President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

And then the next day stocks tank again! Throwing more stimulus on a fire that was essentially created by Fed stimulus will not help. It will only prolong the inevitable slide. Never ever let your political views influence your financial decisions. We are undoubtedly going to be in recession soon, probably by the third quarter. Hide behind shiny metal and wait for the coming buying opportunities.
In the early 90s we peaked at just under 18 million employed in the manufacturing sector. Even with the gains the last 10 years we are not even to 13 million, and we are leveling off.


"In 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995

"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984."

Barry stated manufacturing jobs could NOT be brought back, that losing all those jobs was the 'New norm', which it clearly was NOT. President Trump accomplished what Barry said could NOT be done and has achieved successes that have not been seen in 5 decades...after Liberal doomsday prognosticators declared the United States would collapse under the governance of President trump.

Some things never change....
Did you ever notice how you only reference manufacturing job growth in 2018?
We're not talking about manufacturing jobs in 2019.

The Dow is down 18 percent from its high. Probably headed lower, and into a bear market.

Since the dipshit FSB hack, easyt65, gave credit to Trump for the rise yesterday, what do you think the odds are he will assign the blame to Trump for the trillions in losses?
Catastrophic topic fail. Time for easyt to start another topic to distract from this one.

Maybe he can start a topic about how Trump makes the sun rise and that really pisses off Democrats.
Obama was right. You’re wrong.

The graph you show claims the number of manufacturing jobs yet to reach 14 million....

I"n 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

It also shows an increase in manufacturing jobs after dipping in 2016....I thought Barry said those jobs were gone forever, lil' snowflake.... :p
In the early 90s we peaked at just under 18 million employed in the manufacturing sector. Even with the gains the last 10 years we are not even to 13 million, and we are leveling off.


"In 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

Job gains for the manufacturing industry in the last 12 months are the most since 1995

"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984."

Barry stated manufacturing jobs could NOT be brought back, that losing all those jobs was the 'New norm', which it clearly was NOT. President Trump accomplished what Barry said could NOT be done and has achieved successes that have not been seen in 5 decades...after Liberal doomsday prognosticators declared the United States would collapse under the governance of President trump.

Some things never change....
Did you ever notice how you only reference manufacturing job growth in 2018?
We're not talking about manufacturing jobs in 2019.


easyt65 might be a little confused about dates.

His first crisis, and the orange clown fell flat on this face.
Obama was right. You’re wrong.

The graph you show claims the number of manufacturing jobs yet to reach 14 million....

I"n 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

It also shows an increase in manufacturing jobs after dipping in 2016....I thought Barry said those jobs were gone forever, lil' snowflake.... :p

Manufacturing jobs were flat in 2016 just like they were flat in 2019. There’d been consistent increases for the last decade with periodic pauses. There’s no real difference under Trunp.

Wanna tell us again how shipping hundreds of Carrier jobs to Mexico is “bringing jobs back” or are you done with propaganda Baghdad Bob?
This moron in our WH can't hold Obamas jock strap


View attachment 311690


Obama was right. Trump didn’t bring the jobs back that he promised.
He is bringing them back. Better than Obama's lie, they are gone and never coming back.

That’s simply not true. Manufacturing employment growth isn’t any different under Trump as compared to Obama. Factories in Mexico and China aren’t shutting down and being moved to the US. It’s just not happening.
Yes it is.
Obama was right. You’re wrong.

The graph you show claims the number of manufacturing jobs yet to reach 14 million....

I"n 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

It also shows an increase in manufacturing jobs after dipping in 2016....I thought Barry said those jobs were gone forever, lil' snowflake.... :p

Manufacturing jobs were flat in 2016 just like they were flat in 2019. There’d been consistent increases for the last decade with periodic pauses. There’s no real difference under Trunp.

Wanna tell us again how shipping hundreds of Carrier jobs to Mexico is “bringing jobs back” or are you done with propaganda Baghdad Bob?


Only 145,000 jobs in December.
Same data, correct reporting.

While you're being distracted by economy,
We still have a vacuum in leadership.
This moron in our WH can't hold Obamas jock strap


View attachment 311690


Obama was right. Trump didn’t bring the jobs back that he promised.
He is bringing them back. Better than Obama's lie, they are gone and never coming back.

That’s simply not true. Manufacturing employment growth isn’t any different under Trump as compared to Obama. Factories in Mexico and China aren’t shutting down and being moved to the US. It’s just not happening.
Yes it is.

If only you had data to back this up...
Obama was right. You’re wrong.

The graph you show claims the number of manufacturing jobs yet to reach 14 million....

I"n 2018, roughly 14.86 million people were employed in the private sector manufacturing industry."

It also shows an increase in manufacturing jobs after dipping in 2016....I thought Barry said those jobs were gone forever, lil' snowflake.... :p

Manufacturing jobs were flat in 2016 just like they were flat in 2019. There’d been consistent increases for the last decade with periodic pauses. There’s no real difference under Trunp.

Wanna tell us again how shipping hundreds of Carrier jobs to Mexico is “bringing jobs back” or are you done with propaganda Baghdad Bob?


Wow delusional.

So when is Hillary levitating into prison then?

Thanks for the propaganda, chief. It’s easiest to post cartoons than data, isn’t it?
His first crisis, and the orange clown fell flat on this face.

Oh? How? According to John's Hopkins this country is the best prepared on the planet.

Fact is Trump has done well and because of that you clownschave to resort, yet again, to lies and propaganda.

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