President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

Dopey Donald Trump has broken the stock market. Dopey Donald can't feed bullshit to bulls and expect gold nuggets to be defecated.

Yeah maybe sharp minded Biden or socialist Bernie will fix stock market lmfao

You obviously have no money in the stock market do you? even with the loss going on right now which will go back up I’ve made more money from when Obama was in there you uninformed leftest.

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Yeah I made much more when O'bama was in there too.

What's a leftest?

You Have to pay attention I need more money FROM WHEN Obama was in there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So O'bama owes you money? :uhh:
Have to leave this place of wrath and tears Got to check on Trumps DOW,only off 947 implied open now
Never thought this could get so bad that i'd hope for another 900 point loss trump dow off 1747 guess the moron didn't ease our fears
da fuq do you care about our manufacturing? Obama destroyed it

The greatest decline since 1980 happened under Bush 43 not Obama.

But what do you care about truth?

Manufacturing (1).jpg
da fuq do you care about our manufacturing? Obama destroyed it

The greatest decline since 1980 happened under Bush 43 not Obama.

But what do you care about truth?

View attachment 311965

So what did the Kenyan mongrel pole-smoking crackhead commie bastard do to stimulate the manufacturing sector? Deregulation? Tax cuts? Repatriation of companies back to the US? Tariffs on foreign products?

Oh wait: The only thing he did was to throw up his hands and say the manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. What a fuckin' surrender-monkey Obama was.
Have to leave this place of wrath and tears Got to check on Trumps DOW,only off 947 implied open now
Never thought this could get so bad that i'd hope for another 900 point loss trump dow off 1747 guess the moron didn't ease our fears
talking to yourself again?

maybe if you'd say less stupid shit others would at least try talking to you.
da fuq do you care about our manufacturing? Obama destroyed it

The greatest decline since 1980 happened under Bush 43 not Obama.

But what do you care about truth?

View attachment 311965

So what did the Kenyan mongrel pole-smoking crackhead commie bastard do to stimulate the manufacturing sector? Deregulation? Tax cuts? Repatriation of companies back to the US? Tariffs on foreign products?

Oh wait: The only thing he did was to throw up his hands and say the manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. What a fuckin' surrender-monkey Obama was.
And the economy, employment, and stock market soared.
da fuq do you care about our manufacturing? Obama destroyed it

The greatest decline since 1980 happened under Bush 43 not Obama.

But what do you care about truth?

View attachment 311965

So what did the Kenyan mongrel pole-smoking crackhead commie bastard do to stimulate the manufacturing sector? Deregulation? Tax cuts? Repatriation of companies back to the US? Tariffs on foreign products?

Oh wait: The only thing he did was to throw up his hands and say the manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. What a fuckin' surrender-monkey Obama was.
Your lying propagandists depend on you brainless parroting dumb fucks not fact-checking them. And even after you retards have been shown you were lied to, you get right back in line to be lied to by them again!

Jesus, you are fucking pathetic.

Manufacturing jobs plummeted under Bush, and began rebounding under Obama.

Dumb fucks.
da fuq do you care about our manufacturing? Obama destroyed it

The greatest decline since 1980 happened under Bush 43 not Obama.

But what do you care about truth?

View attachment 311965

So what did the Kenyan mongrel pole-smoking crackhead commie bastard do to stimulate the manufacturing sector? Deregulation? Tax cuts? Repatriation of companies back to the US? Tariffs on foreign products?

Oh wait: The only thing he did was to throw up his hands and say the manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. What a fuckin' surrender-monkey Obama was.
Your lying propagandists depend on you brainless parroting dumb fucks not fact-checking them. And even after you retards have been shown you were lied to, you get right back in line to be lied to by them again!

Jesus, you are fucking pathetic.


Trump for the win in 2020, and nothing you can do to stop it. :21:
I've been wanting to move a small portion of my investments from a traditional IRA over to a Roth. The portion I had in index funds. Originally figured it would cost me $25,000 in income taxes. Looks like I'll need again to extend my thanks to Trump for lowering my taxes. :(
da fuq do you care about our manufacturing? Obama destroyed it

The greatest decline since 1980 happened under Bush 43 not Obama.

But what do you care about truth?

View attachment 311965

So what did the Kenyan mongrel pole-smoking crackhead commie bastard do to stimulate the manufacturing sector? Deregulation? Tax cuts? Repatriation of companies back to the US? Tariffs on foreign products?

Oh wait: The only thing he did was to throw up his hands and say the manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. What a fuckin' surrender-monkey Obama was.

Who taught you that? Why don't you look at what he really said instead of what you were told he said?

"But frankly, part of it has had to do with automation. You go into an auto factory today that used to have 10,000 people and now they've got 1,000 people making the same number of cars or more. And — so what that means is even though we're making the same amount of stuff in our manufacturing sector, we're employing fewer people.

