President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

View attachment 311849

Well, what brilliant move will the blob pull next?

You want to see the market really take a dive?

Elect Biden.

Under Obama’s 8 years, the DJIA climbed 149%. How’s it done under your blob?

I can't complain.

Would you like to go back to 2009?
Thanks for showing how the Dow, after bottoming out at 6600 in 2009, climbed 200% from then until Obama left office when it was almost 20000. While under Impeached Trump, it's up a paltry 19%, going up 3750 to 23550.
View attachment 311849

Well, what brilliant move will the blob pull next?

You want to see the market really take a dive?

Elect Biden.

Under Obama’s 8 years, the DJIA climbed 149%. How’s it done under your blob?

I can't complain.

Would you like to go back to 2009?
Thanks for showing how the Dow, after bottoming out at 6600 in 2009, climbed 200% from then until Obama left office when it was almost 20000. While under Impeached Trump, it's up a paltry 19%, going up 3750 to 23550.

Which level of growth is more sustainable, fucktard?

Let's compare their GDP growth rates.

Shall we?

Not Counting year elected:

Obama's Average = 3.855 %

Trump's Average = 4.596 %
View attachment 311849

Well, what brilliant move will the blob pull next?

You want to see the market really take a dive?

Elect Biden.

Under Obama’s 8 years, the DJIA climbed 149%. How’s it done under your blob?

I can't complain.

Would you like to go back to 2009?
Thanks for showing how the Dow, after bottoming out at 6600 in 2009, climbed 200% from then until Obama left office when it was almost 20000. While under Impeached Trump, it's up a paltry 19%, going up 3750 to 23550.

Which level of growth is more sustainable, fucktard?

Let's compare their GDP growth rates.

Shall we?

Not Counting year elected:

Obama's Average = 3.855 %

Trump's Average = 4.596 %
What kind of idiot averages out GDP??

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Annualized real GDP growth...

2010-2016: 2.3%
2018-2019: 2.6%

Do you even possess enough gray matter to know you're a fucking imbecile?
View attachment 311849

Well, what brilliant move will the blob pull next?

You want to see the market really take a dive?

Elect Biden.

Under Obama’s 8 years, the DJIA climbed 149%. How’s it done under your blob?

I can't complain.

Would you like to go back to 2009?
Thanks for showing how the Dow, after bottoming out at 6600 in 2009, climbed 200% from then until Obama left office when it was almost 20000. While under Impeached Trump, it's up a paltry 19%, going up 3750 to 23550.

Which level of growth is more sustainable, fucktard?

Let's compare their GDP growth rates.

Shall we?

Not Counting year elected:

Obama's Average = 3.855 %

Trump's Average = 4.596 %
Where the fuck do those figures even come from? Certainly not the BLS. Impeached Trump has not had a year of annualized real GDP exceed 2.9% in any year or exceed 3.5% in any quarter. So how the fuck could he possibly average out to 4.6%??

Obama was deliberate to a fault, while Trump trusts his instincts.

on major decisions that have to be made fast, a president will never have all the information needed. so once you have checked the experts and date, you have to be willing to rely on your gut
You want to see the market really take a dive?

Elect Biden.

Under Obama’s 8 years, the DJIA climbed 149%. How’s it done under your blob?

I can't complain.

Would you like to go back to 2009?
Thanks for showing how the Dow, after bottoming out at 6600 in 2009, climbed 200% from then until Obama left office when it was almost 20000. While under Impeached Trump, it's up a paltry 19%, going up 3750 to 23550.

Which level of growth is more sustainable, fucktard?

Let's compare their GDP growth rates.

Shall we?

Not Counting year elected:

Obama's Average = 3.855 %

Trump's Average = 4.596 %
Where the fuck do those figures even come from? Certainly not the BLS. Impeached Trump has not had a year of annualized real GDP exceed 2.9% in any year or exceed 3.5% in any quarter. So how the fuck could he possibly average out to 4.6%??


I think this is where you got the chart from so just wanted to post the article.

Trump’s Economic Growth Is Slower Than Obama’s Last 3 Years

Under Trump business investment has turned negative the past three quarters and is negative or essentially flat when the impact of inventory changes are taken into account. Pretty much the only segment of business investment that has been positive the past three quarters is Intellectual Property Products.

Even consumer spending slowed substantially in the December quarter. It went from a 4.6% growth rate in the June quarter to 3.2% in September to 1.8% in the last three months.

