President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar fall

[/retard thread]
Is that the official Putin Regime's Response, Boris? :p

You just don't know when to quit do you?

That was a rhetorical question, we all know you are too stupid to do that.

So that was or was NOT the official Putin Regime's Stance on this whole thing, Boris?
You mean the guy who aided Impeached Trump's ascension to the White House? Looks like Putin's plan is working out.
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So he only gets credit for the good. No blame for the bad he causes. Got it.

I'm sorry - you are confusing Barry and how snowflakes feel about him - with President Trump. It's what Democrats / snowflakes have said about him for going-on 12 years now. :p

Trump's going to be a one term president. All the people who didn't like/support/vote for Hillary and Obama showed up yesterday to vote for Joe. They like Joe.

Trump only won because Hillary was so hated by so many. You guys did a job on her for 30 years talking shit about her. But Joe, you got nothing on. Women showed up for Joe big time yesterday too. So they don't mind his groping. Better than a pussy grabbing liar.

Without Hillary Clinton In The Race, Bernie Sanders’ Rural Edge Disappeared | HuffPost

Throughout Michigan, exit polls show Sanders losing rural voters to Biden by a 51% to 40% margin. Sanders won 57% of the rural vote in 2016. Among white voters without a college degree, Sanders won just 43% of the vote in 2020 after claiming 57% back in 2016.

You guys don't see the writing on the wall. All the people who didn't like Hillary love Joe. And the places that liked Sanders 4 years ago now like Biden over Sanders.

Sounds like we have a solid candidate.

Oh, and a lot of Republicans in Michigan showed up yesterday to vote for Bernie. It didn't work.
And when a recession comes guess who republicans will blame Hint ...Not Trump
Obama was right. You’re wrong.

The graph you show claims the number of manufacturing jobs yet to reach 14 million....

I"n 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

It also shows an increase in manufacturing jobs after dipping in 2016....I thought Barry said those jobs were gone forever, lil' snowflake.... :p
Liar, we haven't had 14 million manufacturing jobs since 2007...

... we had 17 million when Bush became president and that was with a smaller population. So no, not even Impeached Trump all mighty has brought those jobs back. Obama was right.

Here is what I would do if I were President Biden. I would hold a press conference daily and react to whatever stupid shit Trump is saying or doing that day. Let them know how as leader he would react to things like the

Global Warming

And any other news that comes out, I would hold a press conference daily and talk to the press and let them know what I would be doing when I'm president.

White House briefings canceled because they were "theater" and reporters wanted to "get famous," Trump's press secretary says

And Trump can't say shit because he doesn't want to do daily white house briefings.
11 'pages' later and with the snowflakes still freaking out, now might be a good time to bring up the point that I did NOT say the stocks soared BECAUSE 'Trump Acted' and did NOT say the two were connected.....what I said was:

[THREAD TITLE:] 'President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar'

[TITLE OF ARTICE CITED:] 'Dow adds 1,167 points as Trump talks economic initiatives'

[MY COMMENT:] '....Dems and snowflakes are depressed...'

...and you have well as 'triggered', enraged, and all 'pissy' about the perceived idea that Trump could get credit for the stock market stabilizing and recovering from this ridiculous panic over COVID-19.


Dude, this thread is a miserable failure which contradicts itself and when pointed out that fact, you changed the topic and post fantasy memes rather than have rational fact based discussion.
The 2020 results suggest there are major limits to Sanders’ appeal to the rural white voters who live in these regions, and that his 2016 successes may have been due as much to sexism and Clinton’s decades of political baggage as to a thirst for Sanders’ progressive policies like “Medicare for All” or a $15 per hour minimum wage.

“People had made up their minds about Hillary Clinton, and there was a large segment of the Democratic electorate who had made their choice,” said Mark Longabaugh, a Democratic media consultant who worked for Sanders’ campaign in 2016. “There were a lot of more rural, older, conservative voters who moved towards [Sanders].”

Longabaugh said Sanders and his allies likely “underestimated” the role anti-Clinton sentiment played in assembling his 2016 coalition.

Not really - Clinton was seen as a more boring extension of Obama presidency in a CHANGE! election cycle...while today most Americans miss the pre-Trump normacy dearly and correspondingly flock to Joe Biden.

