President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Every time any politician or business leader suggests protective tariffs, the globalists trot out the argument that it will start a "trade war" and will "cost us jobs." Really? Then how come China, one of the most protectionist nations on Earth, has had growth that has nearly doubled ours for a long time? How come America did so well when we followed ardently protectionist policies for decades, start with Abraham Lincoln?

And as for a "trade war," we have been in a "trade war" for decades--the globalists just don't want us to defend ourselves very much. Yes, we have some tariffs, but not to the degree that many other nations have. And, by the way, look at the industries that we do somewhat protect with tariffs, such as sugar--they are doing well.
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"Toyota says U.S. tariffs on steel, aluminum will raise costs, therefore prices of cars and trucks sold in America"

Reuters Politics on Twitter

The price for a ton of steel is about $140. If it takes one ton of steel to make a car, how much will a 25% increase in the price of steel increase the price of the car?

Answer: $35.

It will cost more than that (possibly $800-$900 a car) being that steel makes half the weight of the car....either case car manufacturers will demand suppliers to lower their prices on say a set of car seat, a set of glass (windshield, sidelights,backlights) or even tires to offset any other increase prices of the vehicle. So other industries are affected by the tariff.
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But a silly campaign promise. One that will HURT the USA. So he's basically gone and stopped America being great, so he's broken a campaign promise at the same time.

I mean, you get a monkey with a typewriter and make them write promises, and then put them in the White House, at some point they're going to fulfill a campaign promise.

There's a difference between protecting the US from unfair trade practices, which I agree with, and slapping tariffs on items which will force others to do the same back.

He's not put the tariffs on steel against the EU because there was some sort of problem between the EU and US on steel. He's done it because the EU exports more to the US than the US exports to the EU.


But putting this tariff in place doesn't redress this balance. It merely takes US business that isn't able to be that competitive, and gives it a boost, while hurting EU business in the US.


EU exports of steel aren't that great. About 20 million tons. So it's not going to make that much of a difference, other than increase the price of steel, which means US companies who use steel will have to pay more, which makes them less competitive.
Worked great back in 2002:
The protection of the steel industry in the United States had unintended consequences and perverse effects: it reduced production of steel in the United States,[how?] increased costs to users, and increased unemployment in associated industries. A study from 2003 found that around 200,000 jobs were lost as a result.[6][7]
I wonder what Trump tower is built from?

And Obama's chinese tires.
I remember the Bush’s flooded the market too with cheap Chinese tires

So, if cheap imports were bad then, are they good now?
The moron in chief tweeted this morning that trade wars are good and that they are easy to win.

Trump's administration has shown itself and, now more than ever, a big cluster you know what.

To safe himself he shows himself willing to throw this nation, it's people and is economy under the bus to stay in power.

Trump is not a patriot but a putz.
Protectionism built our heavy industry from Britain dumping here, and we need to do the same thing regarding Chinas cheap shit.
And the market took a dump because of it.

Other ways to help the steel industry.

Like what?
Regulation reductions, tax breaks.

What Trump just said is growth in the construction industry and goods made here just took a big cost hit. The goal should be to lower our costs.

Sorry, I don't buy that regulations and taxes is why the freaking EU has a trade surplus with US.
The moron in chief tweeted this morning that trade wars are good and that they are easy to win.

Trump's administration has shown itself and, now more than ever, a big cluster you know what.

To safe himself he shows himself willing to throw this nation, it's people and is economy under the bus to stay in power.

Trump is not a patriot but a putz.

I thought that trade deficits don't matter.

So, why would our trade partners care?
Trump: "Trade wars are good and easy to win"


Well everyone loses in a full blown trade waqr until their economies adjust to the new Monetarian regime.
Jim, just when it looked like we were returning to normal after 10 freakin' years, he tosses this stink bomb into the mix.

He stomped right on the market's throat when we were all ready to go. I'm speechless here.
Every time any politician or business leader suggests protective tariffs, the globalists trot out the argument that it will start a "trade war" and will "cost us jobs." Really? Then how come China, one of the most protectionist nations on Earth, has had growth that has nearly doubled ours for a long time? How come America did so well when we followed ardently protectionist policies for decades, start with Abraham Lincoln?

