President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

Yeah the fraud has done such a great job in preparation for coronavirus

Again, lil' ignorant snowflake, President Trump jumped into action 30 days after China reported COVD-19 to the WHO....unlike Barry who, pre-occupied with lying his ass off and preparing for the destruction of the existing health care system and enforced compliance with a new one designed to herd Americans toward Single Payer, failed to even announce an 'Emergency' until after 1,000 Americans were dead, thousands were hospitalized, and more were infected from H1N1.

You’re deflecting from the failed premise of this silly thread.
Actually I am NOT 'deflecting' - I am answering Edwards post.....and Truth hurts like a bitch, don't it? :p
Truth?? What do you fn republicans know about truth kissing the butt of a leader who's up to 15000 lies and more?

The promise of tax cuts and even bigger deficits always makes the markets happy.

How much did Obama offer in the way of tax cuts, and how did he lower the deficit? More importantly, what would a Bernie or a Joe offer in the way of tax cuts, and how would they lower the deficit?

Serious questions.
He is saying he is going to raise taxes.
EVERY ONE of the 2020 Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats not only said they would raise taxes but also made it clear they intended to reverse ever Trump action that has led to such historic success, dragging the nation back into Democrat Power-supporting 'economic-slavery'.
Yes all those clean water and air bills schmuck cancelled sure dragged our nation down
Lol, yeah a mud puddle in your yard could be considered a wetland. Sorry the goverment should not have that kind of power. I guess we could be like Democrat run flint.
Truth?? What do you fn republicans know about truth kissing the butt of a leader who's up to 15000 lies and more?

"It won't cost a dime.
It will pay for itself.
It will lower the cost of health care premiums.
If you like your plan / doctor you can keep them'.

Don't look now, snowflake, but you have an 'L' on your forehead and a little Barry jizz on your chin......

Jonathon Gruber bragged about how the Democrats count on the stupidity of snowflakes like you to get away with what they getaway with:

Truth?? What do you fn republicans know about truth kissing the butt of a leader who's up to 15000 lies and more?

"It won't cost a dime.
It will pay for itself.
It will lower the cost of health care premiums.
If you like your plan / doctor you can keep them'.

Don't look now, snowflake, but you have an 'L' on your forehead and a little Barry jizz on your chin......

Jonathon Gruber bragged about how the Democrats count on the stupidity of snowflakes like you to get away with what they getaway with:


Let' also not forget,
I will get advice from both sides.
The debate will be aired on cspan.
It will save a family $2500 a year.
He even lied about his mother's insurance.
Yeah the fraud has done such a great job in preparation for coronavirus

Again, lil' ignorant snowflake, President Trump jumped into action 30 days after China reported COVD-19 to the WHO....unlike Barry who, pre-occupied with lying his ass off and preparing for the destruction of the existing health care system and enforced compliance with a new one designed to herd Americans toward Single Payer, failed to even announce an 'Emergency' until after 1,000 Americans were dead, thousands were hospitalized, and more were infected from H1N1.

You’re deflecting from the failed premise of this silly thread.
Actually I am NOT 'deflecting' - I am answering Edwards post.....and Truth hurts like a bitch, don't it? :p
Your post has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

Notably, after the “action” you referenced, the stock market tanked. Only recovering slightly yesterday on the “action” of Trump which was vague references to unspecified economic stimulus plans, or in other words free shit.
I suppose it should be noted that even after the 1000+ point gain the DJI is still in the red from the start of Trump's 2nd year in office.

Yeah, a pandemic and an oil war will do that to ya. Trump has no responsibility so why bring up this useless factoid as if he is to blame?

Yet every time the market goes up by 5 points there is a thread from you Trump worshipers giving him credit for it...

Not from me clown boi. He is responsible for the deregulation that obummer enacted that was stifling job growth. The stock market goes up and down at the whim of stock specialists.

It is mainly fraudulent how it operates now.

Yet here we are in a thread doing that very thing and you choose to go after me and ignore the OP...weird

I specifically addressed the OP by stating a fact how the stock market operates independently from reality thanks to the machinations of stock specialists.

I merely took you to task for being disingenuous.

There was nothing disingenuous about my post. The markets stagnated for 20 months after the start of Trump’s 2nd year.
Had that not taken place this turmoil would be less damaging
This moron in our WH can't hold Obamas jock strap


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Obama was right. Trump didn’t bring the jobs back that he promised.
He is bringing them back. Better than Obama's lie, they are gone and never coming back.

That’s simply not true. Manufacturing employment growth isn’t any different under Trump as compared to Obama. Factories in Mexico and China aren’t shutting down and being moved to the US. It’s just not happening.
This moron in our WH can't hold Obamas jock strap


View attachment 311690


Obama was right. Trump didn’t bring the jobs back that he promised.
He is bringing them back. Better than Obama's lie, they are gone and never coming back.
He really is not, we will never get back to where we were because we have become too efficient. In the early 90s we peaked at just under 18 million employed in the manufacturing sector. Even with the gains the last 10 years we are not even to 13 million, and we are leveling off.
.....and one thing the Coronavirus exposed is the fact that the medications the US relies on being manufactured overseas....which means they can be used as a weapon against the United states. I believe we will see the US learn from this and see some of that moving back to the US....


So much for that legend
In the early 90s we peaked at just under 18 million employed in the manufacturing sector. Even with the gains the last 10 years we are not even to 13 million, and we are leveling off.


"In 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995

"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984."

Barry stated manufacturing jobs could NOT be brought back, that losing all those jobs was the 'New norm', which it clearly was NOT. President Trump accomplished what Barry said could NOT be done and has achieved successes that have not been seen in 5 decades...after Liberal doomsday prognosticators declared the United States would collapse under the governance of President trump.

Some things never change....
It’s pretty pathetic you had to go to an article two years old. Virtually nothing in the article actually references “bringing jobs back”. One of the 10 companies it references was Carrier and said this:

Finally, the company that President Donald Trump used as the starting point for his push to begin bringing jobs back to America: Carrier.​

A division of United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX), Carrier announced in February 2016 that it was shuttering a furnace and heating equipment plant in Indianapolis, sending its 1,400 jobs to Mexico. Then campaigning to be the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump seized on the move as being a classic example of free trade agreements costing American workers their jobs.​

The situation made even bigger headlines at the end of November when President Trump announced he had reached a deal with Carrier to keep 1,000 of those jobs in Indianapolis.​

That’s not quite the same as hiring, but the deal did bring 1,000 jobs back to America and kickstarted a high-profile movement among companies — like Ford and Walmart — that are anxious to be seen as part of the growing movement to create U.S. jobs.
What’s especially pathetic is an example of “bringing jobs back” is literally Carrier shipping hundreds of jobs to Mexico.

Here’s the actual data from the last 10 years of manufacture employment (not memes or cherry picked single month of job growth).


Obama was right. You’re wrong.


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In the early 90s we peaked at just under 18 million employed in the manufacturing sector. Even with the gains the last 10 years we are not even to 13 million, and we are leveling off.


"In 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995

"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984."

Barry stated manufacturing jobs could NOT be brought back, that losing all those jobs was the 'New norm', which it clearly was NOT. President Trump accomplished what Barry said could NOT be done and has achieved successes that have not been seen in 5 decades...after Liberal doomsday prognosticators declared the United States would collapse under the governance of President trump.

Some things never change....
Did you ever notice how you only reference manufacturing job growth in 2018?

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