Trump’s second half GDP growth was weaker than reported

There are two major segments (inventories and trade) that can swing widely in any quarter, which can either add or subtract substantially from the GDP calculation. A third, government’s contribution, doesn’t tend to have the same multiplier effect on the economy as consumer or business spending as military goods don’t increase productivity.

One metric to look at is the contribution from Personal Consumption Expenditures (or consumer spending) plus Gross Private Domestic Investment (or business investment) minus the Change in Private Inventories (since they can swing back and forth quarter to quarter), as I believe it gives a better indication of the underlying economy.

By making these changes it increases the growth rate in the June quarter, slightly hurts it for the September quarter and substantially decreases it for the December quarter.

  • June 2019 quarter: Increases from 2% growth to 2.8% growth
  • September 2019 quarter: Decreases from 2.1% growth to 2.0% growth
  • December 2019 quarter: Decreases from 2.1% growth to 1.2% growth

The trend of 2.8% growth in the June quarter to 1.2% in the December quarter is not positive.

Obama’s last three years had better growth than Trump’s three years

A better metric to use than the GDP growth rate that is reported each quarter is the change year over year. The main reason is that quarterly results take the quarter-to-quarter change and multiples it by four. This means that any component having a stronger or weaker result in a quarter can create a yearly number that is not a good indicator of the real economy.

When Obama took office he inherited an economy that was in the teeth of the Great Recession. In 2009 personal consumption dropped 2.5% year over year and business investment fell off a cliff, down 21.2%. Both segments recovered and started the current 10-year plus economic expansion.


Durations of U.S. Economic Expansions

Using the same GDP metric of consumer spending plus business investment adjusted for inventory changes, Obama’s last three years in office had growth rates of at least 2.17% and as high as 3.06%.

For Trump the high point was 2.83% in 2018 when the tax cut seems to have had the largest impact and even fell short of Obama’s 2014 and 2015 growth rates of 3.06% and 3.05%, respectively.

In 2019 the adjusted growth rate was only 1.99%. This is less than Obama’s three last years in office and less than five of his last six years.

I use the timeframe of Obama’s last three years to compare to Trump’s three years since they had similar economic environments and are not distorted by the Great Recession.

Obama was deliberate to a fault, while Trump trusts his instincts.

on major decisions that have to be made fast, a president will never have all the information needed. so once you have checked the experts and date, you have to be willing to rely on your gut

This isn't Matlock.

Dopey Donald Trump has broken the stock market. Dopey Donald can't feed bullshit to bulls and expect gold nuggets to be defecated.

Yeah maybe sharp minded Biden or socialist Bernie will fix stock market lmfao

You obviously have no money in the stock market do you? even with the loss going on right now which will go back up I’ve made more money from when Obama was in there you uninformed leftest.

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Don't panic. November is coming and Dopey Donald Trump is closer than ever to the exit.

LMFAO from who and what army?

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The poop-chute of history already has a November ticket registration for Dopey Donald Trump and his spawn.

Lmao so you’re voting Biden?

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So the economy goes crashing...what trump will have to brag about? The best healthcare system that he promised? The beautiful wall that Mexico paid for? Or he will just blame it on Obama ?

Ps: friendly reminder the economy has been recovering since Obama's first term.
Those are not BLS figures, ya dumbass. Impeached Trump never had a quarter of real GDP growth exceed 3.5%


... you'll note my graph comes directly from the BLS website -- while your link goes to

Choke on it, Fucktard.

Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis you know what you posted? Cuz it looks a lot like what Faun was posting and nothing like what you were posting. Weird, huh?
instead of waiting until 1,000 Americans were dead and thousands were hospitalized from H1N1 before deciding to call it an 'Emergency', which is what Barry did...
No matter how many times you lying scum POS repeats that lie, it will ALWAYS be a lie and YOU will ALWAYS be a serial LIAR!
Those are not BLS figures, ya dumbass. Impeached Trump never had a quarter of real GDP growth exceed 3.5%


... you'll note my graph comes directly from the BLS website -- while your link goes to

Choke on it, Fucktard.

Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis

Imbecile, your initial brain-dead link went to, not And your link states GDP increased 4.0% in 2019. Now you post a link to and it shows GDP grew at an annualized rate of 2.3% for 2019.

2.3% is not 4.0%. You just showed the forum you're one of the dumbest posters here.


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