President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

Sure,dope. That is the only thing made from steel and aluminum. :laugh2:
That is the thing with the largest amount of steel in it. Appliances are made of steel, but they don't weigh anything near a ton. Let's say 100 lbs of steel were used to make your washing machine. How much would the tariff add to the cost? $500 x 25% / 20 = $5.00.

These tariffs just aren't going to have that big of an impact on the economy.

I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

It's the biggest thing that most consumers buy. Steel makes up a significant percentage of the composition of some buildings, but concrete is the major material used in building, and labor is the biggest cost. Most bridges are built primarily with concrete these days. The industry has moved away from steel because it needs to be painted constantly and is therefor a maintenance headache.

You do understand that there is steel in the concrete, right?
ROFL. Yeah, it's about 10% steel by volume.

You just refuse to see the big picture. you asked me to explain the cummulative effect and then totally ignore the answer. Here's a short list of things that will go up in price. Computers (cases) printers, lamps, Cameras, scanners, tv's, appliances, cars, wire, cans, stereos, ipods, guns (you'll like that one) There are more things in your home that contain these materials than those that don't. Tariffs are by their very nature inflationary and we can see that Markets are responding negatively on this news. It's a bad idea, period. I think I just wasted more of my time trying to get you to understand. Right?
The Mexican and Canadian governments cannot survive without steel exports so they will increase subsidies. The cumulative effects will be felt there not here.
Sure,dope. That is the only thing made from steel and aluminum. :laugh2:
That is the thing with the largest amount of steel in it. Appliances are made of steel, but they don't weigh anything near a ton. Let's say 100 lbs of steel were used to make your washing machine. How much would the tariff add to the cost? $500 x 25% / 20 = $5.00.

These tariffs just aren't going to have that big of an impact on the economy.

I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

Yeah, it's not only ourselves and what we consume but everything the govt consumes. It will be passed on to all of us. But narrow thinkers are his base and narrow thinkers will support this debacle.
A $5.00 price increase on a $1000 dollar washing machine? I think we'll survive it.

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You need to learn simple math.
That is the thing with the largest amount of steel in it. Appliances are made of steel, but they don't weigh anything near a ton. Let's say 100 lbs of steel were used to make your washing machine. How much would the tariff add to the cost? $500 x 25% / 20 = $5.00.

These tariffs just aren't going to have that big of an impact on the economy.

I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

Yeah, it's not only ourselves and what we consume but everything the govt consumes. It will be passed on to all of us. But narrow thinkers are his base and narrow thinkers will support this debacle.
A $5.00 price increase on a $1000 dollar washing machine? I think we'll survive it.

View attachment 179907
You need to learn simple math.

It's not that simple, dope.
That is the thing with the largest amount of steel in it. Appliances are made of steel, but they don't weigh anything near a ton. Let's say 100 lbs of steel were used to make your washing machine. How much would the tariff add to the cost? $500 x 25% / 20 = $5.00.

These tariffs just aren't going to have that big of an impact on the economy.

I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

It's the biggest thing that most consumers buy. Steel makes up a significant percentage of the composition of some buildings, but concrete is the major material used in building, and labor is the biggest cost. Most bridges are built primarily with concrete these days. The industry has moved away from steel because it needs to be painted constantly and is therefor a maintenance headache.

You do understand that there is steel in the concrete, right?
ROFL. Yeah, it's about 10% steel by volume.

You just refuse to see the big picture. you asked me to explain the cummulative effect and then totally ignore the answer. Here's a short list of things that will go up in price. Computers (cases) printers, lamps, Cameras, scanners, tv's, appliances, cars, wire, cans, stereos, ipods, guns (you'll like that one) There are more things in your home that contain these materials than those that don't. Tariffs are by their very nature inflationary and we can see that Markets are responding negatively on this news. It's a bad idea, period. I think I just wasted more of my time trying to get you to understand. Right?
As I have explained, the price of these items will increase by a fraction of 1%. That's hardly going to cause an economic collapse or impose a hardship on anyone. It's far less onerous or harmful than Obama's "Clean Power Plan" would have been, but all you snowflake morons defended that.

Investors always overreact to any kind of news that might affect the stock market. The drop that occured when Trump made his anouncement is temporary.
I guess you simply don't have the mental capacity to see the big picture.

