President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.

Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

About as much as it did for the minorities - Booker, Harris, Klouchar, Gabbard, & Warren (all of her .000000000001% Native American bloodline) in the Democratic Party's NON-RIGGED Primaries ... which have whittled away the undesirables to finally get to 2 old, white, elitist, multi-millionaire, Deep State, Democrat-Establishment, Clinton-Approved MEN as their choices for the 2020 Nomination.
How old is the schmucko Trump?? How overweight ? How much time before he gets the BIG ONE?
Monica Lewinsky?
Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.

Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

It's a factor among many, dumbass.

Warren was way left and the rest have no name recognition to contend with Obama's Vice Presdient.
Other than Biden, who isn’t way Left?
Klobuchar and Buttigieg aren’t. I hope that helps
Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.

Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

It's a factor among many, dumbass.
A factor that never helps.

Hillary won Democratic primary in 2016 - you didn't know that?
Her name helped, not her gender.
Hillary won Democratic primary in 2016 - you didn't know that?
After being unable to win a rigged primary, according to DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile, Hillary was GIVEN the nomination.... :p
Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.

Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

It's a factor among many, dumbass.
A factor that never helps.
My money is on one of those very smart ladies becoming a VP candidate
Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.

Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

About as much as it did for the minorities - Booker, Harris, Klouchar, Gabbard, & Warren (all of her .000000000001% Native American bloodline) in the Democratic Party's NON-RIGGED Primaries ... which have whittled away the undesirables to finally get to 2 old, white, elitist, multi-millionaire, Deep State, Democrat-Establishment, Clinton-Approved MEN as their choices for the 2020 Nomination.
How old is the schmucko Trump?? How overweight ? How much time before he gets the BIG ONE?
Monica Lewinsky?
And you wonder why we call you misogynists
Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.

Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

It's a factor among many, dumbass.
A factor that never helps.

Hillary won Democratic primary in 2016 - you didn't know that?
Her name helped, not her gender.

...why not both?

Oh yea, thats right, that would be inconvinient to your silly, dead end argument based on single factor electability.
Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.

Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

It's a factor among many, dumbass.

Warren was way left and the rest have no name recognition to contend with Obama's Vice Presdient.
Other than Biden, who isn’t way Left?
Klobuchar and Buttigieg aren’t. I hope that helps
And yet they went nowhere.
The OP did not age well. 24 hours later the official bear market is starting.
Trump acts.....and the stock market falls again......

Stocks returned to their early lows Wednesday, as the market retreated following Tuesday's volatile rebound. Chemicals maker Dow (DOW) was among the hardest hit on the Dow Jones today, after providing a coronavirus update to its financials. Airlines were under presure after a series of analyst downgrades due to Covid-19 impact. Biotechs posted some of the morning's few gains, with Gilead Sciences (GILD) staking out an early lead.
The Dow Jones industrials sliced 4.1% lower, down more than 1,000 points. The S&P 500 erased 3.7% of its value on the stock market today. The Nasdaq cut 3.3% low

Now I am not depressed by the stock market falling- I am saddened by it.

Personally I don't think that Trump is responsible for the falling market, any more than Trump was responsible for the rising market- but the credit goes both ways- if Trump wants to claim credit for a rising stock market, then he deserves 'credit' for the falling market just as much.

My money is on one of those very smart ladies becoming a VP candidate
'VP'....ahhhh, the Misogynists Party's 'Booby' Prize......

Well then, allowing a woman to come along as long as she sits in the back seat certainly proves the Democrats are not sexists / misogynists. :p
Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

It's a factor among many, dumbass.
A factor that never helps.

Hillary won Democratic primary in 2016 - you didn't know that?
Her name helped, not her gender.

...why not both?

Oh yea, thats right, that would be inconvinient to your silly, dead end argument based on single factor electability.
Your argument has no basis in reality.
It’s called “facts”.
Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.

Yeah, being a woman has worked wonders for Warren, Klobuchar, Harris, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Williamson, huh, Boris?