What you say is true but that doesn't mean what I said was wrong. Lots of people had been convinced/brainwashed over decades to believe Hillary was a liar and corrupt when the truth is she's probably one of the most honest

This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest | Jill Abramson

And women and black people didn't show up for Hillary. Blacks didn't vote for Trump they just didn't show up. They'll show up for Joe.
Obama was right. You’re wrong.

The graph you show claims the number of manufacturing jobs yet to reach 14 million....

I"n 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

It also shows an increase in manufacturing jobs after dipping in 2016....I thought Barry said those jobs were gone forever, lil' snowflake.... :p
Liar, we haven't had 14 million manufacturing jobs since 2007...

... we had 17 million when Bush became president and that was with a smaller population. So no, not even Impeached Trump all mighty has brought those jobs back. Obama was right.

Here is what I would do if I were President Biden. I would hold a press conference daily and react to whatever stupid shit Trump is saying or doing that day. Let them know how as leader he would react to things like the

Global Warming

And any other news that comes out, I would hold a press conference daily and talk to the press and let them know what I would be doing when I'm president.

White House briefings canceled because they were "theater" and reporters wanted to "get famous," Trump's press secretary says

And Trump can't say shit because he doesn't want to do daily white house briefings.
Have to go back a few years and see what the moron Trump said about Obama's handling of a disease and what the schmuck says now
The crash was due to Russia over producing oil to compete with the US.
The crash was due to Putin refusing to go along with OPEC's request to cut back on production to support the price of oil. In part a reaction to US oil production increases. The effect of the oil price crash is making it impossible for a majority of US producers in the shale plays to make a profit at current price levels.
But you deny that his idiotic response the other day caused the market to crash?

So he only gets credit for the good. No blame for the bad he causes. Got it.
The crash was due to Russia over producing oil to compete with the US.
Try using Reuters once in a while.
The crash was also due to the coronavirus and Trump didn't put the markets at ease with his dopy remarks and the fact he doens't have good people running places like the CDC.

Russia may have had something to do with it but not that much.
You could as well post: "Why yes, I am a total fucking idiot that you say I am! "

I could...but I don't want to be like Joe Biden and plagiarize... That's YOUR line, Boris.
You've never had an original thought in that pointy head of yours in your entire life, you little parroting FSB hack.

You're just a copy-and-paste useful idiot.
So he only gets credit for the good. No blame for the bad he causes. Got it.

I'm sorry - you are confusing Barry and how snowflakes feel about him - with President Trump. It's what Democrats / snowflakes have said about him for going-on 12 years now. :p

Trump's going to be a one term president. All the people who didn't like/support/vote for Hillary and Obama showed up yesterday to vote for Joe. They like Joe.

Trump only won because Hillary was so hated by so many. You guys did a job on her for 30 years talking shit about her. But Joe, you got nothing on. Women showed up for Joe big time yesterday too. So they don't mind his groping. Better than a pussy grabbing liar.

Without Hillary Clinton In The Race, Bernie Sanders’ Rural Edge Disappeared | HuffPost

Throughout Michigan, exit polls show Sanders losing rural voters to Biden by a 51% to 40% margin. Sanders won 57% of the rural vote in 2016. Among white voters without a college degree, Sanders won just 43% of the vote in 2020 after claiming 57% back in 2016.

You guys don't see the writing on the wall. All the people who didn't like Hillary love Joe. And the places that liked Sanders 4 years ago now like Biden over Sanders.

Sounds like we have a solid candidate.

Oh, and a lot of Republicans in Michigan showed up yesterday to vote for Bernie. It didn't work.
And when a recession comes guess who republicans will blame Hint ...Not Trump
But they would have blamed Carter Clinton or Obama. Why do they hold Democrats up to a higher standard?
But you deny that his idiotic response the other day caused the market to crash?

So he only gets credit for the good. No blame for the bad he causes. Got it.
The crash was due to Russia over producing oil to compete with the US.
Try using Reuters once in a while.
The crash was also due to the coronavirus and Trump didn't put the markets at ease with his dopy remarks and the fact he doens't have good people running places like the CDC.