Now, the good news is that there are entire new industries that are starting to pop up and you're actually seeing some manufacturers coming back to the United States because they're starting to realize, "You know what? Energy prices are lower here, workers are better here, this is our biggest market. And so even though we off-shored and went someplace else before, now it turns out we're better off going ahead and manufacturing here."

But for those folks who have lost their job right now because a plant went down the Mexico, that isn't going to make you feel better. And so what we have to do is to make sure that folks are trained for the jobs that are coming in now because some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back, and when somebody says, like the person you just mentioned who I'm not going to advertise for, that he's going to bring all these jobs back, well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do?"

Questions for President Obama: A Town Hall Special
da fuq do you care about our manufacturing? Obama destroyed it

The greatest decline since 1980 happened under Bush 43 not Obama.

But what do you care about truth?

View attachment 311965

So what did the Kenyan mongrel pole-smoking crackhead commie bastard do to stimulate the manufacturing sector? Deregulation? Tax cuts? Repatriation of companies back to the US? Tariffs on foreign products?

Oh wait: The only thing he did was to throw up his hands and say the manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. What a fuckin' surrender-monkey Obama was.

Who taught you that? Why don't you look at what he really said instead of what you were told he said?

"But frankly, part of it has had to do with automation. You go into an auto factory today that used to have 10,000 people and now they've got 1,000 people making the same number of cars or more. And — so what that means is even though we're making the same amount of stuff in our manufacturing sector, we're employing fewer people.

Now, the good news is that there are entire new industries that are starting to pop up and you're actually seeing some manufacturers coming back to the United States because they're starting to realize, "You know what? Energy prices are lower here, workers are better here, this is our biggest market. And so even though we off-shored and went someplace else before, now it turns out we're better off going ahead and manufacturing here."

But for those folks who have lost their job right now because a plant went down the Mexico, that isn't going to make you feel better. And so what we have to do is to make sure that folks are trained for the jobs that are coming in now because some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back, and when somebody says, like the person you just mentioned who I'm not going to advertise for, that he's going to bring all these jobs back, well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do?"

Questions for President Obama: A Town Hall Special

This is a better quote:

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s no answer to it. He just says, ‘I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer...”

Obama Flashback: Jobs NOT Coming Back Under Trump
Just going back to the OP- and his implication that Trump was responsible for the Dow rising on Tuesday.

What is happening to the DOW is not Trump's fault- but neither was the bull market success because of Trump.

But if you are going to credit Trump for the successes of the stock market- but not give him 'equal' credit for the failures of the stock market- then you are just a partisan hypocrite.
Just going back to the OP- and his implication that Trump was responsible for the Dow rising on Tuesday.

What is happening to the DOW is not Trump's fault- but neither was the bull market success because of Trump.

But if you are going to credit Trump for the successes of the stock market- but not give him 'equal' credit for the failures of the stock market- then you are just a partisan hypocrite.

Just curious ---- when was the last time the OP showed himself in his own thread here?

Oh wait, he must be busy starting yet another "Rump Acts, Stocks Plummet" thread. It's getting to be a full-time job.
da fuq do you care about our manufacturing? Obama destroyed it

The greatest decline since 1980 happened under Bush 43 not Obama.

But what do you care about truth?

View attachment 311965

So what did the Kenyan mongrel pole-smoking crackhead commie bastard do to stimulate the manufacturing sector? Deregulation? Tax cuts? Repatriation of companies back to the US? Tariffs on foreign products?

Oh wait: The only thing he did was to throw up his hands and say the manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. What a fuckin' surrender-monkey Obama was.

Who taught you that? Why don't you look at what he really said instead of what you were told he said?

"But frankly, part of it has had to do with automation. You go into an auto factory today that used to have 10,000 people and now they've got 1,000 people making the same number of cars or more. And — so what that means is even though we're making the same amount of stuff in our manufacturing sector, we're employing fewer people.

Now, the good news is that there are entire new industries that are starting to pop up and you're actually seeing some manufacturers coming back to the United States because they're starting to realize, "You know what? Energy prices are lower here, workers are better here, this is our biggest market. And so even though we off-shored and went someplace else before, now it turns out we're better off going ahead and manufacturing here."

But for those folks who have lost their job right now because a plant went down the Mexico, that isn't going to make you feel better. And so what we have to do is to make sure that folks are trained for the jobs that are coming in now because some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back, and when somebody says, like the person you just mentioned who I'm not going to advertise for, that he's going to bring all these jobs back, well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do?"

Questions for President Obama: A Town Hall Special

This is a better quote:

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s no answer to it. He just says, ‘I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer...”

Obama Flashback: Jobs NOT Coming Back Under Trump
Obama was not saying you can't bring jobs back, idiot. He was calling Trump's bluff and pointing out Trump bloviates but never shows his plan, because he never has one, as we are fining out very painfully right now.

Just like when Trump promised you morons that he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare and you would have "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it will be so easy!"

How many times did I ask you tards to show me Trump's health plan during the campaign?

And none of you could. You know why? Because he was fucking lying and didn't have one.

Obama called Trump's bluff.

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