President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

As usual GOP voters are Mindless drones...
Actually, the GOP has come out strongly against this move.

That doesn't matter to Franco.

Like the vast majority of lefties, no matter what, he just attacks those who oppose his agenda.

Facts don't matter.
Funny how the GOP just keeps doing this kind of crap which kills regular Americans. And you dupes just keep voting for them.

The "Free Trade" policies that have made US the world's bitch on trade have has strong, constant bi-PARTISAN support for decades.

Trump didn't create the Rust Belt. The policies of the last 50 years have.

This is the US finally doing SOMETHING in response to the obvious fact that World Trade is slanted against US.
Why is the US constantly having massive trade deficits, with nearly all of our partners?
Because we’re crazy rich and we want the rest of the world’s stuff

That's not why the EU subsidized Airbus, to the loss of thousands of very high tech, high paying jobs.

They couldn't compete, so they cheated and benefited their workers and their economies at the expense of ours.

I want those jobs back for America and Americans.

This was not the way Free Trade was supposed to work.

If I remember correctly Ryanair (one of Europe's largest airlines) ordered 100s of Boeings over the years which is US government backed

Ryanair orders 100 Boeing 737s
"For Boeing, in financial difficulties for the last quarter, 85% of the deal will be guaranteed by the US government."

These types of deals have continued for years... Ryanair runs an almost all new fleet.

Now here is the problem...

View attachment 179771

That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

That one deal does not change the fact of Airbus supports, nor the mindset that it reveals in their governments.

They are out to fuck US, and they have been doing so.

If their response to US refuses to be their bitch is to blow up world trade,

so much for them being the mature ones.

And what is the problem? I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter?

So what are they pissed off about?

Seems they think that trade surplus matter to them.

Free trade has made us one of the most prosperous countries in the world. In the 1980s the economy grew at 5%. Trade wars are not good for business or Americans. Why are you so eager to punish Americans?

Boeing is one of the largest recipients of government subsidies so they are not pure.

Boeing gets shit compared to what Airbus got.

The actions of the european government in the Airbus case shows that they are operating from a mindset of pure economic nationalism.

The idea that our trade deficits are a result of natural market forces is absurd.
Every time any politician or business leader suggests protective tariffs, the globalists trot out the argument that it will start a "trade war" and will "cost us jobs." Really? Then how come China, one of the most protectionist nations on Earth, has had growth that has nearly doubled ours for a long time? How come America did so well when we followed ardently protectionist policies for decades, start with Abraham Lincoln?

And as for a "trade war," we have been in a "trade war" for decades--the globalists just don't want us to defend ourselves very much. Yes, we have some tariffs, but not to the degree that many other nations have. And, by the way, look at the industries that we do somewhat protect with tariffs, such as sugar--they are doing well.

I just love how the isolationist always being up Lincoln when talking about tariffs. Because the world has not changed at all since the days of Lincoln. When Lincoln was president it took longer to get across the country than it does for a ship to go from China to the US.

You people need to quit living in the past, the world has passed you by.

Explain what has changed in the world that means that letting other countries take our jobs is not a problem and does not hurt our citizens.

Especially as we can see how it has hurt our citizens.

What a changed world means is that when it took months for goods to get here from across the oceans tariffs were an effective means of control, now when my son can order clothing straight from China and be wearing them in two weeks, tariffs lose their power.

How does a country "take jobs" from another country?

Also, here are the top 5 steel sources for the US...

1. Canada
2. Brazil
3. South Korea
4. Mexico
5. Russia

are those places taking our jobs?

And this for aluminum

1. Canada
2. Russia
3. United Arab Emirates
4. China

What the hell did Canada do to us and why is Trump attacking them?
In other words, Filthy Don just proposed more goverment subsidies in our awesome capitalist nation. So much for bootstrapping. :abgg2q.jpg:

You trying to say you are in favor of Free Market capitalism, or are you just spewing shit?

Filthy Don is talking shit and it's very clear! :abgg2q.jpg:

Yeah, we all noticed that you were unable to answer the question.

In doing so, you did answer.

You are just spewing shit.
As usual GOP voters are Mindless drones...
Actually, the GOP has come out strongly against this move.

That doesn't matter to Franco.

Like the vast majority of lefties, no matter what, he just attacks those who oppose his agenda.

Facts don't matter.
Funny how the GOP just keeps doing this kind of crap which kills regular Americans. And you dupes just keep voting for them.

The "Free Trade" policies that have made US the world's bitch on trade have has strong, constant bi-PARTISAN support for decades.

Trump didn't create the Rust Belt. The policies of the last 50 years have.

This is the US finally doing SOMETHING in response to the obvious fact that World Trade is slanted against US.
As the world retaliates against us, and our allies are driven into China's hands GREAT work you POS trump and with higher prices his tax cuts are null and void
"The President is proposing a massive tax increase on American families. Protectionism is weak, not strong. You'd expect a policy this bad from a leftist administration, not a supposedly Republican one." - Supercilious Ben Sasse

"i don't know that President Trump should apologize to anyone for protecting American workers and certainly not to Senator Sasse" - Sarah Hogan Sanders

The Free Traders had their chance. They blew it.
Every time any politician or business leader suggests protective tariffs, the globalists trot out the argument that it will start a "trade war" and will "cost us jobs." Really? Then how come China, one of the most protectionist nations on Earth, has had growth that has nearly doubled ours for a long time? How come America did so well when we followed ardently protectionist policies for decades, start with Abraham Lincoln?

