President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar


Apparently you forgot who is currently president, and which party has control of senate?
Apparently you forgot who is currently president, and which party has control of senate?
Not at all...that is where Sanity remains the Gate-Keeper....where an admitted political Impeachment - the 1st in US history - based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses - was rejected / slapped won and the crazy, Trump-hating failed coup conspirators were sent back to the House.
So he only gets credit for the good. No blame for the bad he causes. Got it.

I'm sorry - you are confusing Barry and how snowflakes feel about him - with President Trump. It's what Democrats / snowflakes have said about him for going-on 12 years now. :p
President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar fall


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President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar fall

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Is that the official Putin Regime's Response, Boris? :p

You just don't know when to quit do you?

That was a rhetorical question, we all know you are too stupid to do that.

So that was or was NOT the official Putin Regime's Stance on this whole thing, Boris?

You could as well post:

"Why yes, I am a total fucking idiot that you say I am! Here, let me prove it again, by calling you a made up name and insinuating that you have something to do with a response to plain facts I cannot refute"
So he only gets credit for the good. No blame for the bad he causes. Got it.

I'm sorry - you are confusing Barry and how snowflakes feel about him - with President Trump. It's what Democrats / snowflakes have said about him for going-on 12 years now. :p

Trump's going to be a one term president. All the people who didn't like/support/vote for Hillary and Obama showed up yesterday to vote for Joe. They like Joe.

Trump only won because Hillary was so hated by so many. You guys did a job on her for 30 years talking shit about her. But Joe, you got nothing on. Women showed up for Joe big time yesterday too. So they don't mind his groping. Better than a pussy grabbing liar.

Without Hillary Clinton In The Race, Bernie Sanders’ Rural Edge Disappeared | HuffPost

Throughout Michigan, exit polls show Sanders losing rural voters to Biden by a 51% to 40% margin. Sanders won 57% of the rural vote in 2016. Among white voters without a college degree, Sanders won just 43% of the vote in 2020 after claiming 57% back in 2016.

You guys don't see the writing on the wall. All the people who didn't like Hillary love Joe. And the places that liked Sanders 4 years ago now like Biden over Sanders.

Sounds like we have a solid candidate.

Oh, and a lot of Republicans in Michigan showed up yesterday to vote for Bernie. It didn't work.
Obama was right. You’re wrong.

The graph you show claims the number of manufacturing jobs yet to reach 14 million....

I"n 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

It also shows an increase in manufacturing jobs after dipping in 2016....I thought Barry said those jobs were gone forever, lil' snowflake.... :p
Liar, we haven't had 14 million manufacturing jobs since 2007...

... we had 17 million when Bush became president and that was with a smaller population. So no, not even Impeached Trump all mighty has brought those jobs back. Obama was right.
Only 145,000 jobs in December.
Same data, correct reporting.

While you're being distracted by economy,
We still have a vacuum in leadership.
Trump is doing great, the outrage from y'all prove it.
The 2020 results suggest there are major limits to Sanders’ appeal to the rural white voters who live in these regions, and that his 2016 successes may have been due as much to sexism and Clinton’s decades of political baggage as to a thirst for Sanders’ progressive policies like “Medicare for All” or a $15 per hour minimum wage.

“People had made up their minds about Hillary Clinton, and there was a large segment of the Democratic electorate who had made their choice,” said Mark Longabaugh, a Democratic media consultant who worked for Sanders’ campaign in 2016. “There were a lot of more rural, older, conservative voters who moved towards [Sanders].”

Longabaugh said Sanders and his allies likely “underestimated” the role anti-Clinton sentiment played in assembling his 2016 coalition.
Only 145,000 jobs in December.
Same data, correct reporting.

While you're being distracted by economy,
We still have a vacuum in leadership.
Trump is doing great, the outrage from y'all prove it.
In terms of the economy, he’s doing about as good as Obama was.

View attachment 311690


Obama was right. Trump didn’t bring the jobs back that he promised.
He is bringing them back. Better than Obama's lie, they are gone and never coming back.

That’s simply not true. Manufacturing employment growth isn’t any different under Trump as compared to Obama. Factories in Mexico and China aren’t shutting down and being moved to the US. It’s just not happening.
Yes it is.

If only you had data to back this up...
I'm seeing it all over down here. If you don't have a job, you don't want one. During the Obama years, I remember Pelosi telling us being unemployed was a good thing. You get to spend time with family, or you have more time doing your hobbies. The difference between two presidents.
His first crisis, and the orange clown fell flat on this face.

Oh? How? According to John's Hopkins this country is the best prepared on the planet.

Fact is Trump has done well and because of that you clownschave to resort, yet again, to lies and propaganda.

Trump rejected the WHO's test kit and sat around with his thumb up his ass.

11 'pages' later and with the snowflakes still freaking out, now might be a good time to bring up the point that I did NOT say the stocks soared BECAUSE 'Trump Acted' and did NOT say the two were connected.....what I said was:

[THREAD TITLE:] 'President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar'

[TITLE OF ARTICE CITED:] 'Dow adds 1,167 points as Trump talks economic initiatives'

[MY COMMENT:] '....Dems and snowflakes are depressed...'

...and you have well as 'triggered', enraged, and all 'pissy' about the perceived idea that Trump could get credit for the stock market stabilizing and recovering from this ridiculous panic over COVID-19.

Only 145,000 jobs in December.
Same data, correct reporting.

While you're being distracted by economy,
We still have a vacuum in leadership.
Trump is doing great, the outrage from y'all prove it.
In terms of the economy, he’s doing about as good as Obama was.
Lol, you diidnt build that, or manufacturing jobs are gone and aren't coming back. Obama hates America.
The 2020 results suggest there are major limits to Sanders’ appeal to the rural white voters who live in these regions, and that his 2016 successes may have been due as much to sexism and Clinton’s decades of political baggage as to a thirst for Sanders’ progressive policies like “Medicare for All” or a $15 per hour minimum wage.

“People had made up their minds about Hillary Clinton, and there was a large segment of the Democratic electorate who had made their choice,” said Mark Longabaugh, a Democratic media consultant who worked for Sanders’ campaign in 2016. “There were a lot of more rural, older, conservative voters who moved towards [Sanders].”

Longabaugh said Sanders and his allies likely “underestimated” the role anti-Clinton sentiment played in assembling his 2016 coalition.

Not really - Clinton was seen as a more boring extension of Obama presidency in a CHANGE! election cycle...while today most Americans miss the pre-Trump normacy dearly and correspondingly flock to Joe Biden.

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