And as for a "trade war," we have been in a "trade war" for decades--the globalists just don't want us to defend ourselves very much. Yes, we have some tariffs, but not to the degree that many other nations have. And, by the way, look at the industries that we do somewhat protect with tariffs, such as sugar--they are doing well.

I just love how the isolationist always being up Lincoln when talking about tariffs. Because the world has not changed at all since the days of Lincoln. When Lincoln was president it took longer to get across the country than it does for a ship to go from China to the US.

You people need to quit living in the past, the world has passed you by.
The Free Traders conservative have been proven wrong by the history of the last 30 years.

You know I am 70 years old and I do not live in the past, I live for the future and right now the future does not look to bright if I am to higher prices for just about everything. To many of you oldster's like trump live in the 50's and 60's except for the tweeting. It's 2018 things have changed.

If you are that old, then you remember.

Was this the way Free Trade was supposed to work, ie we would always lose, and the working poor and middle class would never again advance economically?

Correll, your job at Fruit of the Loom underwear is not coming back, no matter what Trump does.

Your use of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule is noted and accepted as an tacit admission that you cannot refute what I said.

THe answer is no, this was not the way the Free Trade Policy was supposed to work.

It has failed. The reasons are debatable. The failure is not.

It is NOT ridicule. The world economy dictates that each country produce what they can produce most efficiently. It is the natural law. They make underwear in the Philippines. We make computer chips.

Except we don't. Not as much as we used to, and less every year. And why?

Are American workers stupid and lazy?


"In many ways, however, the IM Flash plant is an outlier. While companies based in the United States still dominate chip sales worldwide, only about 13 percent of the world’s chip manufacturing capacity was in this country in 2015, down from 30 percent in 1990, according to government data."

"Chip makers attribute the decline to a variety of forces, including high American tax rates and the hefty subsidies offered by foreign governments for new semiconductor plants, which can cost as much as $10 billion."

Jeez, other government subsidize manufacturing to get trade surpluses.


I thought trade balance didn't matter.
Every time any politician or business leader suggests protective tariffs, the globalists trot out the argument that it will start a "trade war" and will "cost us jobs." Really? Then how come China, one of the most protectionist nations on Earth, has had growth that has nearly doubled ours for a long time? How come America did so well when we followed ardently protectionist policies for decades, start with Abraham Lincoln?

And as for a "trade war," we have been in a "trade war" for decades--the globalists just don't want us to defend ourselves very much. Yes, we have some tariffs, but not to the degree that many other nations have. And, by the way, look at the industries that we do somewhat protect with tariffs, such as sugar--they are doing well.

I just love how the isolationist always being up Lincoln when talking about tariffs. Because the world has not changed at all since the days of Lincoln. When Lincoln was president it took longer to get across the country than it does for a ship to go from China to the US.

You people need to quit living in the past, the world has passed you by.

Explain what has changed in the world that means that letting other countries take our jobs is not a problem and does not hurt our citizens.

Especially as we can see how it has hurt our citizens.
The Dow lost 576 points after his announcement. It was up and looking good when he had to open his mouth.

The market doesn't care about the plight of the American worker.

Our corporations have adjusted to the unfairness of the trading environment so that they can make money while America gets fucked.

Any change to an environment they have adjusted to, will be a problem for them.

But they are not the be all and end all of this nation.
Should we allow other countries like communist China to dump steel in the U.S. killing jobs for American workers? That's what liberals in this thread are saying. If China dumping steel into the U.S. was hurting illegals the liberals would be in an uproar.
Wow who knew you were a socialist liberal?

Liberals have been saying forever that we need fair trade.

You conservatives are just taking the hard orange pole up the ass on trump’s trade announcement.

Conservatives pushed NAFTA, outsourcing and any free trade agreement they could sign until trump won in 2016.

Maybe if you lefties didn't wrap your complaints about globalism up with hefty doses of anti-Americanism, you would have had more luck selling your policies in AMERICA.

And, don't forget, Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, and Hillary was set on keeping it.

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