And as for a "trade war," we have been in a "trade war" for decades--the globalists just don't want us to defend ourselves very much. Yes, we have some tariffs, but not to the degree that many other nations have. And, by the way, look at the industries that we do somewhat protect with tariffs, such as sugar--they are doing well.

I just love how the isolationist always being up Lincoln when talking about tariffs. Because the world has not changed at all since the days of Lincoln. When Lincoln was president it took longer to get across the country than it does for a ship to go from China to the US.

You people need to quit living in the past, the world has passed you by.

Explain what has changed in the world that means that letting other countries take our jobs is not a problem and does not hurt our citizens.

Especially as we can see how it has hurt our citizens.

What a changed world means is that when it took months for goods to get here from across the oceans tariffs were an effective means of control, now when my son can order clothing straight from China and be wearing them in two weeks, tariffs lose their power.


All these "principled" conservatives tout the very 'free' trade that has hollowed out our manufacturing jobs and created trade deficits with practically the entire planet. But we can buy cheaply made shit!
84% of the jobs in manufacturing that have gone away are due to automation, not companies moving out. And given the hatred you Trumpanzees have for Musk, Tesla and Space X, you are total hypocrites.
Which is why China’s FoxConn has over 500,000 prisoners.
I do not understand economics-------I am not even sure how
and why "INTEREST" works------I cannot AMORTIZE even
with a slide rule. What will tariffs on metals do TO ME?
Trump: "Trade wars are good and easy to win"


Well everyone loses in a full blown trade waqr until their economies adjust to the new Monetarian regime.
Jim, just when it looked like we were returning to normal after 10 freakin' years, he tosses this stink bomb into the mix.

He stomped right on the market's throat when we were all ready to go. I'm speechless here.

Everyone one was ready to go except steel workers, now they can enjoy America first for a change.
We will pay more for products made in America,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump: "Trade wars are good and easy to win"


Well everyone loses in a full blown trade waqr until their economies adjust to the new Monetarian regime.
Jim, just when it looked like we were returning to normal after 10 freakin' years, he tosses this stink bomb into the mix.

He stomped right on the market's throat when we were all ready to go. I'm speechless here.

Everyone one was ready to go except steel workers, now they can enjoy America first for a change.
We will pay more for products made in America,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is a significant downside to this. The bond market is confirming that.

I'm only hopeful that this is just a first step in a negotiation process, because his reasoning so far is at a third grade level.

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
Trump: "Trade wars are good and easy to win"


Well everyone loses in a full blown trade waqr until their economies adjust to the new Monetarian regime.
Jim, just when it looked like we were returning to normal after 10 freakin' years, he tosses this stink bomb into the mix.

He stomped right on the market's throat when we were all ready to go. I'm speechless here.

Everyone one was ready to go except steel workers, now they can enjoy America first for a change.
We will pay more for products made in America,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is a significant downside to this. The bond market is confirming that.

I'm only hopeful that this is just a first step in a negotiation process, because his reasoning so far is at a third grade level.
Not according to his ass sucking faun club, they think it's g-r-e-a-t!
"Steel and aluminum tariffs are corporate welfare. They benefit the few through a tax imposed on all Americans." - Wacky Justin Amash

The Free Traders had their chance. They failed.
Trumps tax cuts are now null and void, he put a dagger into the hearts of the middle class the poor and ALL those using steel, cars planes etc etc etc Steel industry ALREADY benefit thru lower taxes

And what’s the bonus for We American consumers? Will we maybe pay more for cars? The tariffs are on aluminum to. Lots of shit is going to cost more because we know American steel manufacturers will jack up prices even though the shit is made right here. So aside from union hacks east of the Mississippi, how does this bennifet me, a non union consumer of products made of steel and aluminum? And why no tariff of food products and beef from south of the border and lumber north of the border? What's the net plus for consumers of those products who will also be affected by the tariffs on steel and aluminum?
What's dumb is the US has imported chromium ever since stainless steel was created, we don't have the raw materials...South Africa is the world's leading producer....
Trump: "Trade wars are good and easy to win"


Well everyone loses in a full blown trade waqr until their economies adjust to the new Monetarian regime.
Jim, just when it looked like we were returning to normal after 10 freakin' years, he tosses this stink bomb into the mix.

He stomped right on the market's throat when we were all ready to go. I'm speechless here.

Everyone one was ready to go except steel workers, now they can enjoy America first for a change.
We will pay more for products made in America,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Then raise the minimum wage it's only fair...
The price of anything using steel or aluminum will skyrocket which will cause great damage to our economy.
Direct orders from Vladimir.
The same thing happened before which led to Hitler.
"Steel and aluminum tariffs are corporate welfare. They benefit the few through a tax imposed on all Americans." - Wacky Justin Amash

The Free Traders had their chance. They failed.
Trumps tax cuts are now null and void, he put a dagger into the hearts of the middle class the poor and ALL those using steel, cars planes etc etc etc Steel industry ALREADY benefit thru lower taxes

???? we use steel and aluminum made in china for our
cars ??

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