A car is not the biggest thing with steel, dope. How about bridges and skyscrapers. How much cost do you imagine is added for those?

Trump wants to do infrastructure but just upped the price tag considerably. Truly dumb.

Yeah, it's not only ourselves and what we consume but everything the govt consumes. It will be passed on to all of us. But narrow thinkers are his base and narrow thinkers will support this debacle.
A $5.00 price increase on a $1000 dollar washing machine? I think we'll survive it.

View attachment 179907
You need to learn simple math.

It's not that simple, dope.
Yeah, it is that simple, dumbass.

Actually his campaign promise- among others was a huge tariff on China.

Note how the markets tumbled do this announcement?

Between this and the threatened cancellation of NAFTA- this could get really ugly quick.

But you are right- this is what his voters wanted- a trade war with the rest of the world.
Can you quote Trump saying he was going to impose huge tariffs on China? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.
How would enforcing current law be "bigotry and neuroses?"

That's not what I said, pay attention! Is English your first language?

I am saying that the cost of doing what you suggest -- to all of us-- is not worth the only significant benefit, which is to cater to your bigotry and neuroses.

What would be the cost?
Food prices would rise immediately, for one. The size of our economy wwould be greatly reduced , as well.
"Toyota says U.S. tariffs on steel, aluminum will raise costs, therefore prices of cars and trucks sold in America"

Reuters Politics on Twitter

The price for a ton of steel is about $140. If it takes one ton of steel to make a car, how much will a 25% increase in the price of steel increase the price of the car?

Answer: $35.

It will cost more than that (possibly $800-$900 a car) being that steel makes half the weight of the car....either case car manufacturers will demand suppliers to lower their prices on say a set of car seat, a set of glass (windshield, sidelights,backlights) or even tires to offset any other increase prices of the vehicle. So other industries are affected by the tariff.
The Bagmen Left Holding the Bag

The corporate parasites will have to take a cut in profits instead. Richlovers want us to believe that the amount of profit is set in stone, so that higher material costs or higher wages can only lead to higher prices.
Should we allow other countries like communist China to dump steel in the U.S. killing jobs for American workers? That's what liberals in this thread are saying. If China dumping steel into the U.S. was hurting illegals the liberals would be in an uproar.
Wow who knew you were a socialist liberal?

Liberals have been saying forever that we need fair trade.

You conservatives are just taking the hard orange pole up the ass on trump’s trade announcement.

Conservatives pushed NAFTA, outsourcing and any free trade agreement they could sign until trump won in 2016.

Maybe if you lefties didn't wrap your complaints about globalism up with hefty doses of anti-Americanism, you would have had more luck selling your policies in AMERICA.

And, don't forget, Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, and Hillary was set on keeping it.
Whoever Is Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

Still more proof that Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. They purposely push a disgusting agenda to trick us into voting for the overt Right.
If you haven't figured out Donald Trump's negotiation strategy yet, let me spell it out for you. His first move is ALWAYS over the top. That establishes a threshold from which he negotiates down giving his adversary the feeling they have won when he ends up getting the deal he wants.

Does this mean that we should all thank god that we can't believe a word he says?
No, what it means is he a brutally tough negotiator and understands the psychology of the deal better than anyone. We should all thank god he is negotiating on our behalf.
Because we’re crazy rich and we want the rest of the world’s stuff

That's not why the EU subsidized Airbus, to the loss of thousands of very high tech, high paying jobs.

They couldn't compete, so they cheated and benefited their workers and their economies at the expense of ours.

I want those jobs back for America and Americans.

This was not the way Free Trade was supposed to work.

If I remember correctly Ryanair (one of Europe's largest airlines) ordered 100s of Boeings over the years which is US government backed

Ryanair orders 100 Boeing 737s
"For Boeing, in financial difficulties for the last quarter, 85% of the deal will be guaranteed by the US government."

These types of deals have continued for years... Ryanair runs an almost all new fleet.

Now here is the problem...

View attachment 179771

That is Germany and it is high end steel US imports which it has trouble producing themselves.... Look where china is...

The Limits of 'Made in America' Economics

"The E.U. has sworn to fight back if the Trump White House goes ahead and is reportedly already preparing measures, such as levies on American whiskey, rum, orange juice, potatoes, and tomatoes."