About as much as it did for the minorities - Booker, Harris, Klouchar, Gabbard, & Warren (all of her .000000000001% Native American bloodline) in the Democratic Party's NON-RIGGED Primaries ... which have whittled away the undesirables to finally get to 2 old, white, elitist, multi-millionaire, Deep State, Democrat-Establishment, Clinton-Approved MEN as their choices for the 2020 Nomination.
How old is the schmucko Trump?? How overweight ? How much time before he gets the BIG ONE?
Monica Lewinsky?
And you wonder why we call you misogynists
I don’t vote based on gender.
Trump acts.....and the stock market falls again......

Stocks returned to their early lows Wednesday, as the market retreated following Tuesday's volatile rebound. Chemicals maker Dow (DOW) was among the hardest hit on the Dow Jones today, after providing a coronavirus update to its financials. Airlines were under presure after a series of analyst downgrades due to Covid-19 impact. Biotechs posted some of the morning's few gains, with Gilead Sciences (GILD) staking out an early lead.
The Dow Jones industrials sliced 4.1% lower, down more than 1,000 points. The S&P 500 erased 3.7% of its value on the stock market today. The Nasdaq cut 3.3% low

Now I am not depressed by the stock market falling- I am saddened by it.

Personally I don't think that Trump is responsible for the falling market, any more than Trump was responsible for the rising market- but the credit goes both ways- if Trump wants to claim credit for a rising stock market, then he deserves 'credit' for the falling market just as much.

Think if they move tax reporting day from April 15th it'd be a good move Bet a million it wasn't morons idea
Trump acts.....and the stock market falls again

Wait, I thought you said the President's actions has / had no effect on the Stock Market.....funny how that suddenly changes when such a claim benefits snowflakes. :p
But you deny that his idiotic response the other day caused the market to crash?

So he only gets credit for the good. No blame for the bad he causes. Got it.
The crash was due to Russia over producing oil to compete with the US.
Try using Reuters once in a while.
The crash was also due to the coronavirus and Trump didn't put the markets at ease with his dopy remarks and the fact he doens't have good people running places like the CDC.

Russia may have had something to do with it but not that much.
Reuter’s disagrees with you.

You're telling me you think some shit that happened in Russia that I didn't even hear about is the reason the stock market took it's biggest plunge since 2008?

So Reuters is a news organization you believe in 100%? No bias there? Interesting how you trust that news but no other.

Wall Street Plunges as Trump Fiddles in Response to the Coronavirus

“So much FAKE NEWS,” he tweeted, just before trading began on Wall Street. An hour or so later, he tweeted again, “Saudi Arabia and Russia are arguing over the price and flow of oil. That, and the Fake News, is the reason for the market drop!”

If you translate “Fake News” as “the coronavirus outbreak,” Trump’s analysis of what was driving the plunge in stocks was partially correct, but he had omitted another key factor: a chronic lack of leadership on his, and his Administration’s, part. By downplaying the covid-19 outbreak from the beginning, and by failing to prepare for its spread to the United States, which was inevitable, Trump and his colleagues have created an environment of fear and uncertainty that is crushing the markets.

Wake the fuck up and take Trumps small mushroom cock out of your mouth.
ANY ONE of those ladies make Trump and Pence look like 1st graders

They could not even beat an old, racist, sexist, educational record-doctoring, child/woman-groping, confessed extorting, dementia-ravaged multi-millionaire....but, of course, that was because the DNC was rigging its primaries again.
Trump acts.....and the stock market falls again

Wait, I thought you said the President's actions has / had no effect on the Stock Market.....funny how that suddenly changes when such a claim benefits snowflakes. :p
Exactly how brain-dead are you, con? You couldn't comprehend....?

"Personally I don't think that Trump is responsible for the falling market, any more than Trump was responsible for the rising market- but the credit goes both ways- if Trump wants to claim credit for a rising stock market, then he deserves 'credit' for the falling market just as much.

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