT be brought back, that losing all those jobs was the 'New norm', which it clearly was NOT. President Trump accomplished what Barry said could NOT be done and has achieved successes that have not been seen in 5 decades...after Liberal doomsday prognosticators declared the United States would collapse under the governance of President trump.

Some things never change....

So, CNBC was mistaken. Not the first time
Give the moron 4 more years and collapse could happen

We will have a recession no matter who wins
You're usually correct GG but in this case I don't think so ,at least I hope you're wrong

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