This was just stupid...

That one deal does not change the fact of Airbus supports, nor the mindset that it reveals in their governments.

They are out to fuck US, and they have been doing so.

If their response to US refuses to be their bitch is to blow up world trade,

so much for them being the mature ones.

And what is the problem? I thought Trade Deficits didn't matter?

So what are they pissed off about?

Seems they think that trade surplus matter to them.

Free trade has made us one of the most prosperous countries in the world. In the 1980s the economy grew at 5%. Trade wars are not good for business or Americans. Why are you so eager to punish Americans?

Boeing is one of the largest recipients of government subsidies so they are not pure.

The idea that our trade deficits are a result of natural market forces is absurd.
The Invisible Hand is the one picking our pockets.
Anything to get the social media from ripping on fearless Trump tweets...

am still befuddled. If we do not use CHINESE steel
and aluminum in building OUR CARS------or other fancy
stuff------how is a tariff AFFECTING ME? I thought that
tariff would affect lousy substandard Chinese knives and
screw drivers
You would understand If you worshipped your Stock Portfolio and didn’t give a shit about anybody but yourself.
Me, Myself, and Ayn

The profit-squeezers' economic Bible should have been titled Narcissus Shrugged.
If you haven't figured out Donald Trump's negotiation strategy yet, let me spell it out for you. His first move is ALWAYS over the top. That establishes a threshold from which he negotiates down giving his adversary the feeling they have won when he ends up getting the deal he wants.

Does this mean that we should all thank god that we can't believe a word he says?
No, what it means is he a brutally tough negotiator and understands the psychology of the deal better than anyone. We should all thank god he is negotiating on our behalf.
Why yes we are seeing his negotiating powers through higher prices and taxes......Wow so that's what winning is like....
Anything to get the social media from ripping on fearless Trump tweets...

am still befuddled. If we do not use CHINESE steel
and aluminum in building OUR CARS------or other fancy
stuff------how is a tariff AFFECTING ME? I thought that
tariff would affect lousy substandard Chinese knives and
screw drivers

Because the tariffs are not just on China, but every country that sends us steel. Do you ever read anything for yourself?

Fuck this board is filled with so many uninformed people it is almost scary.

thank-you------your response is a bit more elucidating------
Is the problem that things made with steel will now COST
more for us average middle class slobs?

They will and the countries that we now slapped tariffs one will retaliate with their own actions.

This move by Trump fucks over Canada more than any other country as we get the most from them.

What the fuck has Canada done to us to rate Trump going after them? Is Canada stealing our jobs, what the hell ever that means?
America has lots of untapped resources.
More employment, more taxes, more innovation, etc...
The High and Mighty on a Hirewire

Their comfortable static situation inevitably collapses. It is not safe and stable, it is negatively dynamic.
sorry ----your answer is NOT satisfactory----I is still
In reality, any answer provided will only be theoretical.

THAT ^^^^ is comforting in a mystical way
Spurring an industry is far more complex than any diagram in a PDF.
And no industry exists in a vacuum from other industries.

so true------THAT ^^^^^ is why I do not understand economics------too many variables
Economics is a soft discipline.
Nobody can predict the actual ramifications of any economic policy.
Dunces Dangling Doodles

Economists are toy rats for the fat cats to play with.
am still befuddled. If we do not use CHINESE steel
and aluminum in building OUR CARS------or other fancy
stuff------how is a tariff AFFECTING ME? I thought that
tariff would affect lousy substandard Chinese knives and
screw drivers

Because the tariffs are not just on China, but every country that sends us steel. Do you ever read anything for yourself?

Fuck this board is filled with so many uninformed people it is almost scary.

thank-you------your response is a bit more elucidating------
Is the problem that things made with steel will now COST
more for us average middle class slobs?

They will and the countries that we now slapped tariffs one will retaliate with their own actions.

This move by Trump fucks over Canada more than any other country as we get the most from them.

What the fuck has Canada done to us to rate Trump going after them? Is Canada stealing our jobs, what the hell ever that means?
America has lots of untapped resources.
More employment, more taxes, more innovation, etc...
The High and Mighty on a Hirewire

Their comfortable static situation inevitably collapses. It is not safe and stable, it is negatively dynamic.
Yes the mule does get tired and kicks...
Whoever Is Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

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