Russia may have had something to do with it but not that much.
Reuter’s disagrees with you.
The crash was due to Russia over producing oil to compete with the US.
The crash was due to Putin refusing to go along with OPEC's request to cut back on production to support the price of oil. In part a reaction to US oil production increases. The effect of the oil price crash is making it impossible for a majority of US producers in the shale plays to make a profit at current price levels.
And we all know how much Liberals love the oil barons...suddenly.
...while today most Americans miss the pre-Trump normacy dearly....

Like the arming, supplying, funding, training, defending, protecting of terrorists, Drug Cartels and our enemies....

Like Pimping out our military to Al Qaeda and invading Syria....

Like destroying the existing health care system and imposing a minority-supported Liberal agenda-driven stepping stone to Single Payer...

Like Illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Justices, political opposition Presidential candidates & their team...

Like making secret deals with Putin through Putin-puppet Medvedev then 2 years later fiving Putin uranium, Crimea, & 2 years of unchallenged 'interference'

Like forcing millions onto unemployment, Medicaid, Food Stamps - dependence on free hand-outs in exchange for vote: 'economic slavery'...

Like 'You can keep your plan / doctor'...Jobs are gone for good - this is the new norm'...

Like being held in Contempt of Court multiple times, being found in violation of the Constitution multiple times, admittedly violating the Constitution, violating both the Constitution and Rule of Law repeatedly....

The most criminally non-compliant with the FOIA and FRA in US history....

Yeah, those were the 'good ol' days', huh, snowflake?!

The 2020 results suggest there are major limits to Sanders’ appeal to the rural white voters who live in these regions, and that his 2016 successes may have been due as much to sexism and Clinton’s decades of political baggage as to a thirst for Sanders’ progressive policies like “Medicare for All” or a $15 per hour minimum wage.

“People had made up their minds about Hillary Clinton, and there was a large segment of the Democratic electorate who had made their choice,” said Mark Longabaugh, a Democratic media consultant who worked for Sanders’ campaign in 2016. “There were a lot of more rural, older, conservative voters who moved towards [Sanders].”

Longabaugh said Sanders and his allies likely “underestimated” the role anti-Clinton sentiment played in assembling his 2016 coalition.

Not really - Clinton was seen as a more boring extension of Obama presidency in a CHANGE! election cycle...while today most Americans miss the pre-Trump normacy dearly and correspondingly flock to Joe Biden.

What you say is true but that doesn't mean what I said was wrong. Lots of people had been convinced/brainwashed over decades to believe Hillary was a liar and corrupt when the truth is she's probably one of the most honest

This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest | Jill Abramson

And women and black people didn't show up for Hillary. Blacks didn't vote for Trump they just didn't show up. They'll show up for Joe.

Thats true, she had the Clinton stink, some of her own doing, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of a Presidential hopeful.
The Dow surged in the last two hours yesterday, recovering only about half of what was lost the day before.

This morning, the Dow has dropped 800 points at the opening bell.
only down 863 at 10:20 AM
Down 1150 points at this moment, wiping out yesterday's gains.

I don't know how about you, but I buy up stocks just as a public health pandemic is unwinding.

I don't think we have hit bottom yet.
The 2020 results suggest there are major limits to Sanders’ appeal to the rural white voters who live in these regions, and that his 2016 successes may have been due as much to sexism and Clinton’s decades of political baggage as to a thirst for Sanders’ progressive policies like “Medicare for All” or a $15 per hour minimum wage.

“People had made up their minds about Hillary Clinton, and there was a large segment of the Democratic electorate who had made their choice,” said Mark Longabaugh, a Democratic media consultant who worked for Sanders’ campaign in 2016. “There were a lot of more rural, older, conservative voters who moved towards [Sanders].”

Longabaugh said Sanders and his allies likely “underestimated” the role anti-Clinton sentiment played in assembling his 2016 coalition.

Not really - Clinton was seen as a more boring extension of Obama presidency in a CHANGE! election cycle...while today most Americans miss the pre-Trump normacy dearly and correspondingly flock to Joe Biden.

What you say is true but that doesn't mean what I said was wrong. Lots of people had been convinced/brainwashed over decades to believe Hillary was a liar and corrupt when the truth is she's probably one of the most honest

This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest | Jill Abramson

And women and black people didn't show up for Hillary. Blacks didn't vote for Trump they just didn't show up. They'll show up for Joe.

Thats true, but among Democrats I would think being woman helps, not hurts, electoral prospects of Presidential hopeful.
Apparently not.

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